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Breaking News : US diplomat Tom Malinowski expelled from Bahrain


Mar 20, 2006
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US diplomat Tom Malinowski expelled from Bahrain
Tom Malinowski was scheduled to meet with Bahrain government officials and a leading human rights activist

A US diplomat has been ordered to leave Bahrain after meeting with members of a leading Shia opposition group, say Bahrain officials.

Tom Malinowski, US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, went to Bahrain on Sunday.

While there, he met with members of Al Wifaq, a move which the the Foreign Ministry of Bahrain says intervened in the country's domestic affairs.

Protests by members of the majority Shia population have been ongoing.

Mr Malinowski "held meetings with a particular party to the detriment of other interlocutors, thus discriminating between one people, contravening diplomatic norms and flouting normal interstate relations", state news agency BNA reported.

Mr Malinowski was expected to visit Bahrain for three days, and had meetings scheduled with Al Wifaq, government officials, and a leading human rights activist, Nabeel Rjab.

In meeting with Al Wifaq, Mr Malinowski's actions ran "counter to conventional diplomatic norms", the Foreign Ministry argued.

The small island nation near the Arabian Peninsula has experienced frequent protests by Shias, who seek enhanced political rights.


Political talks have thus far failed to mend rifts between the Shia factions and the Sunni monarchy.

Despite the diplomatic clash, Bahrain's Foreign Ministry was quick to note relations with the US remain sound.

"The government of Bahrain asserts that this should not in any way affect the two countries' relationship of mutual interests," according to a statement.

Bahrain, an American ally in a volatile region, is currently home to the US Navy's Fifth Fleet.

BBC News - US diplomat Tom Malinowski expelled from Bahrain
US diplomat Tom Malinowski expelled from Bahrain
Tom Malinowski was scheduled to meet with Bahrain government officials and a leading human rights activist

A US diplomat has been ordered to leave Bahrain after meeting with members of a leading Shia opposition group, say Bahrain officials.

Tom Malinowski, US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, went to Bahrain on Sunday.

While there, he met with members of Al Wifaq, a move which the the Foreign Ministry of Bahrain says intervened in the country's domestic affairs.

Protests by members of the majority Shia population have been ongoing.

Mr Malinowski "held meetings with a particular party to the detriment of other interlocutors, thus discriminating between one people, contravening diplomatic norms and flouting normal interstate relations", state news agency BNA reported.

Mr Malinowski was expected to visit Bahrain for three days, and had meetings scheduled with Al Wifaq, government officials, and a leading human rights activist, Nabeel Rjab.

In meeting with Al Wifaq, Mr Malinowski's actions ran "counter to conventional diplomatic norms", the Foreign Ministry argued.

The small island nation near the Arabian Peninsula has experienced frequent protests by Shias, who seek enhanced political rights.


Political talks have thus far failed to mend rifts between the Shia factions and the Sunni monarchy.

Despite the diplomatic clash, Bahrain's Foreign Ministry was quick to note relations with the US remain sound.

"The government of Bahrain asserts that this should not in any way affect the two countries' relationship of mutual interests," according to a statement.

Bahrain, an American ally in a volatile region, is currently home to the US Navy's Fifth Fleet.

BBC News - US diplomat Tom Malinowski expelled from Bahrain

As per the International law this is prohibit to contact with any non government person or a group other then government official and it is a right of Bahrain to expelled him. It is something we must learn from Bahrain and especially Indian and Pakistani's and it is common practice of western diplomat to visit our opposition parties and try to influence in our domestic matter's and if they do that then we also have a right to meet their opposition leader's and put our influence in their business
July 7, 2014

Bahrain asks US diplomat to leave

Foreign ministry attributes decision to Malinowski’s interference in domestic affairs

Bahrain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has considered Tom Malinowski, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labour, as a persona non grata and said that he must leave the Kingdom immediately.

The ministry attributed its decision to Malinowski’s interference in the domestic affairs of Bahrain and to holding meetings with only one side of the country’s components, Bahrain News Agency (BNA) reported on Monday evening.

It said he intervened in the country’s domestic affairs by holding meetings with some groups at the expense of others.

The statement said that such meetings “segregate” the people of the nation. His actions, added the statement, “run counter to conventional diplomatic norms.”

Bahrain is home to the US Navy’s 5th Fleet.

According to the ministry, the US official attitude indicated a discriminatory approach towards the citizens of the nation and clashes with diplomatic norms and natural relations between states.

The ministry added that its decision was based on a recommendation by the bicameral parliament taken at an extraordinary session held in July 2013.

“The Kingdom of Bahrain emphasises its close and robust relations with the United States and stresses the need that they are not affected by such negative issues that may mar their integrity and development in various fields,” the ministry said.

Malinowski was ordered to leave after meeting with Bahrain’s Shiite opposition group, Al Wefaq. He arrived in the country on Sunday and was scheduled to stay for three days, but his visit was cut short by the abrupt order to depart a day early.

He also had meetings scheduled with government officials, as well as leading human rights activist Nabeel Rajab who was released from prison late May after serving two years for taking part in illegal protests. Rajab told The Associated Press he did not meet Malinowski.

Two US officials in Washington confirmed that Malinowski has been ordered to leave but is still there while the logistics of his departure are worked out. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak publicly about the matter.

Bahrain asks US diplomat to leave | GulfNews.com


In view of above we all know how USA diplomats behave in Pakistan and what they do. if ordinary man knows it, imagine what the state security apparatus knows about them in Pakistan.

Now how many US diplomats were declared as persona non grata in Pakistan?
As per the International law this is prohibit to contact with any non government person or a group other then government official and it is a right of Bahrain to expelled him. It is something we must learn from Bahrain and especially Indian and Pakistani's and it is common practice of western diplomat to visit our opposition parties and try to influence in our domestic matter's and if they do that then we also have a right to meet their opposition leader's and put our influence in their business
Exactly which law prohibit foreign diplomats having conversation with non governmental people ?
As per the International law this is prohibit to contact with any non government person or a group other then government official and it is a right of Bahrain to expelled him. It is something we must learn from Bahrain and especially Indian and Pakistani's and it is common practice of western diplomat to visit our opposition parties and try to influence in our domestic matter's and if they do that then we also have a right to meet their opposition leader's and put our influence in their business

Who is stopping you from meeting opposition groups in western countries?
As per the International law this is prohibit to contact with any non government person or a group other then government official and it is a right of Bahrain to expelled him. It is something we must learn from Bahrain and especially Indian and Pakistani's and it is common practice of western diplomat to visit our opposition parties and try to influence in our domestic matter's and if they do that then we also have a right to meet their opposition leader's and put our influence in their business
and why was it Halal when Robert Ford did it in Syria and traveled illegally inside Syria without the government knowing??
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