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BREAKING...India as peace spoiler exposed, IAF C17s landed in Kabul loaded with arms to fight Taliban.

No never. You should be brutal++++ who ever hated Pakistan Army and Pakistan
The 'brutality' should be proportional to the crime. We shouldn't kill or let killed for hate speech!! What are we (as nation)? a 'childish' mob?

Anyway, the real culprits are RAW. She was just a pawn, among many. I hope we can damage India as much as they caused us in Nagaland/Mizoram/Tripura/Ohdissa etc
Regarding this particular aircraft, IAF C17 serial CB-8009
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it landed 11 hours ago from now, back at Hindon.

This is what I am always telling my fellow Pakistanis, not to let their personal feelings cloud their judgement. IAF is using Iranian airspace. Persian Mullah know exactly what is going on.
India still using our airspace to reach Afghanistan .... ???

Given the evil nature of Indian Hindus and viewing their track record of their actions in Afghanistan during the last seventy years, it is not really surprising for us that Indians are transporting weapons and ammunition into Afghanistan to help the puppet Afghan government in its fight Afghan Taliban. It's not the case that Hindutva terrorist Modi is in love with the Afghan puppet Ghani. It's in fact Hindutva terrorists' deep rooted hate for Pakistan that is forcing them to keep the death and destruction continuing in Afghanistan. It is a fact that Pakistan is the first and foremost country in world that gets affected by any unrest, fighting, and destruction in Afghanistan.

So, the first priority for Indians is to have some control/room in Afghan government so that they can use terrorism (in collaboration with officials/agencies of Afghan government) to bleed Pakistan. That is possible only if a puppet government is in control of Kabul. That's why you find Indians licking the feet of Soviets in 1970s and 80s. Later Indians started using Afghanistan as a bastion for using terrorism at massive level against Afghans and Pakistanis under the patronage of occupying Nato forces. Now that the occupying forces have been defeated and are running away in disgrace and puppet government of Kabul is trembling, Indians are panicking and trying support the puppet Afghan regime. It is therefore important that terrorist Indians based in Afghanistan be eliminated as soon as possible.

Whenever a puppet government in Kabul gets kicked out, the second priority for evil-natured Indians is to start fueling civil war in Afghanistan. They start providing weapons and ammunition at massive scale to different Afghan factions to ensure that Afghan infighting, death and destruction continues unabetted. Indians used that cold-blooded policy in post-Soviet Afghanistan in 1990s. It's an inhumane and evil policy but sick-minded and low-life Indians feel no shame in perusing such an evil policy. And it’s not just limited to Afghanistan where these sick-minded Indians have used terrorism as their state policy. India has always been a negative and destabilizing factor for this whole region.

Now that terrorist infrastructure created and used by disgraced Indian agency RAW has been overrun by Afghan Taliban, the next priority for Indians is to keep the intra-Afghan fighting continuing as long as possible. The reality is that Indians are able to peruse such policies of bleeding others just because they have not been made to pay the price for their use of terrorism against the Afghan and Pakistani people. I hope this time Taliban will teach them a lesson such that these evils would never dare shedding the Afghan blood with such an impunity. The first thing Afghan Taliban need to do is ensuring that any Indian assets currently in Afghanistan be eliminated. Even their military planes must not be allowed to fly back and rather be shot down in Afghanistan. These Indians and their planes are legitimate enemy targets and must be treated as such. Second, Indians need to taste their own medicine in their own yard. Indians must dearly pay the price in their yard for using terrorism against Afghan and Pakistani people.
Bharti rat bastards are trying to prolong instability of Afghanistan by playing double games. These planes should be shot out of the fucking sky.
Dude imagine you have rats in your house and you kill some and if the situation becomes bad and you leave the house then rats won ..but if you are on a holiday and the there are rats in the cottage you live,you killed many and still there are rats left and your vacation ends and you leave ,rats can claim victory though. Even today if USA returns Taliban will run to its hole ,you know where it is.

I have not know anyone giving up their house due to some infestation, there is something called pest control! LOL

So you Indians were on holidays in Afghanistan? No Afghan-India bhai bhai? LOL

Lastly, who in right frame of mind will come back on holidays in a rat infested place?

