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New Recruit

Aug 2, 2006
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This just in pakistanis people live in dream land.Points to prove that i am right

1.They think pakistan is more powerful than india.

India is more powerful then Pakistan its a fact, but we are not defenceless; we can also inflict some damage

2.They think china will be their permanent strategic partner.Mark my words china is only using pak to weaken india.If india falls(that is highly unlikely).Then in order to claim superiority in the region china will also try to destroy pak.

Layoff the crack

3.You people say pak militry is growing stronger(still it is miles behind india).But what about your countrymen.I know truth hurts and the fact is pak is a ******up country with a ******up economy.

nice language here

4.Now that china has been taken care of lets see us.US hates muslims.First afganistan then iraq now iran.When all these countries will be taken care of then it will be pak turn.

Only you hate muslims, why dont you go & join BJP?

More over usa is creating starwars system
.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Defense_Initiative. and when it is completed then it will definetly attack pakistan because western countries are sick of your kind of people.When you guys were trying to stop indo-us deal a us senate said"if pak wants to be treated like india then it has to behave like india.india is a responsible country".So in short terms future dosent look bright for your country.:

and you have phD in politics?
Troll Banned.

only haters like you hate muslims.

have a nice day.
Banned his second ID "asif34".

He sent me this hateful PM

asif34 said:
**EDITED** YOU, YOU **EDITEd** *EDITED** MUSLIM ALL YOU DO IS TO **EDITED**ALL DAY.:sniper: :sniper: :sniper:

This guy needs physcological help.
does this sounds familiar?

Okhla Ind. Area,
Phase III
New Delhi

I can be more specific, but I am not posting it for safety reason.

now stay the hell away from this website.
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