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BREAKING NEWS : Shots fired reported in Strasbourg,casualties feared

Wow one dies in a shooting and its global news? Far right tries so tough to create the sense that there is chaos in Europe

Far right agenda isn't clear, they don't have end game or can't outline what future of Europe should look like. Same way Daesh has no end game. They are both just trying to create as much chaos as possible then want to leave ordinary people to deal with mess they will have created. They are both dangerous, uneducated or too radical and can't think rationally because of hate of other.

So it's not surprising they will highlight these incidents much more than anything else.
Wow one dies in a shooting and its global news? Far right tries so tough to create the sense that there is chaos in Europe
Nowadays they don't really need to try hard..." One line" rumor on the Internet..;that's all you need... People don't even ask for a millimeter of proof anymore...
What's 'NORAD'? Only way Macron may use this to limit protests is declaring martial order of some sort which I don't see happening honestly. He will lose more popularity that way. It is not large enough of magnitude attack to justify that.

NORAD is USA's big headquarters in the Colorado Rockies for military defense. On 9/11 NORAD was forcing the air traffic controls to continue running pre-planned safety drills of fake data. Some at NORAD were in on the 9/11 attacks.

It took me 5 years to come across evidence 9/11 was done by din joos. It may be 5 years for any of these be exposed. Though the pieces came together rather quickly for 9/11.
Far right agenda isn't clear, they don't have end game or can't outline what future of Europe should look like. Same way Daesh has no end game. They are both just trying to create as much chaos as possible then want to leave ordinary people to deal with mess they will have created. They are both dangerous, uneducated or too radical and can't think rationally because of hate of other.

So it's not surprising they will highlight these incidents much more than anything else.

Both Groups/side Know well their strategy... they aren't dumb...maybe the foot soldier who is ready to sacrifice himself for the "Cesar" at the top...but the true minds are seeing far in the future...
Their strategy is similar for both sides... Make Doubt a reality in the minds of people...and like a snake crawl inside the minds till you have enough people with that poison to counterbalance the power in place...
Number of casualties increased to 2 deaths and injured. Many seriously.
Both Groups/side Know well their strategy... they aren't dumb...maybe the foot soldier who is ready to sacrifice himself for the "Cesar" at the top...but the true minds are seeing far in the future...
Their strategy is similar for both sides... Make Doubt a reality in the minds of people...and like a snake crawl inside the minds till you have enough people with that poison to get enough power to counterbalance the power in place...

No, they are dumb and lazy. Fomenting hatred of the 'other' is very easy and lazy way insert yourself into mainstream society. They have nothing to offer but perpetual hate and incitement to violence. If they ever get into positions of power in future they are going to run the whole world into ground and trying using war as means to divert attention from their failures. They can't provide even social services to people. You are brighter than to think this retard IS heads have some genius plan up their sleeves. You don't have to be smart to realize hatred of the other is a cheap and lame way to give yourself importance.

Far right in Europe are not educated like the traditional conservatives or right wing there. They do attract some educated people from conservative side but that's about it. If they ever get into power they will run Europe into the ground with their policies. Unless of they course the leftists/liberals are doing all the policy implementation/drawing up and far right is just presented with options and decide what or what not to approve. They will of course take credit, but in reality they are not responsible for any of achievements(economic, scientific or military) in Europe. So like lazy pathetic people they are, they wait till all the normal people do all the hard work then try to assume the power so they can use it at their disposal.

Make no mistake, if they ever have power they will destroy Europe within 10 years. Same Daesh retards, they will take Middle east to stone age. Thankfully they aren't going to control anything, and we know the Mahdi will rule the Middle East in future and make it a prosperous place.
No, they are dumb and lazy. Fomenting hatred of the 'other' is very easy and lazy way insert yourself into mainstream society. They have nothing to offer but perpetual hate and incitement to violence. If they ever get into positions of power in future they are going to run the whole world into ground and trying using war as means to divert attention from their failures. They can't provide even social services to people. You are brighter than to think this retard IS heads have some genius plan up their sleeves. You don't have to be smart to realize hatred of the other is a cheap and lame way to give yourself importance.

