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BREAKING NEWS...COAS will be asked to resign

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:pop:More drama than a bollywood b movie
ISI can't touch me. I have diplomatic immunity in Zimbabwe. Hopefully the ISI chief isn't being asked to resign too. I always did have a lot of respect for that organization :D
thats not a safe place to hid from ISI- :dirol:
one dosnt need parliaments approval to fire the CoAS.
ISI can't touch me. I have diplomatic immunity in Zimbabwe. Hopefully the ISI chief isn't being asked to resign too. I always did have a lot of respect for that organization :D

ISI doesn't need a chief to work. They know how to KEEP working. What better than to ask Indians.

BTW, none of my business, but since we are here posting trash, who did you piss off in India or elsewhere that you ended up in Zimbabwe?:omghaha:

Kabul would've been better.
ISI doesn't need a chief to work. They know how to KEEP working. What better than to ask Indians.

BTW, none of my business, but since we are here posting trash, who did you piss off in India or elsewhere that you ended up in Zimbabwe?:omghaha:

Kabul would've been better.

Now that is rubbing salt in my wounds. Have mercy man !

Army securing PTV building.
The Chapli kebabs would've been better in Kabul. Just saying. Or heck even the Nihari in Islamabad.

Man, it is enough that my wife regularly asks me why I wasn't posted to Somalia since we would at least have sea views there. Go easy with the taunts or else I may come to Pakistan and join the PTI protestors out of insanity :D
If he did that, We all will drag Nawaz and Shahbaz on streets and will not spare them. We will not spare anyone who will speak or plan against our army. We Pakistani Nation are with our Pakistani army. Not only General Raheel Shareef, Nawaz is planning to kick out 7 more General.s :mad::confused::) This is article 6. Nawaz wants army to be defamed, always did. In 1998 was not even ordering atomic bomb test, was scared of US.
He Must go:butcher:

You people are nothing he has seen what you people can do. You people malign one person (Qadri in this example) and 6 months later he becomes your master. You people have no morality no standards and you people change with the wind, when you do something its good when your opponent does it its bad. You people lie and cheat on daily basis as if you speak the truth or dont cheat for one day it will be the end of you.

you people dont know who you are, you smile when someone uses foul language in english but when used same in urdu you people get so upset that you start cursing ma behan. @Aeronaut gives me negative rating for using the letter 'G' not even the full word but thanks me when I use the a$$ or call some an a$$.

you people will drag him on the street!!!
get the F outta here
You people are nothing he has seen what you people can do. You people malign one person (Qadri in this example) and 6 months later he becomes your master. You people have no morality no standards and you people change with the wind, when you do something its good when your opponent does it its bad. You people lie and cheat on daily basis as if you speak the truth or dont cheat for one day it will be the end of you.

you people dont know who you are, you smile when someone uses foul language in english but when used same in urdu you people get so upset that you start cursing ma behan. @Aeronaut gives me negative rating for using the letter 'G' not even the full word but thanks me when I use the a$$ or call some an a$$.

you people will drag him on the street!!!
get the F outta here

We will never hear any thing about our army. this is Pakistan defense forum. You should be banned, you are too much abusive. I request admin to block.
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