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Breaking news: AirAsia plane missing with 162 passengers!

Really really sad to read this. Any new developments regarding the last tracked location etc ?
Jahaz ghumnay kiliye he hotay hain .... 2014 logic!
Cant believe it! Whats going on Malaysia? Third accident in the same year involving an airline from Malaysia.

Can we call this a coincidence or there is something wrong here in regulations and how they are enforced.
according to indonesian media, the plane crashed on Belitung, an island between sumatra and java..... although it is not official yet, a press conference is due shortly.......
Ada Pesawat yang Jatuh di Perairan Belitung Timur - Kompas.com

Ada Pesawat yang Jatuh di Perairan Belitung Timur
Minggu, 28 Desember 2014 | 10:40 WIB

- Sebuah pesawat dikabarkan jatuh di perairan laut Belitung Timur, Bangka Belitung, Minggu (28/12). Namun belum dipastikan titik lokasi jatuhnya pesawat tersebut.

"Tadi Pak Danlanud telepon Bapak (Basuri), ngasi informasi ada pesawat air bus jatuh di sekitar perairan Beltim," ungkap Yuhinu, ajudan Bupati Beltim Basuri T Purnama, saat menghubungi bangkapos.com, Minggu (28/12).

Terpisah, Kasat Polair Beltim AKP Yanto mengatakan, informasi yang diperoleh dari direktorat polair Babel, perkiraan lokasi perairan Babel. Namun masih dipastikan lokasi pesawat jatuh.

Google translate:
There is a plane that crashes in waters of East Belitung
Sunday, December 28, 2014 | 10:40 pm

BELITUNG, KOMPAS.com - A plane reportedly crashed in the Pacific ocean waters of the East, the Pacific Islands, Sunday (28/12). It is not yet certain point the crash site.

"Did Mr. Danlanud phone Mr (Basuri), no information ngasi water plane bus crashed in the waters around Beltim," said Yuhinu, aide Regent Beltim Basuri T Purnama, when contacted bangkapos.com, Sunday (28/12).

Separated, Adj Polair Beltim AKP Yanto said, the information obtained from the directorate Polair Babylon, the approximate location of the waters of Babylon. But still confirmed the crash site.

Sebelum Hilang, Pilot AirAsia Laporkan akan Hindari Awan - Kompas.com
Minggu, 28 Desember 2014 | 12:10 WIB
@flightradar24 Lokasi terakhir AirAsia QZ8501 sebagaimana yang dicatat oleh situs penerbangan flightradar24.com, Minggu (28/12/2014)
@ flightradar24 last location AirAsia QZ8501 as recorded by the site flightradar24.com flight, Sunday (12/28/2014)

- Pesawat AirAsia QZ 8501 yang dilaporkan hilang, sebelumnya melaporkan akan menghindari awan tebal.

Plt Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Joko Murdjatmojo mengatakan pesawat sempat melakukan kontak terakhir dengan ATC di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta pada pukul 06.12 WIB. Saat itu pesawat melaporkan akan menghindari awan dengan berbelok ke arah kiri.

Saat itu pesawat terbang dengan ketinggian 32.000 kaki dengan arah 320 atau ke Barat Daya. "Pada pukul 06.17 WIB, pesawat hilang ontak dan pada pukul 06.18 yang terlihat hanya flight plan atau rencana penerbangan," ujarnya Minggu (28/12/2014).

Google translate:
Before Lost, Pilot AirAsia Report will Avoid Cloud
Sunday, December 28, 2014 | 12:10 pm

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - AirAsia aircraft reported missing QZ 8501, previously reported will avoid thick clouds.

Acting Director General of Civil Aviation Murdjatmojo Joko said the plane was the last contact with ATC at Soekarno-Hatta Airport at 6:12 pm. When the plane was reported to be avoided cloud by turn to the left.

When the aircraft was flying at 32,000 feet with a direction 320 or to Southwestern. "At 6:17 pm, the plane lost ontacts and at 6:18 it looks just flight plan or flight plan," he said Sunday (12/28/2014).

AirAsia statement on FB.

[Updated statement] QZ8501
December 27, 2014 at 9:23pm
AirAsia Indonesia regrets to confirm that flight QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic control at 07:24 (Surabaya LT) this morning. The flight took off from Juanda International Airport in Surabaya at 0535hours.

The aircraft was an Airbus A320-200 with the registration number PK-AXC. There were two pilots, four flight attendants and one engineer on board.

The captain in command had a total of 6,100 flying hours and the first officer a total of 2,275 flying hours

There were 155 passengers on board, with 138 adults, 16 children and 1 infant. Also on board were 2 pilots and 5 cabin crew.

Nationalities of passengers and crew onboard are as below:
1 Singapore
1 Malaysia
1 France
3 South Korean
156 Indonesia

At this time, search and rescue operations are being conducted under the guidance of The Indonesia of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). AirAsia Indonesia is cooperating fully and assisting the investigation in every possible way.

The aircraft was on the submitted flight plan route and was requesting deviation due to enroute weather before communication with the aircraft was lost while it was still under the control of the Indonesian Air Traffic Control (ATC).

The aircraft had undergone its last scheduled maintenance on 16 November 2014.

AirAsia has established an Emergency Call Centre that is available for family or friends of those who may have been on board the aircraft. The number is: +622129850801.

AirAsia will release further information as soon as it becomes available. Updated information will also be posted on the AirAsia website, www.airasia.com.
Shit!! WTF is going on? This is sad! I hope they find survivors soon.
My prayers are towards passengers of Air Asia :( . Malaysia is going through a dark period in aviation :(.
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