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Breaking: Chinese troops pull back 2 km from Galwan valley standoff point, pullback from Pangong too

Just a word of caution. Around a month ago there were similar reports of withdrawal by the Chinese that turned out to be either inaccurate or premature.

Let's see what happens here. Situation will become clearer within a few days.
For sure. The back-stabbing Chinese cannot be trusted. I also hope India keeps their apps banned and iteratively reduces imports from them where it can.

The recent order of weather proof tents point to a no trust with the Chinese. The Indian military will stay.
For sure. The back-stabbing Chinese cannot be trusted. I also hope India keeps their apps banned and iteratively reduces imports from them where it can.

The recent order of weather proof tents point to a no trust with the Chinese. The Indian military will stay.

Read Nirumpama Menon's remarks where she said that the Chinese made all their moves with the calculation that India will go to the most extreme measures, including a full suspension of trade. They were willing to take that risk and pay that price to achieve whatever their objectives are.
Read Nirumpama Menon's remarks where she said that the Chinese made all their moves with the calculation that India will go to the most extreme measures, including a full suspension of trade. They were willing to take that risk and pay that price to achieve whatever their objectives are.

All that is ok and speculative. If indeed China thinks it can overwhelm India, it would have already done so. Even otherwise, something has happened from the Indian side that has spooked the Chinese. I have a feeling the Galwan clash was unexpected and not part of the plan. The 20 Indian Soldiers killed, how they were killed and the large casualties on their side has impacted their plans. From what was almost casually called a border skirmish is now being announced as a possible war across the world.

It's important to note that a war will harm the Chinese more and their economy than India's. India will be no pushover even with a good chance of them getting a bad beating. What was intended to be salami slicing has gone hay-wire plunging the plan toward a war which China will not fight. If it intended to there was absolutely no need to reason and talk. They would have done what they wanted to without giving India time to group and amass troops.
Typical bharti mentality! All your neighbors are bad and you yourself are a saint.
@rott @Michael Corleone indian mentality is the reason this needs to happen

If USA,israel,russia,uk been in our situation they would have nuked this wasted sperm of a country.

Of course we are saint .
After 47 we faced 5 major wars and numerous conflicts .Everyone was initiated by other side.

For the world , one of our neighbour is absolute uncivilised dubious communist autocracy and other one where Abottabad happens.

Any way nice map.
But you know what CAA was just start further reforms will make account all of our citizens and will kick out all those illegals
Of course we are saint .
After 47 we faced 5 major wars and numerous conflicts .Everyone was initiated by other side.

For the world , one of our neighbour is absolute uncivilised dubious communist autocracy and other one where Abottabad happens.

Any way nice map.
But you know what CAA was just start further reforms will make account all of our citizens and will kick out all those illegals

Your neighbour is uncivilised communist country, and you guys are super civilised, educated , financially secure , first world country right ? Don’t forget who you are. You are India. A land that is overpopulated with a massive illiterate and poor population. A country where the majority is under the standard poverty line of the first world. A country that , if the British hadn’t taught you Wudnt even be consuming tea right now. You ppl shud thank Britain for the tea u drink, if not for them you wud be drinking only cow piss even until now. Thank the great Mughal kings who named ur land Hindu-Stan (ahh sounds like Afghanistan and Pakistan and other stand were the population is Muslims, I wonder why..... I wonder why India is called Hindustan... oh wait cuz it was built by the Muslims ), also thank them for biriyani otherwise you and your cattle wud be sitting down side by side eating grass. stop acting like u are super civilised. You only stepped into the civil world. Recognise that. Your country’s leader wud rather save face then to face reality. He wud rather concede strategic implications, rather then telling the truth to the ppl about the latest conflict so that the ppl know wats at stake and the army can set in motion a proper strategic set of actions. But no , you idiots will thump ur chest and believe bullshit and concede strategic losses instead. Unless u recognise a problem how the hell will u even respond , let alone take back wats urs? Dilluded . Crickut.... Crickut.... Crickut... wet dream ..... Crickut.... some more wet dreams... Crickut.... sum more Cricket
All that is ok and speculative. If indeed China thinks it can overwhelm India, it would have already done so. Even otherwise, something has happened from the Indian side that has spooked the Chinese. I have a feeling the Galwan clash was unexpected and not part of the plan. The 20 Indian Soldiers killed, how they were killed and the large casualties on their side has impacted their plans. From what was almost casually called a border skirmish is now being announced as a possible war across the world.

