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Breaking news: Snipers kill 5 , injure 11 police officers in Dallas during protest


Both these latest shootings were unnecessary

One man was pinned on the ground ; the other was just shot for reaching his wallet
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Appreciate the responses however FBI data shows that Whites commit majority of the crimes in US. You can pick individual indicators to reassert your arguments but its doesn't change the picture. If you only wish to discuss nuances like "murder rates" or "violent crimes", my question is why stop there? Why not discuss the causes and prejudice in the criminal justice system?

You cannot have it both way.

If you want to judge simply "Black and White" you have to compare to the whole population. But not an 1 on 1 population. However, if you compare crime rate, you can only compare to the criminal representation, not the entire population.

There are 3 white people for every black people in America, for each crime committed by a single white perpetrator, 2 crimes were committed by a black perpetrator. Hence black folks committed more crime than white people in general.

On the other hand, there are more white criminal in US than Black, that does not translate to the fact that white people committed more crime than black, it just simply saying there are more white people in America than Black people.

And no. The prejudice in criminal justice system does not apply to race, because in the criminal justice system of United States, you are not judged by a single judge, nor a tribunal, but a group of peer called Jury, and those included Black, White, Asian, Indian, or whatever colour. In term of law, this is called Jurisprudences.


Both these latest shootings were unnecessary

One man was pinned on the ground ; the other was just shot for reaching his wallet

Not quite right,

The Alton Sterling shooting is pretty legitimate judging from the video that being show publicly. The use of force are appropriate as at time, Sterling was indeed armed, and his hand free and reaching for where his firearms is. I know for a fact that even if I am pinned down with my back against the floor, I can still pull a gun from my pants and shoot you.

Unless there are evidence suggest otherwise, sterling shooting is quite legitimate to me.

Not knowing the other shooting, that I cannot comment
You cannot have it both way.

If you want to judge simply "Black and White" you have to compare to the whole population. But not an 1 on 1 population. However, if you compare crime rate, you can only compare to the criminal representation, not the entire population.

There are 3 white people for every black people in America, for each crime committed by a single white perpetrator, 2 crimes were committed by a black perpetrator. Hence black folks committed more crime than white people in general.

On the other hand, there are more white criminal in US than Black, that does not translate to the fact that white people committed more crime than black, it just simply saying there are more white people in America than Black people.

And no. The prejudice in criminal justice system does not apply to race, because in the criminal justice system of United States, you are not judged by a single judge, nor a tribunal, but a group of peer called Jury, and those included Black, White, Asian, Indian, or whatever colour. In term of law, this is called Jurisprudences.


You missed the entire point.

This is the argument put forth by @fallstuff :

>> Overall black folks kill twice as many white folks as the white folks kill black people.
>> In 2013 Black folks killed 409 white people, the White folks killed 189 black people.

1. This is the "black-on-white murder" narrative. What I've presented is 28 years of FBI homicide statistics that shows 84% of White homicide victims are killed by Whites. So “white-on-white murder” is a far bigger problem than "black-on-white murder", as far as U.S. is concerned.

2. Its gets worse if you see the "black-on-white murder" narrative in context of relative population because the picture is actually reserved since "white-on-black murder" rate (4.4) is twice (2x) that of "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8). And my earlier argument (#1) is reinforced because "white-on-white murder" rate (10.1) is almost six times(6x) higher than than "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8).

The fact that data doesn't support "black-on-white murder" narrative "both ways" is not my fault, its simply a bad narrative to begin with.

So my question is: Which part of "black-on-white murder" narrative are you defending? And which way?
Nope, these are skewed statistics and racist beliefs common among white folks. It's sickening that people like you actually believe black people are somehow inherently prone to committing criminal acts.

Believe it or not but there is no conspiracy to spread lies against the US. There is a severe race problem in the US and the sooner people like you realize it the better. It's appalling to how different the US is than Canada, Canada is probably a more diverse country yet you won't notice such despicable race problems here. But again, Canada was never involved in slavery or systematically bringing down people of colour.

Maybe we should dig up some Canadian Prison statistics....since the US is obviously biased,


"In the ten year period between 2005 and 2015 the federal inmate population grew by 10%.1 Most of this growth is attributed to steady year-on-year increases in admissions of Aboriginal people, visible minorities and women. During this period, the Aboriginal inmate population has grown by more than 50%. The population of women behind bars increased by over 50% while the number of Aboriginal women inmates almost doubled. Though representing 4.3% of Canadian society, 24.6% of the current total inmate population is Aboriginal; Aboriginal women now comprise 35.5% of the women in-custody population. Over the same period, the Black inmate population grew by 69%. The federal incarceration rate for Blacks is three times their representation rate in general society. These increases continue despite public inquiries and commissions calling for change and Supreme Court of Canada decisions urging restraint."

