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Breaking news: Snipers kill 5 , injure 11 police officers in Dallas during protest

Using your own "quantitative measure" approach, Whites commit more crimes in U.S. than any other group.

In 2012, charges were laid in 9,390,473 cases across U.S. for which the race distribution is:

White: 6,502,919 (69.3%)
Black: 2,640,067 (28.1%)
American Indian or Alaskan Native: 135,165 (1.4%)
Asian or Pacific Islander: 112,322 (1.2%)

Source: FBI.gov

So yeah whites commit more crime and are arrested more than blacks (note not convicted as chinese dragon, so see my prison stats above!) and?o_O
Even post more proof why Black lives matter are bunch of selfish goons.
:bunny: Now your making this into a race factor OK, I only wanted to point that more white people are killed by cops each year than black people and I've posted proof of that. And BLM is a sponsored trouble maker funded by Soros.

494 White dead by police; 258 Black.

Lets get an unbiased view from no other than google;
What percentage of crimes are committed by black?
Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides. In 2013, black criminals committed 38% of the murders. Whites accounted for just 31
Google is racist...
Fucking sick, fucking sad. If MLK Jr protested with non violence at a time much worse, why is it hard now? Police brutality is wrong, but a lot of the BLM people are a bunch of racist, lunatics.
So yeah whites commit more crime and are arrested more than blacks (note not convicted as chinese dragon, so see my prison stats above!) and?o_O
Even post more proof why Black lives matter are bunch of selfish goons. :bunny: Now your making this into a race factor OK, I only wanted to point that more white people are killed by cops each year than black people and I've posted proof of that. And BLM is a sponsored trouble maker funded by Soros.

Black lives matter is an activist movement. In an open democracy, people have the right to organize politically. Unless you oppose freedom of assembly and freedom of association, you have no point.

Lets get an unbiased view from no other than google;
What percentage of crimes are committed by black?
Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides. In 2013, black criminals committed 38% of the murders. Whites accounted for just 31
Google is racist...

FBI is a reliable source. Google is just a search engine. More importantly, all your statistics are nullified by the fact that your own "quantitative measure" approach says Whites commit more crimes than Blacks in US. Essentially, you've proven nothing.

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Statistics are meaningless when we "foreigners" see only white cops beating down on and killing black males.

Is it media sensationalism? I do not know.

The Indian grandpa whose neck was broken by cops using excessive (and unnecessary) force? White cops.


Please do not think I am simply beating down on you, seeing as this is the second time we are interacting, and coincidentally on a negative story concerning your country.

You will admit that increasing "siege mentality" and "roid rage" coupled with what many are calling the "militarization of the police force" are issues many Americans are speaking about today in their day to day lives.

Just requesting that out here on an international forum, you allow us into the discussion as well, and not simply dismiss us as hostile America-baiting "foreigners" ....

You missed two things.

1.) You assume more Black people killed by Police and that's a sign for Racism. Again, There are more black copper in the states than whites, and most police officer are either Black, Hispanic and/or mixed. Hence your logic is flawed.

2.) You assume all police shooting are illegal. in fact, according to ACLU and Police Union only, 15% of police shooting in the US are found non-justified in judicial procedure.

Tell me what will you do, whatever your skin color is, if a black man come out of a store where the alarm sounded and point a gun at you and ready to shoot, would you -

A.) - Shoot him
B.) - Call ACLU and make sure this is not racism?
Yikes, I usually don't respond to ignorant pieces of shit but I'll do you a favor. Learn to analyze data more better. I'll give your presented "statistics" the benefit of the doubt and take them as being accurate. 258 black people being shot dead by the police is 26%, this is a largely disproportionate number as black people only make up less than 13% of the population. There is also a problem of unarmed black men being murdered by the police. You have to be immensely ignorant and racist to ignore this problem.
Take your own advice. Blacks are disproportionately involved in crimes.

You can't make this stuff up.
Yes, you can. And quite often people like YOU often do make things up when it comes to US.
People (Mostly Chinese) have a problem and sicked with the Alton Sterling Shooting?

I have watched the video, the police shooting seems LEGIT.

After the Cop pin Sterling down in front of the car. I am going to transcribe the dialogue right before the gunshot.

