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BREAKING NEWS: Facebook to be closed!

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Oct 18, 2010
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Facebook to be closed within 2 months, says Zuckerburg

Shocking news came from Facebook. The biggest social network in the face of this earth will be preached immediately closed within two months by the owner, Mark Zuckerberg. As quoted from weeklyworldnews.com, Sunday (09/01/2011), history of Facebook, which has 500 million users worldwide will soon be over on March 15, 2011.
“Facebook is completely excessive, I must end all this madness. All the pressure is now managing this company has ruined my life,” Zuckerberg said in a statement as claimed weeklyworldnews.com.

Statement Zuckerberg allegedly reinforced by Avrat Humarthi, vice president for Technical Affairs up. “After 15 March, everything will be closed. If you want to look back at your photos, we recommend immediate download from the internet. You will never again take it up our cap,” he said.

Still according to claim that site, Zuckerberg assess its decision to close up very heavy. But he felt that the best way for everyone.

“Frankly, this is the best way. Without up, people will go out and create friendshipsthat’s true. It is always a good thing,” he said.

Until now, the only site weeklyworldnews.com who wrote stories is about going to the closing up. There is no official media reported, because the site is only weeklyworldnews.com. The content is far from the truth.


At last!
Our all addition will be finished, any MySpace will be alive!
Facebook to be closed within 2 months, says Zuckerburg

Shocking news came from Facebook. The biggest social network in the face of this earth will be preached immediately closed within two months by the owner, Mark Zuckerberg. As quoted from weeklyworldnews.com, Sunday (09/01/2011), history of Facebook, which has 500 million users worldwide will soon be over on March 15, 2011.
“Facebook is completely excessive, I must end all this madness. All the pressure is now managing this company has ruined my life,” Zuckerberg said in a statement as claimed weeklyworldnews.com.

Statement Zuckerberg allegedly reinforced by Avrat Humarthi, vice president for Technical Affairs up. “After 15 March, everything will be closed. If you want to look back at your photos, we recommend immediate download from the internet. You will never again take it up our cap,” he said.

Still according to claim that site, Zuckerberg assess its decision to close up very heavy. But he felt that the best way for everyone.

“Frankly, this is the best way. Without up, people will go out and create friendshipsthat’s true. It is always a good thing,” he said.

Until now, the only site weeklyworldnews.com who wrote stories is about going to the closing up. There is no official media reported, because the site is only weeklyworldnews.com. The content is far from the truth.


At last!
Our all addition will be finished, any MySpace will be alive!

Time for someone to purchase facebook..............................

Lets see who can bid for it.

Damn if i had money :undecided:

my facebook
Fake article leads to fears that Facebook is to be closed in March

Facebook has been hit by rumours suggesting that it will close on the 15th March.

Although it has denied the claims, saying ‘we didn't get the memo about shutting down, so we'll keep working away like always. We aren't going anywhere; we're just getting started', rumours have persisted over the weekend about the social networking site's demise.

The rumour originated following a report by the ‘Weekly World News' that said that CEO Mark Zuckerberg had told reporters that ‘managing [Facebook] has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness'.

The tongue-in-cheek website, which calls itself ‘the world's only reliable news', claimed that after 15th March, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts. It had a fake comment from Facebook's vice president of technical affairs Avrat Humarthi, saying: “If you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won't be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”

However the story went viral and led to more than one million Facebook users passing the bogus messages onto their online friends. Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, felt that many people would not believe the report, as it comes from a newspaper that has previously reported George Clooney is running for president and that alien spacecrafts will visit earth in 2011.

However he said that it only takes a small proportion of people to think it might be possible to turn a joke of a news story into an internet hoax. “I certainly wouldn't disagree that users would be wise to have their own backup of their photographs, but it's nothing more than a scare to suggest to people that they have to do it before March 15th because Facebook is going to close down,” he said.

“There is an important lesson here, don't believe everything you read on the internet and think twice before you pass a story on to your friends. Although a hoax is not as serious as malware worming its way between users and stealing information, it is still a nuisance: clogging up communications; increasing the overall level of spam; and perhaps leading people to make decisions for the wrong reasons.”

A Facebook petition group 'to stop Facebook from shutting down' has over 4,000 members at the time of publishing and writing on the allfacebook.com blog, Meredith Singer said: “We have also noticed other people are posting links to the story and a number of them include comments suggesting some people really have gotten the joke after all, while others question whether the article is true.”

Fake article leads to fears that Facebook is to be closed in March - SC Magazine UK
hell yeah great idea close this BS site then no one come and bash me over there HAHAAHAH good idea .
Facebook: $1 Billion in Profit This Year?

