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BREAKING! Mars Orbiter Put In Orbit Successfully!!

Got to say, lots of your neighbors were busy sharpening swords for this day. Somehow I was not accepting this huge feat to be accomplished by India either. But your country has made a lot of keyboards fall silent. Congratulations for the remarkable first attempt success.

Yes, thanks to NASA.
You seriously don't believe India did this by themselves right? :lol:

This was a joint project with NASA as was their moon mission.
Yes, thanks to NASA.
You seriously don't believe India did this by themselves right? :lol:

This was a joint project with NASA as was their moon mission.

Being bitter about it will not change the fact. The better man accepts his adversaries feats and improves himself. Talking about toilets and NASA will not change the fact that they put an orbiter when probability of it happening was very low. You can discuss what you feel NASA did for this particular orbiter to get there. That would be on topic.
Mars Orbiter Mission: Timeline - The Economic Times

While the test Firing of Main Liquid Engine of
Mars Orbiter Spacecraft happened
on 22-09-2014, Mangalyaan entered Mars orbit
successfully today.

Here's the timeline of Mars Orbiter Mission.
05-11-2013: PSLV-C25 , in its twenty fifth flight,
successfully launches Mars Orbiter Mission Spacecraft
from SDSC SHAR Sriharikota.

07-11-2013: The first orbit raising manoeuvre of Mars
Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at 01:17 hrs(IST) on Nov 07,
2013 successfully completed.

08-11-2013 The second orbit raising manoeuvre of
Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at 02:18:51 hrs(IST),
with a burn time of 570.6 seconds successfully
completed. The observed change in Apogee is from
28814 km to 40186 km.

09-11-2013: The third orbit raising manoeuvre of Mars
Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at 02:10:43 hrs(IST) on Nov
09, 2013, with a burn time of 707 seconds successfully
completed. The observed change in Apogee is from
40186km to 71636km.

11-11-2013: In the fourth orbit-raising operation
conducted on Nov 11, 2013 the apogee (farthest point
to Earth) of Mars Orbiter Spacecraft was raised from
71,623 km to 78,276 km by imparting an incremental
velocity of 35 metres/second (as against 130 metres/
second originally planned to raise apogee to about
100,000 [1 lakh] km). The spacecraft is in normal

12-11-2013: Fourth supplementary orbit raising
manoeuvre of Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at
05:03:50 hrs(IST) on Nov 12, 2013, with a burn Time of
303.8 seconds successfully completed. The observed
change in Apogee is from 78276km to 118642km.

16-11-2013: The fifth orbit raising manoeuvre of Mars
Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at 01:27 hrs(IST) on Nov 16,
2013, with a burn Time of 243.5 seconds successfully
completed. The observed change in Apogee is from
118642km to 192874km.

01-12-2013: Medium Gain Antenna of the Mars Orbiter
Spacecraft is powered for long distance
communication, subsequent to successful Trans Mars
Injection (TMI) manoeuvre. Trans Mars Injection (TMI)
operations completed successfully. The liquid engine
burn time was 1328.89 sec and the imparted
incremental velocity was 647.96 m/sec.

02-12-2013: Spacecraft has travelled a distance of
5,36,000 km by 17:00 hrs (IST) of Dec 2, 2013. It has
crossed the distance to Moon's orbit around Earth
(mean distance 3,85,000 km) this morning.

04-12-2013 Spacecraft has traversed beyond the
Sphere of Influence (SOI) of Earth extending about
9,25,000 km at around 1:14 hrs (IST) on Dec 4, 2013.

11-12-2013: The first Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre
(TCM) of Spacecraft was carried out successfully at
06:30 hrs (IST) by firing the 22 Newton Thrusters for a
duration of 40.5 seconds. The spacecraft is travelling
at a distance of about 29 lakh (2.9 million) km away
from Earth.11-02-2014: 100 Days Of Mars Orbiter

09-04-2014: Mars Orbiter Spacecraft Crosses Half Way
Mark of its Journey.

12-06-2014: The second Trajectory Correction
Manoeuvre (TCM-2) of India's Mars Orbiter Spacecraft
was successfully performed on June 11, 2014 at 1630
hrs IST. TCM-2 was performed by firing the
spacecraft's 22 Newton thrusters for a duration of 16

16-09-2014: Time-tagged commands to execute Mars
Orbit Insertion (MOI) uploaded.

17-09-2014: Uploading of commands for Fourth
Trajectory Correction Manoeuver and test-firing of Main
Liquid Engine (scheduled for Sep 22, 2014) is in progress.

22-09-2014: Test Firing of Main Liquid Engine of Mars
Orbiter Spacecraft is successful.

24-09-2014: Mangalyaan enters Mars orbit.
Congratulations India. The race is on, and both China and India have some achievements that the neither does not have.

However, in general, India has taken a shortcut:

This mission is purely built for putting an orbiter with a camera around Mars. Its mass is low, and thus its scientific capabilities are limited.

The mission utilized NASA deep space network for guidance.

The components of the MOM were not Indian. India does not have the semiconductor foundries needed to fabricate the components.

This orbiter was a triumph of Indian orbital mechanics planning, I must admit. However, to compare it to the Chinese missions to the moon, which involve fabrication of all components, ownership of most stations of the deep space network (with Yuanwang ships) and which have substantial science packages is still far too premature.
Got to say, lots of your neighbors were busy sharpening swords for this day. Somehow I was not accepting this huge feat to be accomplished by India either. But your country has made a lot of keyboards fall silent. Congratulations for the remarkable first attempt success.
It does not matter whether or not others were waiting for us to fail. Or whether or not our success shuts them up. Only two of our neighbours would wish us ill - Pakistan and China.

As Prime Minister Modi pointed out in his speech today morning - 'What is important is that we tried and are trying to better our achievements. Even if today the mission had failed, we would still have been proud of our Scientists...and without a doubt we would have tried again.'
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NEW DELHI, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- India on Wednesday became the first nation to have successfully reached Mars on its maiden attempt, a historic feat for the country's indigenous space program.

"India has reached Mars. History has been created. India is the only country to have succeeded in its first attempt," Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced from the headquarters of the state-owned space agency in the southern city of Bengaluru, telecast live on local TV channels.

"We have made it a habit of achieving the impossible. Humanity would not have progressed if we had not taken such leaps into the unknown and space is the biggest unknown out there," he added.

On a lighter note, Modi said that Mars has got its MoM (Mars Orbiter Mission). "The moment this mission was named MOM, I knew it would not disappoint. Mom's never fail," he added.

Hailing the scientists of Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO), Modi said, "You have inspired our future generation. Despite our many limitations, we aspired for the best. The success of our space program has been an example of our achievement."

"ISRO joins an elite group of only three other agencies worldwide to have successfully reached the Red Planet," he added.

The MoM was launched in November last year. By placing its mission in the Mars orbit, India has now joined the United States, the European Space Agency and the former Soviet Union in the elite club of Martian explorers.

At a little over 74 million U.S. dollars, the mission, called Mangalyaan, is said to be the cheapest inter-planetary mission ever to be undertaken.

source: India successfully reaches Mars on maiden attempt - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Being bitter about it will not change the fact. The better man accepts his adversaries feats and improves himself. Talking about toilets and NASA will not change the fact that they put an orbiter when probability of it happening was very low. You can discuss what you feel NASA did for this particular orbiter to get there. That would be on topic.

Somalia could have a joint project with NASA to orbit Mars and Somalia could be the known for sending an orbiter to Mars.
That doesn't mean Somalia achieved it by itself.

When India does this independently, then we can truly appreciate them.

Joint projects are nothing but to be proud of.
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