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Breaking: India forced Chinese Navy to retreat from Maldives & fired warning shots at Chinese ships

What have Indians got from 4 years rule of Modi?

When he came to power, it was Philippines which was the top most corrupt Asian country.

Now under the so called honest Modi, it is unmistakably India which has this honor.

184 top businessmen have left India with billions of dollars:

Bad loans of Indian banks cross Rs 8,00,000 cr: Banking mess ... <<< This is 120 billion USD = GDP of Kuwait

And Modi still loans these people (through PMO phone call) if he gets election funds.
What have Indians got from 4 years rule of Modi?

When he came to power, it was Philippines which was the top most corrupt Asian country.

Now under the so called honest Modi, it is unmistakably India which has this honor.
Bad loans of Indian banks cross Rs 8,00,000 cr: Banking mess ... <<< This is 120 billion USD = GDP of Kuwait

And Modi still loans these people (through PMO phone call) if he gets election funds.


What has Modi got to do with NPAs? Only thing he asked for the balance sheets to be corrected.
You do realize this is international forum, not a panchayat where pappus can fool everyone?
Didn't the Indian Ministry of Defense come out and disprove this news as a rumor?
Chiina is A sane country and knows very well when to withdraw. They withdrew in Doklam as well.
Indian got high again~~hahaha, but unfortunately, this is a fake news. In the end, the facts punch your indian's face every times, why couldnt u learn something from that ?
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Whats new, chinese only understand language of the stick.

Years of white men slavery has been instituted inthe chinese mind.
How can U indians get high by a fake news? This is completely ridiculous. Now I believe something like 85 IQ stuff.
In Doklam, its the Indian that withdraw . Chinese troops are still there. Next, are you going to proclaim that India won the 1962 war?
This remind me the narrative of some Chinese troll saying that they had defeated Japan in Nanking. Citizens of rogue states have liberty to believe whatever is fed to them.
Dang you need Japan to soothed your Indian wounded ego when confronted by China?
No, we have doklam followed by this incident to satisfy our ego. Each of your misadventure willl provide us one more chance to satisfy our ego. IIam sure that you will keep us providing the same.
I don't understand gibberish. Are you trying to say something?
we are reasoning you with your white masters language, gibberish or balderdash they are all your white master's ````"30 miles" of curry stench that would "scare" us away :lol:

Indian got high again~~hahaha, but unfortunately, this is a fake news. In the end, the facts punch your indian's face every times, why couldnt u learn something from that ?
they are Indian, as simple as that

Whats new, chinese only understand language of the stick.

Years of white men slavery has been instituted inthe chinese mind.
now these funny and primitive Indian start to quoting their own fate to others? :lol:```man, your inferior complexity and level of delusion is unrivaled, unrivaled``:laughcry:
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