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BREAKING NEWS - A Pakistani anti-terrorism court has sentenced Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed to 31 years in jail.

Why is he a terrorist? Because India and US says so? Mumbai was a false flag.
Do you not think this is context which should be provided in the original message? That you don't believe he is a terrorist?

Rather than simply "terrorist" and "national hero"?

Pretty vital pieces of information don't you think, especially on an international forum?

He is a terrorist? Did he kill Pakistanis?
The OP's own tweets suggest he is a terrorist

Maybe he should clarify who this man is and what he's done *before* labelling him a national hero after posting tweets classifying him as a terrorist?
what he did for betterment of Pakistani people, and only Jihad when allowed than your'e strong and powerful
Don't give such fatwa that Jihad is allowed when you are strong and powerful, this is extreme ignorance. What he did for the betterment of Pakistan? Is fighting for freedom of Kashmir is not for Pakistan? Is Kashmir not part of Pakistan? Are Kashmiris not Pakistani?
Not a hero but I feel sorry for him. He was house arrested many times but never said a word against the state. Moreover, he is old, this 31 years sentence is too much. I don't know who wants him to die in a cell.
As we know he was no hero well at least to us he wasn't but what if you ask the Kashmiris? What if you ask those that are blinded by pellet guns in the valley? And please stop labelling him as a terrorist he didn't attack the Pakistani state or any state for that matter. We have no leeway to hand out labels.

As the Americans rightly said "one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter"
@Jf-17 block 3, I don't know his day-to-day acts but he was a protege of Zia ul Haq and was involved in NATO's war against progressive Afghanistan and then he most probably was the opponent of Musharraf's Four Point Formula for Kashmir in 2001, he rejected peace in Kashmir in the immediate term and carried on sending militants into Kashmir who killed many a Muslim Kashmiri though later Musharraf said he liked this fellow and admired LeT and said that probably under some duress and then in 2008 Hafiz Saeed enabled the terrorist attack in Bombay. A terrorist / criminal by any definition. So how was he Pakistan's hero or anybody's hero for that matter ?

He is a terrorist? Did he kill Pakistanis?

The George Bushes and Obomba probably never killed an American within America directly. :)
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He was.
Tell who else worked from Balochistan to Indian occupied Kashmir for our interests and accepted jail time many times for our interests and let him self be sacrificed for the country?
These cleanshaves hero is anybody but someone who truly looks like a real muslim. These pplhave no Sense of honour and dignity and that while all the ppl who speak and fight against injustice in our part of the world are mostly mullahs/molvis/scholers and their supporters, ppl who want religioun to Triumph on the values of these sharabis /kababis.
Don't give such fatwa that Jihad is allowed when you are strong and powerful, this is extreme ignorance. What he did for the betterment of Pakistan? Is fighting for freedom of Kashmir is not for Pakistan? I'd Kashmir not part of Pakistan? Are Kashmiris not Pakistani?
currently they are not, but one possible solution of Kashmir is ( both India and Pakistan will free Kashmir from occupation) and Kashmir will emerges as a INDEPENDENT UNITED KASHMIR at face of the world, this the only possible solution world have to solve the Kashmir issue
@Jf-17 block 3, I don't know his day-to-day acts but he was a protege of Zia ul Haq and was involved in the war against progressive Afghanistan and then he most probably was the opponent of Musharraf's Four Point Formula for Kashmir in 2001, he rejected peace in Kashmir in the immediate term and carried on sending militants into Kashmir who killed many a Muslim Kashmiri though later Musharraf said he liked this fellow and admired LeT and said that probably under some duress and then in 2008 Hafiz Saeed enabled the terrorist attack in Bombay. A terrorist / criminal by any definition. So how was he Pakistan's hero or anybody's hero for that matter ?

The George Bushes and Obomba probably never killed an American within America directly. :)
Mumbai was a false flag operation by India with the help of some other countries including Israel.
Why is he a terrorist? Because India and US says so? Mumbai was a false flag.

Don't bother with intellectually enslaved idiots and their reductionist theories.

They don't know why keeping IOK simmering was important for Pakistan's own security (and as a moral duty to aid the legitimately oppressed and illegally occupied people) and also don't know the different between Hafiz Saeed and actual terror outfits like TTP.

Can't change minds here. Everybody is mentally sold out.
currently they are not, but one possible solution of Kashmir is ( both India and Pakistan will free Kashmir from occupation) and Kashmir will emerges as a INDEPENDENT UNITED KASHMIR at face of the world, this the only possible solution world have to solve the Kashmir issue
Yeah this is your solution? Tell that to Indians and see what they will say to you.
You post some tweets regarding a terrorist and then claim he is a national hero...

Are you a terrorist sympathizer or are you going to provide some context?
Do you know China bailed Hafiz saeed from being designated as a terrorist in UN 3 to 4 times for the sake of Pakistan. I will leave it at that.

He was used by our agencies in Kashmir and India, Its an open secret. I think they don't need him anymore so he is being "imprisoned"...
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