My my my...what is going on up there in "Angel Land"? You incarcerate aboriginals and blacks much higher than their population percentage.

If there was no slavery in Canada and thus no racial bias against them from being an equal member of society...what is your excuse for the higher incarceration rate...since racial bias is the excuse you are using for the US incarceration rate. Maybe you'll find it is the same reason as here...low income leads to crime. Low income areas have a higher police presence. A higher police presence makes it more likely people will be caught. Low income areas have demographics that don't match the national average.
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You missed the entire point.

This is the argument put forth by @fallstuff :

>> Overall black folks kill twice as many white folks as the white folks kill black people.
>> In 2013 Black folks killed 409 white people, the White folks killed 189 black people.

1. This is the "black-on-white murder" narrative. What I've presented is 28 years of FBI homicide statistics that shows 84% of White homicide victims are killed by Whites. So “white-on-white murder” is a far bigger problem than "black-on-white murder", as far as U.S. is concerned.

2. Its gets worse if you see the "black-on-white murder" narrative in context of relative population because the picture is actually reserved since "white-on-black murder" rate (4.4) is twice (2x) that of "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8). And my earlier argument (#1) is reinforced because "white-on-white murder" rate (10.1) is almost six times(6x) higher than than "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8).

The fact that data doesn't support "black-on-white murder" narrative "both ways" is not my fault, its simply a bad narrative to begin with.

So my question is: Which part of "black-on-white murder" narrative are you defending? And which way?

The fact is more than 50% of the murders are committed by 12% of the population is an alarming fact. The cops of all the people know this first hand, as 59 of them were killed in the line of duty so far this year alone. Most of the black folks killed got long criminal records. I worked in the retail business earlier in my life, always noticed black folks tend to get upset and angry over trivial issues really fast.

You have no clue about what you are posting about.
The fact is more than 50% of the murders are committed by 12% of the population is an alarming fact.

Again, cherry picking crimes data to fit your narrative when the reality is majority of the crimes are committed by White people. Here's the data:

In 2012,

Total offenses charged: 9,390,473
White: 6,502,919 (69.3%)
Black: 2,640,067 (28.1%)
American Indian or Alaskan Native: 135,165 (1.4%)
Asian or Pacific Islander: 112,322 (1.2%)

Source: FBI.gov

The cops of all the people know this first hand, as 59 of them were killed in the line of duty so far this year alone. Most of the black folks killed got long criminal records. I worked in the retail business earlier in my life, always noticed black folks tend to get upset and angry over trivial issues really fast.

You have no clue about what you are posting about.

Your personal experience is an anecdotal evidence. I've had a range of experiences with black people but you can't generalize based on your limited interactions.

You missed the entire point.

This is the argument put forth by @fallstuff :

>> Overall black folks kill twice as many white folks as the white folks kill black people.
>> In 2013 Black folks killed 409 white people, the White folks killed 189 black people.

1. This is the "black-on-white murder" narrative. What I've presented is 28 years of FBI homicide statistics that shows 84% of White homicide victims are killed by Whites. So “white-on-white murder” is a far bigger problem than "black-on-white murder", as far as U.S. is concerned.

2. Its gets worse if you see the "black-on-white murder" narrative in context of relative population because the picture is actually reserved since "white-on-black murder" rate (4.4) is twice (2x) that of "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8). And my earlier argument (#1) is reinforced because "white-on-white murder" rate (10.1) is almost six times(6x) higher than than "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8).

The fact that data doesn't support "black-on-white murder" narrative "both ways" is not my fault, its simply a bad narrative to begin with.

So my question is: Which part of "black-on-white murder" narrative are you defending? And which way?

And you don't understand my point.

You are comparing a partial statistic (e.g. Criminal) and use it to represent a whole group of people (American Population)

The way you compare it is actually not comparison between the 2 group, but rather a manipulation of data by using a false assumption on your end, and use the result to justify your point. White American criminal does not represent American Population, it represent a subset of American Population, hence you can only compare criminal to criminal, populace to populace, but not criminal and populace like you did.

Also, you have made several assumption that is wrong in interpretation the data by the FBI

1. This is the "black-on-white murder" narrative. What I've presented is 28 years of FBI homicide statistics that shows 84% of White homicide victims are killed by Whites. So “white-on-white murder” is a far bigger problem than "black-on-white murder", as far as U.S. is concerned.