You Indian dumbfks cant even use right analogies. LOL
I want some Indian ti get caught
Catching these terrorists should not be the goal. Their hands are stained with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Pakistanis and Afghans. We don't need bargaining chips. Our blood is not for bargain. They deserve executions on the spot. And that should be done. Less filth and sub-human criminals in the world.
So, basically, India provides weapons to the Taliban .
Yes, indirectly. But those gun rounds are likely dud or maybe will kill the gunners. That's Indian supplied stuff.
Dude imagine you have rats in your house and you kill some and if the situation becomes bad and you leave the house then rats won ..but if you are on a holiday and the there are rats in the cottage you live,you killed many and still there are rats left and your vacation ends and you leave ,rats can claim victory though. Even today if USA returns Taliban will run to its hole ,you know where it is.
Those filthy rats were the Nato invaders. Afghans killed/injured many of them. And the remaining ran away. The house owners are now hunting down the helping rats (Indians) that may still be around.
At one point India is desperate to have talks with Taliban and on the other is fuelling the potential civil war in Afghanistan by providing arms and ammunition to anti Taliban factions.

Hope Talibans are watching this and sort the Indians out within Afghanistan.

did they fly over Iran ?
Bharti rat bastards are trying to prolong instability of Afghanistan by playing double games. These planes should be shot out of the fucking sky.

if Afghanistan is stable then Pakistan trade will increase tremendously with central Asian countries, and secondly unstable afghanistan means unstable pakistan. Third of all, stable afghanistan, stable pakistan mean kashmir will be the focus.
Bhart must have taken the responsibility to keep it unatable, as the last 20 years of this war has crippled Pakistans economy. This war was a huge success to destroy pakistan
The more weapon it lands the more Taliban takes

Just see the line of Afghan people trying to take Visa of their countries and no one i mean no one is giving these people the visa because they are cancer and these people are only those than helped to enable terrorism in Pakistan, Anti Pakistani , NGOs, NDS supporters, Fake government supporters, and backstabing . Afghan as a nation is a snake and they only care about money.

I saw one video of a woman who supported Indian NGO and worked for Indian consulate was crying and trying to get Pakistan visa so that she could avoid being murdered by the hands of Taliban. However, According to her Pakistan Interior Ministry rejected her visa due to that she spew hate against Pakistan and she was so apologizing to Pakistani government that this is not the time to settle score. I loved how she was feeling. She asked NGO's of Pakistan to take her case to United Nations and put pressure on Pakistan give her visa but the anchor asked the best question ever why that why you not applying Indian visa ,where you helped them than she said the truth that India interest is not to give us Visa but they only used for their own purpose. However, she did not tell what purpose but anyone can guess.

It was a interview of Last week from Afghan English channel.
Link please or name of woman.
did they fly over Iran ?
Yes, that is route they are relegated to as they can't fly over Pakistan Airspace which reaches out at Sea as well.

Since Afghanistan is landlocked, they (IAF) can either enter from the North or through Iran.


As you can see from the image (above), they fly off right at the edge of the Iran/Afghanistan/Pakistan Border.

It is somewhere between Zahedan & Zabol in Iran, before entering Afghanistan.

I think PDF's resident Pir, @Imran Khan bhai may have more information as he's practically tracking the movement of each every IAF Transporter by the hour on Flight Radar 24/7.
Link please or name of woman.
She was wearing Mask and she demanded her name to be censored so that Taliban do not find her. Her video was 4 mins and i cannot find a link because i watching live on TRT world with connected with TOLO news.
Yes, that is route they are relegated to as they can't fly over Pakistan Airspace which reaches out at Sea as well.

Since Afghanistan is landlocked, they (IAF) can either enter from the North or through Iran.

As you can see from the image (above), they fly off right at the edge of the Iran/Afghanistan/Pakistan Border.

It is somewhere between Zahedan & Zabol in Iran, before entering Afghanistan.

I think PDF's resident Pir, @Imran Khan bhai may have more information as he's practically tracking the movement of each every IAF Transporter by the hour on Flight Radar 24/7.
its normal route for IAF since 27 feb . earlier they were allowed to fly over Pakistan schedule flights . and PAF also use india airspace back then .they fly from india OPMU TO OPOM oman air traffic control .

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