Far right in Europe are not educated like the traditional conservatives or right wing there. They do attract some educated people from conservative side but that's about it. If they ever get into power they will run Europe into the ground with their policies. Unless of they course the leftists/liberals are doing all the policy implementation/drawing up and far right is just presented with options and decide what or what not to approve. They will of course take credit, but in reality they are not responsible for any of achievements(economic, scientific or military) in Europe. So like lazy pathetic people they are, they wait till all the normal people do all the hard work then try to assume the power so they can use it at their disposal.

Make no mistake, if they ever have power they will destroy Europe within 10 years. Same Daesh retards, they will take Middle east to stone age. Thankfully they aren't going to control anything, and we know the Mahdi will rule the Middle East in future and make it a prosperous place.

The Dumb and Lazy die at home...
There is nothing Dumb and Lazy about such strategy. Whatever the core message in that doctrine (Bad or Good) it doesn't matter. Since Intelligence isn't only meant for "Good" people.

As for the Mahdi... That's isn't a Sunni thing. (Neither the Twelvers) I personally, will not wait my hand crossed just because an "alleged" Human savior will emerge in X years.
Since a "Being a Mahdi" isn't new in Islamic history... Sallahudin was also said to be it... Or Mehmet the Conqueror... and so on.

We people, of the 21st century knows it isn't true about those past rulers... But people of that Time... didn't... and just Behaved/Believed as you do... and Most of the first timers...Even die before seeing the End of those rulers...
The Dumb and Lazy die at home...
There is nothing Dumb and Lazy about such strategy. Whatever the core message in that doctrine (Bad or Good) it doesn't matter. Since Intelligence isn't only meant for "Good" people.

You are not making any sense, yes their core message matters as they are trying to campaign themselves to the people. And if people see flaws within their message, they will not give them their support. There are any flaws within IS and Far Right agenda, and they both know that, so what do they do? Force themselves unto people either by violence or spreading around hatred. Far Right world revolves around Muslims, Islam and migrants. The reason is to force themselves unto European people. They don't actually hate Muslims that severely. But they keep propagating such message to assert themselves into position of authority.

So doesn't matter what issue is being discussed by politicians, whether environmental, social, or foreign affairs related. They respond with focus on Muslims blah blah blah. To discredit the opposition and basically force them to shut up. Eventually because they are so loud, they silence other voices, and this is their way of reaching power. Once they reach power, they will discriminate against everyone that isn't part of their club and distribute resources amongst themselves. And if anyone question such corruption or strange policies, they will hit them with being collaborator of Muslims or something. You clearly don't understand their strategy and approach.

It is a lazy and lame one, nothing impressive about it. Daesh does same thing in Middle East, try to force themselves unto the people who never asked for them in the first place.

As for the Mahdi... That's isn't a Sunni thing. I personally, will not wait my hand crossed just because an "alleged" Human savior will emerge in X years.
Since a "Being a Mahdi" isn't new in Islamic history... Sallahudin was also said to be it... Or Mehmet the Conqueror... and so on.

Actually it is a Sunni thing. But, only reason I brought it up is because Daesh and their supporters think their Caliph is rightly guided person who will restore Caliphate. Some of them go as far to claim he is the Mahdi. He is neither rightly guided nor will succeed in being anything similar to what historical Islamic rightly guided figures were. THat's why I said in our time, the Mahdi will be that figure and he will not approach matters like they do.

You are not supposed to be waiting for anyone. But, that doesn't mean agree with Khawarij or their approach which is reckless and will bring Middle east back to stone age. You need rightly guided people to lead Middle East out of the mess it is in and bring about prosperity and establishment of Islam. And those Khwarij are not the people for it.
You are not making any sense, yes their core message matters as they are trying to campaign themselves to the people. And if people see flaws within their message, they will not give them their support. There are any flaws within IS and Far Right agenda, and they both know that, so what do they do? Force themselves unto people either by violence or spreading around hatred. Far Right world revolves around Muslims, Islam and migrants. The reason is to force themselves unto European people. They don't actually hate Muslims that severely. But they keep propagating such message to assert themselves into position of authority.

So doesn't matter what issue is being discussed by politicians, whether environmental, social, or foreign affairs related. They respond with focus on Muslims blah blah blah. To discredit the opposition and basically force them to shut up. Eventually because they are so loud, they silence other voices, and this is their way of reaching power. Once they reach power, they will discriminate against everyone that isn't part of their club and distribute resources amongst themselves. And if anyone question such corruption or strange policies, they will hit them with being collaborator of Muslims or something. You clearly don't understand their strategy and approach.