Cop 1 - Please Don't Move (0:03)
Cop 2 - He's got a Fuxxing Gun, Gun
Cop 1 - Pulled his side arms
Cop 1 - If you fuxxing move I swear to god
Cop 2 - (Gun Drawn) Hands, He is going for the gun
1 second later, cop 1 shoot Alton Sterling 3 times
Camera Panned Away
Unknown - Get on the ground
3 more gun shots
Cop 2 - How's it going man?
Cop 1 - Shot Fire Shot Fire

Now, the vital second have the camera panned out and the police was later retrieved something resemble a firearms from Alton Pants pocket, which is where his hand roughly were when the first volley of 3 shots was fire.

The whole case hinged on whether or not Alton was going after his gun (Which is clearly showing prior to the first volley), His hand was pinned by the second officer (Cop 2) but were freed when the second officer going for his own firearms.

Unless more evidence suggested that alton did not reach for his weapon in his pants, or the police was planting evidence, the shooting seems legit.

Another focus point should be the second volley of 3 shots, which the camera panned away

But once again, people are media judged the whole things and well, if things is as it seems, it seems the shooting is LEGIT, and in America, we are innocents until PROVEN guilty.

P.S. I don't know which version you all watch, mind is this

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FBI is a reliable source. Google is just a search engine. More importantly, all your statistics are nullified by the fact that your own "quantitative measure" approach says Whites commit more crimes in Blacks. Essentially, you've proven nothing.
Blacks commit more crimes than Whites which is why they are more likely to get arrested.

Chicago and Detroit, two Black majority cities, are rated as worse than some parts of Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of their murder rate.
Bad news.. Its going a bad way..

But the current media output is disgusting when black ppl where murdered it was not a very big deal.. It was to some point but they only accused the blind hated policemen..

Now they show more as if it is a problem of black ppl portray the dangerous young black man..
. .
Using your own "quantitative measure" approach, Whites commit more crimes in U.S. than any other group.

In 2012, charges were laid in 9,390,473 cases across U.S. for which the race distribution is:

White: 6,502,919 (69.3%)
Black: 2,640,067 (28.1%)
American Indian or Alaskan Native: 135,165 (1.4%)
Asian or Pacific Islander: 112,322 (1.2%)

Source: FBI.gov


Black folks are still leading as violent crime perpetrators. Additionally, the white folks includes people of Hispanic ( Central or South American ) origin. It wouldn't hurt to read up a bit more of that FBI data !!!

One more little fact, black folks kill ( homicide) white folks 2:1 ratio.
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Using your own "quantitative measure" approach, Whites commit more crimes in U.S. than any other group.

In 2012, charges were laid in 9,390,473 cases across U.S. for which the race distribution is:

White: 6,502,919 (69.3%)
Black: 2,640,067 (28.1%)
American Indian or Alaskan Native: 135,165 (1.4%)
Asian or Pacific Islander: 112,322 (1.2%)

Source: FBI.gov

Given that Black population is only 12.1% compared to 77% white.
Cases though as per your source is 28.1% against Black population (more than twice thier composition) compared to a 69.3% which is actually lower than their population composition.
It seems like the legal system is pre-disposed to pursue criminal charges against the minorities than the white groups.
Take your own advice. Blacks are disproportionately involved in crimes.

Nope, these are skewed statistics and racist beliefs common among white folks. It's sickening that people like you actually believe black people are somehow inherently prone to committing criminal acts.

Black people make up 13% of the American population, much less than white people. So let's break it down in hypothetical numbers: 10 black people. 100 white people. if 3 black people steal, it appears as though 30% of black people steal. if 3 white people steal, it appears as though 3% of white people steal.

When people come out with statistics that say 30% of black people steal while only 3% of white people do, it appears as if there is a greater number of black people stealing than white people stealing.- now, when you get policemen who base their arrest off these kinds of statistics and they go after black people more often, of course they're going to find more people committing crimes. it has nothing to do with an inherent nature, but more to do with the fact that they're targeting a specific group and by targeting are able to find more people doing crimes (or accusing them of crimes and convicting them for it).

You also have to realize that when people of colour get arrested and tried for a crime, they are way less likely to get off for that crime than a white person would. this often has to do with either money, influence, or privilege.