The FBI data only cover crime but not murder, manslaughter or any sort of homicide specifically, so not all 67% white people committed murder, in fact, the number according to both DOJ Bureau of Statistic and Civil Right movement, Black accounted for 52% of homicide while Whites account for 44% of all Murder Suspect in the US between year 2008-2011

Most crime committed by White people are non-violence, which the top 3 is Fraud, Larceny and Assault.

And no, According to the same website (Both DOJ and CivilRightMovement, 90% of black people are killed by other black people.2.2% of black people are killed by others, so leave only 7.8% of black people were indeed killed by White people.


2. Its gets worse if you see the "black-on-white murder" narrative in context of relative population because the picture is actually reserved since "white-on-black murder" rate (4.4) is twice (2x) that of "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8). And my earlier argument (#1) is reinforced because "white-on-white murder" rate (10.1) is almost six times(6x) higher than than "black-on-white murder" rate (1.8).

Don't really get how you got the White on Black Murder is at a rate of 4.4 (4.4 what to be exact?) and Black on White at a rate of 1.8?

From your table There were;

3005 White Victim being killed in the US in the year of 2013, 409 of those are killed by Black
2491 Black Victim being killed in the US in the year of 2013, 189 of those are killed by White
3005 White Victim being killed in the US in the year of 2013, 2509 of those are killed by White
2491 Black VIctim being killed in the US in the year of 2013, 2245 of those are killed by Black

On a victim to victim comparison,

Roughly 13% of White people died in 2013 are killed by Black people, Only 7% of black victim were killed by White offender. While 83% of white victim is killed by white, and 90% of black victim is killed by Black


How do you get the White on black is roughly 2 times of those of Black killed white is beyond me. And More Black people killed other black people (90%) than white people killing white people too (83%).

On a populace comparsion

White Murderer is at 2755 offender per 196,000,000 non Hispanic white population = 1.4 per 100,000 white population

Black Murderer is at 2698 offerender per 37,600,000 non Hispanic black population = 7.1 per 100,000 black population

Number of White and Black offender ratio is roughly 50.5% to 49.4% (Absolute Value)

So, I have trouble looking at how you come up with your conclusion.
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It's appalling to how different the US is than Canada, Canada is probably a more diverse country yet you won't notice such despicable race problems here.

You sure about that?


"In the ten year period between 2005 and 2015 the federal inmate population grew by 10%.1 Most of this growth is attributed to steady year-on-year increases in admissions of Aboriginal people, visible minorities and women. During this period, the Aboriginal inmate population has grown by more than 50%. The population of women behind bars increased by over 50% while the number of Aboriginal women inmates almost doubled. Though representing 4.3% of Canadian society, 24.6% of the current total inmate population is Aboriginal; Aboriginal women now comprise 35.5% of the women in-custody population. Over the same period, the Black inmate population grew by 69%. The federal incarceration rate for Blacks is three times their representation rate in general society. These increases continue despite public inquiries and commissions calling for change and Supreme Court of Canada decisions urging restraint."

Canada: Where the grass is much greener. NOT!!!

People (Mostly Chinese) have a problem and sicked with the Alton Sterling Shooting?
Chinese should be the last ones lecturing Americans on racism, considering how they treat their Turkish minority and consider Blacks as subhumans:


Perhaps the most racist ad i've ever come across:

"When riots broke out in the U.S. city of Baltimore in May 2015, the reaction across the Chinese social web was sadly predictable as Internet users posted countless anti-black racist comments. However, what was interesting about their posts is how there is seemingly a growing conflation of African-Americans and African migrants in the minds of Chinese netizens. Now that China is home to tens of thousands of African immigrants, those racist comments morphed into xenophobia."


Banning Blacks from eating at restaurants, only Chinese would do such a thing:


Still crying about blacks @Desert Fox? :lol:

Like I said, nobody forced you guys to import so many millions of blacks from Africa and nobody forced you to make them your fellow citizens.

Now it is much too late for you to be crying about it.

Might as well learn to accept it now, that's what you've been doing anyway.
Still crying about blacks @Desert Fox?

Like I said, nobody forced you guys to import so many millions of blacks from Africa and nobody forced you to make them your fellow citizens.

Now it is much too late for you to be crying about it.

Might as well learn to accept it now, that's what you've been doing anyway.

Still crying about blacks @Desert Fox? :lol:

Like I said, nobody forced you guys to import so many millions of blacks from Africa and nobody forced you to make them your fellow citizens.

Now it is much too late for you to be crying about it.

Might as well learn to accept it now, that's what you've been doing anyway.