It is a lazy and lame one, nothing impressive about it. Daesh does same thing in Middle East, try to force themselves unto the people who never asked for them in the first place.

Actually it is a Sunni thing. But, only reason I brought it up is because Daesh and their supporters think their Caliph is rightly guided person who will restore Caliphate. Some of them go as far to claim he is the Mahdi. He is neither rightly guided nor will succeed in being anything similar to what historical Islamic rightly guided figures were. THat's why I said in our time, the Mahdi will be that figure and he will not approach matters like they do.

You are not supposed to be waiting for anyone. But, that doesn't mean agree with Khawarij or their approach which is reckless and will bring Middle east back to stone age. You need rightly guided people to lead Middle East out of the mess it is in and bring about prosperity and establishment of Islam. And those Khwarij are not the people for it.

Like I said. Whatever X or Y strategy is a good or bad thing for Human societies, it doesn't matter. Since the steps/strategy/plans that was used for such results comes from minds that are far from being Dumb or/and Lazy.
They are playing with Emotions... the most basic instinct of Humans... And it's Difficult to do so...Since you need the "Right" time and environment to do so... That's why 20 years ago, they didn't succeed... or even 8 years ago...
Those type of people are lurking for years/Decades to strike at the right moment... so if you think such people are dumb, so be it. I, IMO don't think so.

As for Mahdi, it's Shia liturgy, mostly taking root from the "Imam's" Doctrine... Since we've got nothing of such as Sunnis. As for you comparison with ISIS... they are far from being the embodiment of Sunnis, let alone Msulims... So whatever they wish to take their knowledge from Weak hadiths from an Unknown book or from an alleged "Scholar" is up to them.
Two killed, 11 injured in Strasbourg firing: French Interior Minister


Strasbourg: Two persons were killed and eleven others were injured in a shooting near a Christmas market in the eastern French city of Strasbourg on Tuesday, French Interior Minister said.

As per details, The French Interior Ministry has confirmed that two persons were killed and eleven others were wounded while the suspected gunman, who was on the run, has been identified.

Soon after the incident, the French interior ministry took to Twitter, saying: "Serious public security event under way in Strasbourg. Residents are asked to stay at home."

"Shooting in Strasbourg´s city centre. Thanks to all for staying at home until the situation has been clarified," deputy mayor Alain Fontanel said in tweet.

It was reported that the Strasbourg-based European Parliament was on lockdown after the shooting, with MEPs, staff and journalists unable to leave the building.

The parliament is currently in plenary session, with hundreds of MEPs and officials having made the monthly visit to Strasbourg from Brussels.

It was reported that the Strasbourg-based European Parliament was on lockdown after the shooting, with MEPs, staff and journalists unable to leave the building.

The parliament is currently in plenary session, with hundreds of MEPs and officials having made the monthly visit to Strasbourg from Brussels.


There you have it. This raises the chance of a false flag. It is a trifecta - yellows, brexit and the EU, all in one covered. "Let's get along and hate the Muslim migrants".
There you have it. This raises the chance of a false flag. It is a trifecta - yellows, brexit and the EU, all in one covered. "Let's get along and hate the Muslim migrants".
Nothing is proven yet!

2 dead, several injured in shooting in France, officials say
Dec 11, 2018, 4:19 PM ET


Police officers secure a street and the surrounding area after a shooting in Strasbourg, France, Dec. 11, 2018.

At least two people have been killed and several more injured in a shooting in France, according to government officials.

The local prefecture in Strasbourg, about 300 miles east of Paris, wrote on Twitter than an individual opened fire in the center of the city on the Rue des Orfèvres around 8 p.m. local time.

The shooting is being treated as a terrorist attack, the Paris counter-terrorism prosecutor’s office told ABC News.

The suspect has been identified, and police are looking for him, according to the local prefecture. The suspect is known for petty crime, France's Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said.

Frederick Florin/AFP/Getty Images
Police motorcycles drive in the streets of Strasbourg, eastern France, after a shooting breakout, on Dec. 11, 2018.

Castaner is on his way to Strasbourg.

Well the French are burning and looting all of France anyways... Just a blip

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