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Breaking News: Sherry Rehman new Pakistani Ambassador in USA

I think the issue is deeper and bigger than merely nuclear weapons. It is a power struggle between the faujis and the politicos being played out.

Thats always been, but the Khakis didn't compromise on national security, politicos did.

And what politicos, NRO American appointees is more accurate.

Nothing should be taken away from the fact that this President is working with the Americans against the nation.
Thats always been, but the Khakis didn't compromise on national security, politicos did.

And what politicos, NRO American appointees is more accurate.

Nothing should be taken away from the fact that this President is working with the Americans against the nation.

Oh I agree with you on the truly horrible nature of the present crop pf politicos. I was merely mentioning the fact that this is a power struggle, no more, no less, without taking sides on the merit, or lack thereof, on either side.
Although not a great fan of the PPP, but I think she will make a good Ambassador.....when the test came, she was one of the very few who had the moral to resign on principles.
I think the issue is deeper and bigger than merely nuclear weapons. It is a power struggle between the faujis and the politicos being played out.

Absolutely on the button, VCheng!
This whole "l'affaire Memo" is just another tug-of-war being played out just as "l'affaire Raymond Davis" was an earlier episode in this long saga of kheencha-tani.

What can the general populace do in such a situation? Remain as tamashbeens. As in the past.
Absolutely on the button, VCheng!
This whole "l'affaire Memo" is just another tug-of-war being played out just as "l'affaire Raymond Davis" was an earlier episode in this long saga of kheencha-tani.

What can the general populace do in such a situation? Remain as tamashbeens. As in the past.

Nobody has a single thought to spare for the "general" populace on ALL sides.
Guys dont you think there will be a ego clash between Sherry rehman and her relatively inexperienced, young boss Hina rabbani.
Nobody has a single thought to spare for the "general" populace on ALL sides.

They (the guys indulging in these push-pull games) have no time for that.

Its only the common (naive) folks on the ground who are thinking about security, national pride and what not. While the push-pull guys are circling around (like wrestlers?) hoping to get a grip on the other guy and wrest him to the ground.

Just siyasat. Naked power game in progress. While the spectators remain watching. :)
Good choice Imo- she is not a Zardari lackey, but she is pro-democracy and a strong advocate for the rights of ever community. She has also participated in the recent paper on Pakistan's policies towards Afghanistan, which was considered pro-establishment. I would have to argue that she will represent Pakistan well, and won't be anyone's lackey.
Good choice Imo- she is not a Zardari lackey, but she is pro-democracy and a strong advocate for the rights of ever community. She has also participated in the recent paper on Pakistan's policies towards Afghanistan, which was considered pro-establishment. I would have to argue that she will represent Pakistan well, and won't be anyone's lackey.

I agree with you. She has a record of taking stand on principal and resign from ministry.
Good choice Imo- she is not a Zardari lackey, but she is pro-democracy and a strong advocate for the rights of ever community. She has also participated in the recent paper on Pakistan's policies towards Afghanistan, which was considered pro-establishment. I would have to argue that she will represent Pakistan well, and won't be anyone's lackey.

I agree with you. She has a record of taking stand on principal and resign from ministry.

Of course, she has many qualities, but please remember: She is PART of the power holding elite, and as such, there are limits to what she can, or will, be able to do, in her new position.
And THAT is why you can't rule out PPP's chances in the next election. This party is extremely popular among women folks and more so with educated ones. they don't just talk about equal rights of women but demonstrate them by assigning important posts to women.

Excellent choice by going with Ms. Rehman.
Of course, she has many qualities, but please remember: She is PART of the power holding elite, and as such, there are limits to what she can, or will, be able to do, in her new position.

VC you are right she is part of power holding elite, but I do not expects such a kind of nonsense from her that Haqqani did, her selection represent that army want to demonstration that they still not want to interfere into GOP business but they does not want a person on this sit who do not follow policies and protocol and impose someone else agenda.
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