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Breaking : PAF has start bombing terrorists hideouts !!!

So U mean to say that Gen Raheel did nothing? All this Zarb-e-Azb was just a drama? Have U forgotten the nonstop 24/7 daily bombings before he took over? On the contrary how about ur beloved fatso ganja and his goons who had been constantly harboring and benefiting from their assets in Punjab and free lunches for their sugar mills? Why leave them out? Oh wait...ofcourse they are saints and call roti a chochi. Now have some guts and face me. Stop creating funfair for people on the other side of the border like Ur beloved Noora and his goons are doing.
There are some people who are just looking reason to bash Pak army they look for opportunities to created hate against pak army. Politician are stuck in Panama and we not gonna leave them till they get what they deserve.
Bro, after APS same response was shown on a larger scale. With this systematic response you are talking about. What are we reaping today then??? If this response was and is so effective, we would not be in the position we are in today! Just give me answer of one question. Is mullah radio and his team still in Afghanistan or not?? Nothing happened, nothing will happen. By tomorrow this will already be cooled down.
This is a war, nothing get settled in a few battles,..
90% of the Pakistani side have been cleared from these militants

There are some people who are just looking reason to bash Pak army

Pakistan Armed Forces, intelligence agencies, Police and Rangers have proved to be incompetent. Why don't we first clean up officers that were sleeping on their jobs. Any attack on Afghanistan will proven even more dangerous to Pakistan. Why don't you first attack Pakistanis who were responsible for security of the nation who did not do their jobs.
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There are some people who are just looking reason to bash Pak army they look for opportunities to created hate against pak army. Politician are stuck in Panama and we not gonna leave them till they get what they deserve.

Sadly not even a single Nation spit venom against their Armed Forces come what may. May it be Turkey, Bangladesh or any country where multiple coups had been carried out by their Armed Forces but still they back them esp in time of crises but here we have Their Excellencies doing the enemy's job for them. I wudnt have mind if their criticism was for sake of good reasons but they ll try to level the score for sake of their GANJAS but wud not even care how damaging such things are only bcz they want the damage to come so their AAQA can walk free of Panama Case and likes of it. Its a damn pitty.
I think we should forget any operation inside Afghanistan. FO just made it clear.
Pakistan Armed Forces, intelligence agencies, Police and Rangers have proved to incompetent. Why don't you first clean up officers that were sleeping on their jobs. Any attack on Afghanistan will proven even more dangerous to pakistan. Why don't you first attack Pakistanis who were responsible for security who did not do their jobs.

So what do U think they are doing? Again so much for the incompetence of all of them from daily 24/7 bombing we had a relative peace only because of the blood shed by these blood incompetence people. They had done their job but did the civilian set up respond along? Where is bloody NAP? Where are the legislation recommended and agreed on aftermath of APS attack? Moresover why is their a resistance from elites to go after the goons in Punjab and Interior Sindh? Enemy is hitting us hard but yeah we ll send Sarhis for the Mums of the enemy just a day after they killed innocent civilians on the border. Are these incompetent agencies also responsible for it?
So what do U think they are doing? Again so much for the incompetence of all of them from daily 24/7 bombing we had a relative peace only because of the blood shed by these blood incompetence people. They had done their job but did the civilian set up respond along?

The Armed forces must guard the border but parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan borders have been occupied by militants. That proves incompetence of Pakistan Armed Forces. The politicians are even more incompetent and corrupt.
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Pakistan Armed Forces, intelligence agencies, Police and Rangers have proved to be incompetent. Why don't we first clean up officers that were sleeping on their jobs. Any attack on Afghanistan will proven even more dangerous to Pakistan. Why don't you first attack Pakistanis who were responsible for security of the nation who did not do their jobs.

Don't talk like an ignorant juvenile here. Suicide attacks cannot be stopped at first place. Did French and Belgium authorities attacked their own security personnels after attacks on their cities?
So U mean to say that Gen Raheel did nothing? All this Zarb-e-Azb was just a drama? Have U forgotten the nonstop 24/7 daily bombings before he took over? On the contrary how about ur beloved fatso ganja and his goons who had been constantly harboring and benefiting from their assets in Punjab and free lunches for their sugar mills? Why leave them out? Oh wait...ofcourse they are saints and call roti a chochi. Now have some guts and face me. Stop creating funfair for people on the other side of the border like Ur beloved Noora and his goons are doing.
There are some people who are just looking reason to bash Pak army they look for opportunities to created hate against pak army. Politician are stuck in Panama and we not gonna leave them till they get what they deserve.
Sadly not even a single Nation spit venom against their Armed Forces come what may. May it be Turkey, Bangladesh or any country where multiple coups had been carried out by their Armed Forces but still they back them esp in time of crises but here we have Their Excellencies doing the enemy's job for them. I wudnt have mind if their criticism was for sake of good reasons but they ll try to level the score for sake of their GANJAS but wud not even care how damaging such things are only bcz they want the damage to come so their AAQA can walk free of Panama Case and likes of it. Its a damn pitty.
They think we didn't notice their trend on PDF against Pak Army they are so organize that it seems like a planned propaganda. It's on every social media and Pakistani media but with the help of Allah we all crush their plans insha'allah. Just one decision from SC will kill their dreams. Insha'allah
Don't talk like an ignorant juvenile here. Suicide attacks cannot be stopped at first place. Did French and Belgium authorities attacked their own security personnels after attacks on their cities?

Why don't you first read the heading of this thread: "Breaking : PAF has start bombing terrorists hideouts !!!" We are talking about the Pakistan-Afghanistan border areas which have been taken over by the militants and PAF is bombing these hideouts and not about the suicide bombers.
The Aremed forced must guard the border but parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan borders have been occupied by militants. That proves incompetence of Pakistan Armed Forces. The politicians are even more incompetent and corrupt.

Those so called incompetent fools had laid their lives so U and me can enjoy at our Homes while they keep on bleeding on the borders for us. and Have U ever been to the Pak Afghan Border? Do U even know what kind of terrain it has? Do U even know that to build just one gate at Torkham what kind of mess we had to face? When U know the answer to these questions then plz come back to me. Even with all these hardships and limited budget Pakistan had cleared the sanctuaries of goons on its side but is it Army's responsibility to solve issues on Afghan side?
Why don't you first read the heading of this thread: "Breaking : PAF has start bombing terrorists hideouts !!!" We are talking about the Pakistan-Afghanistan border areas which have been taken over by the militants and PAF is bombing these hideouts and not about the suicide bombers.

Useless face saving bombing until they are across the border
They think we didn't notice their trend on PDF against Pak Army they are so organize that it seems like a planned propaganda. It's on every social media and Pakistani media but with the help of Allah we all crush their plans insha'allah. Just one decision from SC will kill their dreams. Insha'allah

I owe peace and stability of my area to ALLAH and Pak Army. I had lost many relatives to attacks of talis but it was PA that came to our help so how can I see people likes these bashing PA like that? It really hurts.ALLAH ll make them "Nishan-e-Ibrat" soon IN SHA ALLAH. That came straight out of my heart.
We have 2 types of b@stards..

Hidden sympathizers

Fake illigetimate b@stard librals...

Both in hyperdrive...

Shameless creatures forwarding their agendas on blood of innocents
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