I don't know about anybody, but I find this post Extremely Racist.......

Black people are people, they aren't goods. And not al black people are no good crime committing trash.

You sure about that?


"In the ten year period between 2005 and 2015 the federal inmate population grew by 10%.1 Most of this growth is attributed to steady year-on-year increases in admissions of Aboriginal people, visible minorities and women. During this period, the Aboriginal inmate population has grown by more than 50%. The population of women behind bars increased by over 50% while the number of Aboriginal women inmates almost doubled. Though representing 4.3% of Canadian society, 24.6% of the current total inmate population is Aboriginal; Aboriginal women now comprise 35.5% of the women in-custody population. Over the same period, the Black inmate population grew by 69%. The federal incarceration rate for Blacks is three times their representation rate in general society. These increases continue despite public inquiries and commissions calling for change and Supreme Court of Canada decisions urging restraint."

Canada: Where the grass is much greener. NOT!!!

Chinese should be the last ones lecturing Americans on racism, considering how they treat their Turkish minority and consider Blacks as subhumans:

View attachment 316841

Perhaps the most racist ad i've ever come across:

"When riots broke out in the U.S. city of Baltimore in May 2015, the reaction across the Chinese social web was sadly predictable as Internet users posted countless anti-black racist comments. However, what was interesting about their posts is how there is seemingly a growing conflation of African-Americans and African migrants in the minds of Chinese netizens. Now that China is home to tens of thousands of African immigrants, those racist comments morphed into xenophobia."


Banning Blacks from eating at restaurants, only Chinese would do such a thing:


Actually, Chinese is generally hostile and sometime racist against other skin colour, with the exception of white skin, for some reason they feel that Black are just no good looter and I actually saw Chinese walking away on a bus when there is a black man getting on and sitting next to the Chinese Gentlemen

You should also know that Chinese in general don't like Muslim a lot, they think Muslim is dirty.
I don't know about anybody, but I find this post Extremely Racist.......

Black people are people, they aren't goods. And not al black people are no good crime committing trash.

Uh, what are you talking about? :lol:

@Desert Fox is our resident Neo-Nazi supporter, his previous avatar was of a Nazi. He has always had a problem with black people, referring to them as despicable and subhuman in the last few days alone.

I'm arguing against that view, Hell I'm a supporter of the Black lives matter movement. Like @Desert Fox secretly wants to be. :enjoy:
Uh, what are you talking about? :lol:

@Desert Fox is our resident Neo-Nazi supporter, his previous avatar was of a Nazi. He has always had a problem with black people, referring to them as despicable and subhuman in the last few days alone.

I'm arguing against that view, Hell I'm a supporter of the Black lives matter movement. Like @Desert Fox secretly wants to be. :enjoy:

What am I talking about?

I am saying your comment is racist.

And no, you care about 2 hoots on Black Issue, hell, I don't think you even meet a black people that was seriously discriminated against or live next to or actually have a black house mate?? And now you are here talking as if you are champion of Black Life Matter?

LOL, you are funny. On one hand, you pump out racist comment about the blacks, on the other, you support Black Life Matter? Go care about Black in Hong Kong first, then come back to me and talk about Black life matter in the US.
What am I talking about?

I am saying your comment is racist.

And no, you care about 2 hoots on Black Issue, hell, I don't think you even meet a black people that was seriously discriminated against or live next to or actually have a black house mate?? And now you are here talking as if you are champion of Black Life Matter?

LOL, you are funny. On one hand, you pump out racist comment about the blacks, on the other, you support Black Life Matter? Go care about Black in Hong Kong first, then come back to me and talk about Black life matter in the US.

I went to an International School in Hong Kong, and yes I had friends who were of African descent. :lol:

Why are you so upset about my support of Black lives matter? I believe all lives are equal regardless of skin color, so naturally I will support Black lives matter.
I went to an International School in Hong Kong, and yes I had friends who were of African descent. :lol:

Why are you so upset about my support of Black lives matter? I believe all lives are equal regardless of skin color, so naturally I will support Black lives matter.

Judging from what you said. You are racist against the black. You can say whatever the hell you want. You can even say yourself is black from Kenya, that does not mean you are or I have to believe you, I believe what I see and hear, and from that, you are RACIST against black.

I don't honestly care about Black Life matter or not, this particular incident is NOT ABOUT BLACK LIFE MATTER anyway. A dude killed 5 coppers out of no reason at all. It's straight up murder, unless you are telling me Black Live Matter is a legitimate reason to go outside and kill copper as you please, otherwise BLM movement have nothing to do with this particular incident.


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