The real ideology of the revolution in Iran believes that women should fight if they are able to.
I was reading Khomeini's last will last night. Look at this section about women,
"We are proud that our women, young and old, regardless of their status, are present and active, side by side with the men, often more active than men, in all scenes including cultural, economic and military areas. They strive, sometimes more effectively than the men, for the propagation of Islamic teachings. Women who are capable of fighting take military training, which is a major prerequisite for the defence of Islam and the Islamic state. Our women have extricated themselves from the deprivations imposed on them by the enemies of Islam and by the inadequate knowledge of friends of Islamic tenets. They have bravely discarded the superstitions created by enemies through some ignorant preachers. Those women who are unable to fight in the war fronts serve behind the front-lines with such ardour and courage that makes the hearts of their men tremble with delight and it throws fear in the heart of enemies and makes ignorant individuals who are worse than foes shake with anger and fear. Often we hear our women, in a manner like that of Hazrat Zainab ...(35), cry out loud saying that they have given children in the path of God and Islam and are proud of it. They realise that what they get in return is far above the blessings of Heaven, let alone the material things of this world."