As Goldman Sachs (GS) lines up private investors for its Facebook fund, which appears to have closed already due to high demand, numbers are beginning to leak out about the social network's financial picture, including—for the first time—credible reports of how much the company is making in profits. Based on the growth in revenue and in the bottom line, Facebook could stand to pull in close to $1 billion in profit this year. While that may not justify the $50 billion market value that Goldman's investment ascribes to the network, it is another sign of just how huge the company has become, and how much further it could grow as it gobbles up an even larger share of online advertising.

Both The Wall Street Journal (NWS) and The New York Times (NYT) appear to have gotten their hands on some of Facebook's internal financial results as part of the offering documents that Goldman has been giving to high-net-worth investors in its new fund. The Journal says Facebook had net income (i.e. profit) of $200 million in 2009 and revenue of $777 million. While figures for last year weren't disclosed, the Journal adds, "analysts have said the company's revenue last year could be as much as $2 billion, fueled by advertising growth."

The New York Times, meanwhile, has similar figures in its report for 2009, based on sources close to the Goldman offering, but it says those same sources confirmed the $2 billion revenue figure for 2010, and the financial documents provided also showed a profit for the year of $400 million. That puts the company's profit margin at about 20 percent for last year, down somewhat from 25 percent the year before, but still sharply higher than many analysts have been projecting for the social network.

Estimating financial results for a fast-growing company like Facebook is always difficult, since so much is unknown, but if figures provided by the WSJ and the NYT are correct, the network's revenue climbed about 160 percent in 2010, and its profit doubled. Continuing that kind of growth would result in revenue of more than $5 billion this year, and assuming the profit margins stay at 20 percent, profit may be close to $1 billion. Could Facebook continue growing at that rate and maintain its margins? Some believe it could—and clearly Goldman Sachs is betting that it will, if it has decided to pump $1.5 billion into the company and possibly take it public.

Piper Jaffray (PJC) analyst Gene Munster says Facebook is continuing to take advertising revenue away from Google (GOOG), as advertisers look to the social network as a way to reach the demographic they are after by using the "social graph." And Scott Galloway—a professor of marketing at New York University's Stern School of Business, who appeared with Munster in a Bloomberg TV special report on Facebook Wednesday night—said he foresees interest in the social network accelerating. Galloway said he "can't think of a single major advertiser" he has met with that isn't increasing spending on Facebook, and some are boosting it by five or even 10 times, he said.

That could fuel some substantial growth for the company, not to mention making things stickier for Google, which has been the online advertising leader for much of the past decade.

Facebook: $1 Billion in Profit This Year? - BusinessWeek
Fake article leads to fears that Facebook is to be closed in March

Facebook has been hit by rumours suggesting that it will close on the 15th March.

Although it has denied the claims, saying ‘we didn't get the memo about shutting down, so we'll keep working away like always. We aren't going anywhere; we're just getting started', rumours have persisted over the weekend about the social networking site's demise.

The rumour originated following a report by the ‘Weekly World News' that said that CEO Mark Zuckerberg had told reporters that ‘managing [Facebook] has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness'.

The tongue-in-cheek website, which calls itself ‘the world's only reliable news', claimed that after 15th March, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts. It had a fake comment from Facebook's vice president of technical affairs Avrat Humarthi, saying: “If you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won't be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”

However the story went viral and led to more than one million Facebook users passing the bogus messages onto their online friends. Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, felt that many people would not believe the report, as it comes from a newspaper that has previously reported George Clooney is running for president and that alien spacecrafts will visit earth in 2011.

However he said that it only takes a small proportion of people to think it might be possible to turn a joke of a news story into an internet hoax. “I certainly wouldn't disagree that users would be wise to have their own backup of their photographs, but it's nothing more than a scare to suggest to people that they have to do it before March 15th because Facebook is going to close down,” he said.

“There is an important lesson here, don't believe everything you read on the internet and think twice before you pass a story on to your friends. Although a hoax is not as serious as malware worming its way between users and stealing information, it is still a nuisance: clogging up communications; increasing the overall level of spam; and perhaps leading people to make decisions for the wrong reasons.”

A Facebook petition group 'to stop Facebook from shutting down' has over 4,000 members at the time of publishing and writing on the allfacebook.com blog, Meredith Singer said: “We have also noticed other people are posting links to the story and a number of them include comments suggesting some people really have gotten the joke after all, while others question whether the article is true.”

Fake article leads to fears that Facebook is to be closed in March - SC Magazine UK


Here goes down the drain my plan for purchasing facebook................ :hitwall::hitwall:

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