Well, there are two ways of "acceptance", one is, through dialogue and understanding each others concerns and working with them. The second one is, when you piss someone off, and they use deadly force, you don't have a choice but to accept. The US had to go down that path in Afghanistan post 911, I think its being repeated to a smaller extent by Pakistan this time.
Afghanistan has to understand, you can't allow terrorists into other countries, kills thousands of civilians and be happy about it. Someone from the side losing their Civilian population, will one day, put a big boot up someone's rear and it will hurt. I am sure that's the case now from what I am gathering!! So why not behave peacefully and coordinate efforts to eliminate terrorism to begin with?
Afghanistan is ALREADY in India's hands. Its been the case for a few years (remember the 50 cultural centers built like 4 year ago in mountainous areas where there is no population? The culture they teach to Afghan militants there, is VERY anti-Pakistani
This is now a straight forward Israeli style lock-down. Pakistani forces will create a safe perimeter. The Gates and the Fence will be built. And the Indian cultural "training" centers can train whoever they want to, and they can remain in Afghanistan and kill others. Like they've been doing for centuries. Nothing is or will change in that country, it goes back to the British invasion like 200+ years ago
But this is the right strategy, clear your borders and put the Snake in a cage before its able to bite you (which would happen if things continued down the good old path for another couple of years). A Snake with Poison in a Glass box is less scary than a tiny Roach!! So this is putting that Snake into the Glass box so everyone can see it but it can't bite anyone. Good and timely strategy.