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Breaking News:India most important partner in Asia: US.

Well technically India is of no worth to U.S, it is too weak of a state, and cannot really counter any of its neighbours influences...

But, U.S can use Indian Lakshwadeep islands for U.S Navy base!!
Who knows, it might be good to accept U.S in India
Well technically India is of no worth to U.S, it is too weak of a state, and cannot really counter any of its neighbours influences...

But, U.S can use Indian Lakshwadeep islands for U.S Navy base!!
Who knows, it might be good to accept U.S in India

You are right, US need good lapdogs not India.... who are able to allow Drone attacks in their own land.... who can get bombed on daily basis....
You are right, US need good lapdogs not India.... who are able to allow Drone attacks in their own land.... who can get bombed on daily basis....

India can lease Lakshwadeep islands to the US. Allow US to guarantee the security of India. No one would dare to enter Indian territory if India is under US protection.
:blah: :blah: :blah: The great US of A is hell bent on establishing a New World Order run by the Bilderbergs and Illuminati! But the biggest stumbling block to the Rothschild Zionist created and controlled Project for the New American Century (PNAC) is China and thus the US of A needs to get India on board as part of an alliance to counter China - the biggest thorn in its flesh.

In September 2000, the PNAC called for American forces to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars' against countries including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and North Korea, and called for the imposition of regime change in China (World War III). Once again, and echoing the words of Brzezinski three years earlier, the PNAC wrote:

This process of transformation is likely to be a long one, other than some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.

9/11 was the catalyst for all that has followed both in terms of overseas wars and invasions and the domestic demolition of basic rights and freedoms in America. What is happening in Syria today is the continuation of the plan that was instigated on September 11th, 2001.

So India must beware of the grand design of the Rothschild Zionist created and controlled Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Considering both India and China consist of 1/3 of the world's population, they must get together to thwart this grand design of the Americans to ultimately rule the world by establishing a New World Order.
Who would US protect India from? And who would US protect China from? Just ask the question and you have the answer.

We should allow multiple US NIMITZ class aircraft carriers with a permanent base here to patrol Indian ocean and make it easy for them to patrol south china sea with a whole fleet to be based here. We should also allow several CIA ops centres and equiments in the northern regions bordering china sophisticated radar and other devices. We should let them base fighters and bombers in Daulat Beg Oldie.
We should allow multiple US NIMITZ class aircraft carriers with a permanent base here to patrol Indian ocean and make it easy for them to patrol south china sea with a whole fleet to be based here. We should also allow several CIA ops centres and equiments in the northern regions bordering china sophisticated radar and other devices. We should let them base fighters and bombers in Daulat Beg Oldie.

Lets see if more Indians would care about your country like you do.
Ahhh, the old in x number of years India will have this, that & the other! :sarcastic:

You heard it here first folks. China has clashed with the mighty former Soviet Union and the world's most powerful superpower USA, yet according to "Srinivas", India is lot more stronger then these two! :sarcastic:

And the poor soul (bhagwan bless his little heart for trying) has the gall to tell others not to BS. You should take your own advice "Sriniwas".

Non sense troll.
India can lease Lakshwadeep islands to the US. Allow US to guarantee the security of India. No one would dare to enter Indian territory if India is under US protection.

Don't show your ignorance with every stupid post of yours.

The data fed is too less. The beta version automaton is making an a*se of itself.
he was bieng sarcastic

by the way, who should US protect india from? aliens?
there is no country in the world that can successfully invade india

Didn't China just put its soldiers in your territory not too long ago?
Didn't China just put its soldiers in your territory not too long ago?

there is a difference between pitching tents in a disputed perceived line along the border and launching an all out invasion.
Breaking news?

In South Asia yes! India is most significant partner for US.

But all over Asia it would be most likely Japan, South Korea, Philippines, China and then probably India.
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