It's important to note that a war will harm the Chinese more and their economy than India's. India will be no pushover even with a good chance of them getting a bad beating. What was intended to be salami slicing has gone hay-wire plunging the plan toward a war which China will not fight. If it intended to there was absolutely no need to reason and talk. They would have done what they wanted to without giving India time to group and amass troops.
Until today you still don't understand what China wants? We went to exact point of our LAC which was the 1962 claim line and forced India to create a buffer zone where nothing can happen within 1 to 2 km. Of that line. Previously Indians had been patrolling and creating conflicts inside Galwan, we went in and laid claim and created a buffer zone which extends Into Indian territory as well.
Until today you still don't understand what China wants? We went to exact point of our LAC which was the 1962 claim line and forced India to create a buffer zone where nothing can happen within 1 to 2 km. Of that line. Previously Indians had been patrolling and creating conflicts inside Galwan, we went in and laid claim and created a buffer zone which extends Into Indian territory as well.
At this point, I'm convinced that China does not really know what it wants except a show of force. Can you prove that China pushed the border according to what you call the 1962 claim line? All this talk of buffer zone is noise if the objective was not met when Chinese and Pakistanis claim India is too weak to do anything.
At this point, I'm convinced that China does not really know what it wants except a show of force. Can you prove that China pushed the border according to what you call the 1962 claim line? All this talk of buffer zone is noise if the objective was not met when Chinese and Pakistanis claim India is too weak to do anything.
My friend, you don't move that many troops and stuff over to multiple strategic spots simultaneously just for a show of force mate. We knew exactly how Indians would react.

1) move quickly exactly to the LAC (chini line)

2) Create tension and let it simmer for a few months.

3) shit may or may not happen. In this case some casualties happened.

4) deescalate and create a buffer zone. China doesn't want to spend and keep a large force and keep on patrolling on some forsaken land. By creating a buffer zone. Into Indian territory, we are sure no Indians can come into our territory. Doesn't matter if we can't patrol 1km or 2km,who cares, we want you guys out of Aksai Chin.
You Chinese were supposed to get Jammu and Kashmir for Pakistan.

You created a 2km buffer and went home you did nothing for Pakistan.

You are their everything their protector their investors their big brother's

Why did you pack up and go home
You Chinese were supposed to get Jammu and Kashmir for Pakistan.

You created a 2km buffer and went home you did nothing for Pakistan.

You are their everything their protector their investors their big brother's

Why did you pack up and go home
Sounds of a hooker getting bitch slapped by her pimp

All you guys asking for aksai chin Sounds like Pakistani who keep repeating Kashmir kashmir.
Nowadays, no country is push over and you cant take back others or yours land without destroying your economy and army in a big way.
That's why it's better to just settle at what other party controls and live peacefully.
I would love travel by road to Pak & Tibet china.
But that would mean army expenditure will reduce no more big purchases , politicians have to talk about peoples in elections instead of war. Lol

America France israel and our militaries ,politicians would hate it. So enjoy the show. Nothing going to change.
Of course we are saint .
After 47 we faced 5 major wars and numerous conflicts .Everyone was initiated by other side.

For the world , one of our neighbour is absolute uncivilised dubious communist autocracy and other one where Abottabad happens.

Any way nice map.
But you know what CAA was just start further reforms will make account all of our citizens and will kick out all those illegals
:lol:You don't speak for the world,Heck a bangladeshi neighbor of yours just gave you a reality check.

What illegals? They were more patriotic than you at one time but now they are gloating at what PLA did,
The same way dalits gloated when brahims were executed by others.

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