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Breaking! Israeli Pilot was captured in 27th February standoff

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OK since we are down the rabbit hole might as well add my two bitcoin-cents to this conspiracy theory if you may

Why can't the elusive airman be a Russian? Afterall a Russian delegation did visit the the Pakistani military after the skirmish and the aircraft in question was of Russian make too. Also what if that pilot happened to be a dual national also

what you guys do not understand is, jewish calender is ending in 200 years from now, in around 2200s, the current year in jewish calender is 5779 and according to them their messiah must appear at the year 6000 - this is the deadline in their belief and they are preparing for their messiah.
Im seeing AJK PM tomorrow and will probably take him to shoot my kriss Vector with a friend whose guest he is . I ll see if he can give me some info.
  1. Isreali pilot was captured but released during op swift retort. (Who released him and why?)
  2. Israel is fully involved in this recent flair up of tension between Pakistan and India.
  3. Game is now gone to full scale hostility where Mossad and shin beit are fully assisting India against Pakistan.
  4. Shaheen series missiles are ready and deployed to nuke Israel. Atleast 4 Israeli cities are at target excluding Jerusalem.
  5. Indian shenanigans are fully backed by Israel.

A day after op swift retort, America deployed THAAD in Israel. Why? I raised this issue back then as well. Did explicit threats came from Pakistan in the aftermath of Israeli pilot capture? What American battle group is up to in gulf ? Is Iran their target or Pakistan is the one they got in crosshairs?

After op swift retort, there is also a noticable change in Pakistan and GCC relations. Things have gone quite. PMIK while being on American soil ruled out any conflict with Iran. Why he said that , out of all places in America? Then came Indian action over Kashmir and GCC reaction was pathetic to say the least. Its clear their strings are getting pulled from Israel.

From Pakistani perspective, wargaming this , GCC is completely ruled out as a route to conduct 5th gen warfare against Israel. Iran and its proxies specially hizbollah becomes very attractive proposition. Taliban were created by Pakistan but now they got strong links with Iran. In similar way, hizbollah should be engaged and given expertise to raise their game to next level. Hamas must also be helped to build their offensive capabilities and ISI should have full presence around Israel.

It's not a time to play an ostrich whose head is buried in sand. Pakistani inaction will invite further trouble because it seems they have not learned anything from 27th feb. They are relentless and edgy, borderline reckless. Only when we take the consequences in their own homeland, only then they will back off.

Gloves off approach is the need of hour. No more dithering, no more time wasting, no more ignoring the danger that is starring at us.
Fanboys are making PDF laughing stock for the indians, please delete this thread
What calibre?
its a 45
  1. Isreali pilot was captured but released during op swift retort. (Who released him and why?)
  2. Israel is fully involved in this recent flair up of tension between Pakistan and India.
  3. Game is now gone to full scale hostility where Mossad and shin beit are fully assisting India against Pakistan.
  4. Shaheen series missiles are ready and deployed to nuke Israel. Atleast 4 Israeli cities are at target excluding Jerusalem.
  5. Indian shenanigans are fully backed by Israel.

A day after op swift retort, America deployed THAAD in Israel. Why? I raised this issue back then as well. Did explicit threats came from Pakistan in the aftermath of Israeli pilot capture? What American battle group is up to in gulf ? Is Iran their target or Pakistan is the one they got in crosshairs?

After op swift retort, there is also a noticable change in Pakistan and GCC relations. Things have gone quite. PMIK while being on American soil ruled out any conflict with Iran. Why he said that , out of all places in America? Then came Indian action over Kashmir and GCC reaction was pathetic to say the least. Its clear their strings are getting pulled from Israel.

From Pakistani perspective, wargaming this , GCC is completely ruled out as a route to conduct 5th gen warfare against Israel. Iran and its proxies specially hizbollah becomes very attractive proposition. Taliban were created by Pakistan but now they got strong links with Iran. In similar way, hizbollah should be engaged and given expertise to raise their game to next level. Hamas must also be helped to build their offensive capabilities and ISI should have full presence around Israel.

It's not a time to play an ostrich whose head is buried in sand. Pakistani inaction will invite further trouble because it seems they have not learned anything from 27th feb. They are relentless and edgy, borderline reckless. Only when we take the consequences in their own homeland, only then they will back off.