So, while it appears that a high number of black people commit crimes, it has much more to do with skewed statistics, personal beliefs, and the fact that one is a minority more.

People are more likely to steal or commit similar acts due to poverty, the system has failed black people and forced them to live in poverty. We can talk about how slavery or Jim Crow laws destroyed blacks while aiding white people. Even during segregation, black people were in Tulsa were successful as black businesses were prospering. However, whites destroyed the whole city of Tulsa, most notably Greenwood (black wall street) through riots and massacres. We can also discuss the discriminatory lending practices that people of colour face such as highrisk subprime lending and redlining which is still practiced to this day.

Yes, you can. And quite often people like YOU often do make things up when it comes to US.

Believe it or not but there is no conspiracy to spread lies against the US. There is a severe race problem in the US and the sooner people like you realize it the better. It's appalling to how different the US is than Canada, Canada is probably a more diverse country yet you won't notice such despicable race problems here. But again, Canada was never involved in slavery or systematically bringing down people of colour.
Given that Black population is only 12.1% compared to 77% white.
Cases though as per your source is 28.1% against Black population (more than twice thier composition) compared to a 69.3% which is actually lower than their population composition.
It seems like the legal system is pre-disposed to pursue criminal charges against the minorities than the white groups.

Black folks are still leading as violent crime perpetrators. Additionally, the white folks includes people of Hispanic ( Central or South American ) origin. It wouldn't hurt to read up a bit more of that FBI data !!!

One more little fact, black folks kill ( homicide) white folks 2:1 ratio.
Blacks commit more crimes than Whites which is why they are more likely to get arrested.

Chicago and Detroit, two Black majority cities, are rated as worse than some parts of Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of their murder rate.

Appreciate the responses however FBI data shows that Whites commit majority of the crimes in US. You can pick individual indicators to reassert your arguments but its doesn't change the picture. If you only wish to discuss nuances like "murder rates" or "violent crimes", my question is why stop there? Why not discuss the causes and prejudice in the criminal justice system?

Black Lives Matter is not limiting the debate to extrajudicial killings of Black people, its a much wider movement. Quoting directly from Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes. It goes beyond the narrow nationalism that can be prevalent within some Black communities, which merely call on Black people to love Black, live Black and buy Black, keeping straight cis Black men in the front of the movement while our sisters, queer and trans and disabled folk take up roles in the background or not at all. Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks,Black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.

Source: Black Lives Matter
Appreciate the responses however FBI data shows that Whites commit majority of the crimes in US. You can pick individual indicators to reassert your arguments but its doesn't change the picture. If you only wish to discuss nuances like "murder rates" or "violent crimes", my question is why stop there? Why not discuss the causes and prejudice in the criminal justice system?

Black Lives Matter is not limiting the debate to extrajudicial killings of Black people, its a much wider movement. Quoting directly from Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes. It goes beyond the narrow nationalism that can be prevalent within some Black communities, which merely call on Black people to love Black, live Black and buy Black, keeping straight cis Black men in the front of the movement while our sisters, queer and trans and disabled folk take up roles in the background or not at all. Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks,Black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.

Source: Black Lives Matter

All is not kosher with blm, you can't be that naive.

race of those killed by police.JPG

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men.

Overall black folks kill twice as many white folks as the white folks kill black people.

In 2013 Black folks killed 409 white people, the White folks killed 189 black people.

Source: https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/u...f_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls

You can't deny this, the issue for the black people should be black on black crime.


  • race of those killed by police.JPG
    race of those killed by police.JPG
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Nope, these are skewed statistics and racist beliefs common among white folks. It's sickening that people like you actually believe black people are somehow inherently prone to committing criminal acts.
The real 'sickening' is the jump to race.

Black people make up 13% of the American population, much less than white people. So let's break it down in hypothetical numbers: 10 black people. 100 white people. if 3 black people steal, it appears as though 30% of black people steal. if 3 white people steal, it appears as though 3% of white people steal.
I have no interests in getting into the numbers game with you especially when the government and assorted public institutions have done it.

So to start off...


Nothing you can say in this forum about any 'skewing' of statistics that have not said and debunked before.

Things are so bad in the black community that not even Obama's hometown can cover it up any longer.


I am not attributing any racial component to this. YOU are, at least by charging me of racism.

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