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BREAKING NEWS: Humayun Ahmed dies

a great writer may he rest in peace amin

can anybody shed some light where can i watch "shokal-shondhe" & "kather manush bhondul" serial
was baker bhai written by this chap?

Yeahhhhhhhhh , the guy was better play boy than you, married his daughter's friend.......... Arrrrrrrhg!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

হুমায়ূনের কফিনের সামনে যুবলীগ-স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের হাতাহাতি...

নন্দিত লেখক হুমায়ূন আহমেদের মরদেহে শ্রদ্ধা জানানোকে কেন্দ্র করে ক্ষমতাসীন আওয়ামী লীগের দুটি সহযোগী সংগঠন- যুবলীগ ও স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের নেতা-কর্মীরা শহীদ মিনারে সংঘর্ষে জড়িয়ে পড়ে।

সকাল ১১টা ৪০ মিনিটে দিকে হুমায়ূন আহমেদের কফিনের সামনে ধানমন্ডি থানা যুবলীগ ও নিউমার্কেট থানা স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের নেতা-কর্মীদের মধ্যে হাতাহাতি ও ধ্বস্তাধস্তির ঘটনা ঘটে।

এ সময় উপস্থিত মানুষের মধ্যে আতঙ্ক ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। ঘটনার পর প্রায় পাঁচ মিনিট সর্বসাধারণের শ্রদ্ধা জানানোর কার্যক্রম বন্ধ করে দেয় আয়োজকরা। পরে বেশ কয়েকজন জ্যেষ্ঠ নেতার হস্তক্ষেপে পরিস্থিতি শান্ত হলে ফের শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন শুরু হয়।

শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন অনুষ্ঠানের উপস্থাপক হাসান আরিফ সকলের কাছে এই অনভিপ্রেত ঘটনা ও শ্রদ্ধা জানানোয় সাময়িক ব্যাঘাত ঘটার জন্য সকলের কাছে ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করেন।

তিনি বলেন, ‘একটি দলের ঐতিহ্যবাহী দুটি সহযোগী সংগঠনের কাছ থেকে এ ধরনের ঘটনা অপ্রত্যাশিত।’ (রিয়েল-টাইম নিউজ ডটকম, real-timenews.com)
Wait a minute, Humayun Ahmed married his daughter's friend, what happened to his daughter's mother?

And from the Bengali news I see Awami League at his janaja, this guy was Awami Leaguer?
It is his second wife who is causing controversy even before he was buried. Humuyan married Shaon who was the classmate of his daughter and divorced his first wife. Shaon's mother is AL MP Tahera Ali.
Wait a minute, Humayun Ahmed married his daughter's friend, what happened to his daughter's mother?

And from the Bengali news I see Awami League at his janaja, this guy was Awami Leaguer?

He divorced his first wife. I don't think he was an Awami Leaguer. He was of course pro-independence though, but never used negative stereotype of religious people or mosque imams in his literary works, rather tried to project a positive image of religious persons in spite of his father's death in the hands of Pak Army or 'Razakars'. I often forget what I read in his novels, but I still remember a plot where a young woman, being prohibited by a mosque Imam to climb up a tamarind tree, asks the Imam if Allah would be angry if she climbs up the tree to pick some fruits and the Imam replies "Allah doesn't become angry so easily, but we are human beings and we fear the wrath of human beings more than the wrath of Allah".
i am shocked like many Bangladeshi at the death of our most acclaimed writer film maker humayun ahmed . i haven't the luck of reading much of his 200+ books but at least 20~30 books and story i have read have places him in special place . i pray my may Allah forgive his wrong doing and place him in Jannat amen.

the demise of humayun ahmed have ended a colorful era of bangla literature . no writer in recent history made so much influence on people minds then humayun ahmed . any where he touches have gave outstanding success. his books was the half of book sold in Ekushe boi mela and every year around two lacs books sells roud the year . his work had reduced the inflow of west bengalee writing in Bangladesh and had held flourishing the Bangladeshi publishing industry . his achievement seems untouchable soon by any writer in Bangladesh. and the lost of humayun cannot fulfill any time soon .
It is his second wife who is causing controversy even before he was buried. Humuyan married Shaon who was the classmate of his daughter and divorced his first wife. Shaon's mother is AL MP Tahera Ali.

Thanks for the info, I guess love is blind, sometimes to the detriment of people around you.
RIP Humayun Ahmad Sahab.He was such a great writer, I have gone through some of his books.He will be sorely missed coz of his writing skills.He is among the ones who contributed towards the independence of Bangladesh and fought with Pakistan during his college days ..
bloody hell man. We will now never know where Himu would stop walking, which mystery Misir Ali would solve next. It's a dam loss to our nation. RIP to him.
He divorced his first wife. I don't think he was an Awami Leaguer. He was of course pro-independence though, but never used negative stereotype of religious people or mosque imams in his literary works, rather tried to project a positive image of religious persons in spite of his father's death in the hands of Pak Army or 'Razakars'. I often forget what I read in his novels, but I still remember a plot where a young woman, being prohibited by a mosque Imam to climb up a tamarind tree, asks the Imam if Allah would be angry if she climbs up the tree to pick some fruits and the Imam replies "Allah doesn't become angry so easily, but we are human beings and we fear the wrath of human beings more than the wrath of Allah".

Thanks for the info. I have also heard he was a Namazi guy. I was just shocked to see about his marriage history. But it is his personal life. Nothing for us to poke nose about. If he contributed to the society and enriched the cultural life of people with his works that is what matters.

Also good to know that he was not a Awami Leaguer, as I have very low opinion about this anti-Bangladesh party and anyone who decides to join it, mainly to advance their personal interest. I guess most people get into politics in any country to advance their personal interest, but politics can be done without selling out the country's interest.
The guy made the second spot on Bangladeshs High School merit list, previously a chemistry teacher
but still bags in Bangla Academy award when he was getting his PHD in chemistry.
Creates characters like Himu, Misir, directs numerous movies and dramas, author of
countless tales,
I think there are better things to discuss then his married life.

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