Gloves off approach is the need of hour. No more dithering, no more time wasting, no more ignoring the danger that is starring at us.
This bullshit is posted again.....:hitwall:
What the duck was an israeli pilot doing over kashmir ? Can't indian fly and fight their own aircraft? Why would israeliz fly su-30 or mig 21 when they have proficiency in F-15, F-35 and F-16s.

Makes no sense that "doctor" seems to be a liar. A conspiracy theorist.... I don't like talk without proof or facts. This should be investigated and if he is lyikh on tv he should be made an example so , no one dares do that in future.

Recently there is a wrong trend in pakistan to blame everything on israel. They are far away in their own part of the world, with their own problems..

Indians are morons be it soldiers pilots or politicians .. Thank God they don't have intelligence even half of what israeliz have otherwise we would be long gone.. Indians are incompetent. Israeliz and the world only milks them for their money... Thats about it. No oke laughs on doll and image worshippers than the israeliz (jews) they dispize them the most.
im sorry but...brain fart

I'm sorry but you are lacking on the brains to fart.
A bit too high on the juice of manipulative and self inflicted ignorance you are.
When is the next your fav singer concert? Stick to that, works better for you for sure...
He has 15 ads on this 28 minute video. 1 ad every 2 minutes. And y'all wonder why he would lie.

1. Make very, very appealing news.
2. Get easy views from emotional nationalists.
3. Put 15 ads.
4. Profit.

What the duck was an israeli pilot doing over kashmir ? Can't indian fly and fight their own aircraft? Why would israeliz fly su-30 or mig 21 when they have proficiency in F-15, F-35 and F-16s.

Makes no sense that "doctor" seems to be a liar. A conspiracy theorist.... I don't like talk without proof or facts. This should be investigated and if he is lyikh on tv he should be made an example so , no one dares do that in future.

Recently there is a wrong trend in pakistan to blame everything on israel. They are far away in their own part of the world, with their own problems..

Indians are morons be it soldiers pilots or politicians .. Thank God they don't have intelligence even half of what israeliz have otherwise we would be long gone.. Indians are incompetent. Israeliz and the world only milks them for their money... Thats about it. No oke laughs on doll and image worshippers than the israeliz (jews) they dispize them the most.

You nailed it.
میرے عزیز ہموطنوں تین ماہ کی غیر منصفانہ بندش کے بعد آج ہی میں ایک دیہاتی آدمی اس فورم پہ واپس آیا ہو اور مجھے قوی امید ھے کہ میں جلد ہی دوبارہ بین کر دیا جاؤں گا، سب سے پہلے سب کو سلام
،خاص کر @MastanKhan and @Khafee ko کو پتہ ہے کہ عرفان بلوچ اور دوبيس کو اور پی ٹی آئی م میں سخت نا پسند ہو ،، لیکن مجھ یہ خوشی بھی ہے کہ میں کسی بھی سیاسی لیڈر کا اندھا پیرو کار نہیں ہو، اب آپ سے سوال ہے کہ کیا آپ بتائیں گے پوری ایمانداری سے کہہ ڈاکٹر شاھد میڈیا پے کس کا سب سے بڑا سپورٹر ہے؟ ،سوال نمبر دو کیا کوئی پوائنٹ کرے گا کہ آج تک ڈاکٹر شاھد مسعود نے کون کون سے بڑے جھوٹ بولے ہیں تا کہ ہم ان چھوٹوں کا پوسٹ مارٹم کر کے اِس تھریڈ کو تھوڑا موٹا تازہ کریں، سلام
Fanboys are making PDF laughing stock for the indians, please delete this thread

Screw Indian. I am though very shocked while observing the clueless and idiotic behaviour of some "senior members" over very serious national security issues.

This bullshit is posted again.....:hitwall:

Not for your caliber and kind. Kindly jog along.
I envy the mind set of Pakistanis, they have no issues with Indian AF invading Pakistan and than getting released like a boss, but they can't come to the terms that Israeli pilot was flying in IAF colors.... which obviously is a sensationalizing of the event.
Looks like Pakistan is being ruled by Iranian mind set.
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