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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

Asad umer should had been made Foreign Minister while Qureshi as CM of Punjab. Portfolios of his cabinet members are not correct. This is where Imran Khan is doing wrong.

Nothing less than a joke if Buzdar appointment was not enough.

Qureshi lost his PS seat. Tareen rounded up all the provincial independents to join PTI and would've never tolerated if Qureshi was given another chance at by-election to become CM Punjab. They simply don't like each other.

Ideally JKT would have been the CM Punjab, but got disqualified unfortunately. Even now he holds a lot of power in the party.

Of course Buzdar is a dummy, there are various power centers in Punjab and Shehbaz Gil is also trying to play an effective role.
Its seems like badmashia is going to win again what a poor person IK he can not stand against these criminal corrupted political forces they have a huge amount of there black money as we said (na bap bara na bhaiya sb sa bara rupaya) if we control this bloody evil media then every thing become fine...
Tht stupid can't negotiate a deal with IMF?
Asad Umar is involved in, gambling he did and made a huge money, when he let dollors fly higher then pak rupees? Jst in a day, without even the knowledge of the PM???
The key mistakes made by Asad Umar have been identified with logic and reason by myself in earlier posts, unlike the baseless accusations you have jotted down and without froth spraying mannerism or kiddish verve:
many of us Pakistanis, regardless of political affiliation, tend to assume just born status when things go south or the going gets tough and it suits us to blame anyone but ourselves for years and years of economic rot.

Not that your contradictory post requires an explanation, but more for the sake of an exposition...kindly ponder on the flip flops within a single post:
Tht stupid can't negotiate a deal with IMF?
The stupid already had completed negotiations with IMF...so much so that IMF got irked by him and forced GOP to appoint someone else or no deal.
Hafiz pasha won't be a super hero, but he won't kill poor Pakistanis as what Asad Umar has done already, now when, every line of unfilation been stretched to breaking point, all hafiz pasha will do, is to manage it properly and thats it
So IMF has the best intentions for poor Pakistanis, lol, If you don't even know that Hafeez Pasha is not PTI but IMF's "preference" then whatever I post would be like trying to force-feed some wholesome grass but at the wrong end of the poor animal, lol, so kindly understand the basics first.

@PakSword @Zibago
The key mistakes made by Asad Umar have been identified with logic and reason by myself in earlier posts, unlike the baseless accusations you have jotted down and without froth spraying mannerism or kiddish verve:

Not that your contradictory post requires an explanation, but more for the sake of an exposition...kindly ponder on the flip flops within a single post:

The stupid already had completed negotiations with IMF...so much so that IMF got irked by him and forced GOP to appoint someone else or no deal.

So IMF has the best intentions for poor Pakistanis, lol, If you don't even know that Hafeez Pasha is not PTI but IMF's "preference" then whatever I post would be like trying to force-feed some wholesome grass but at the wrong end of the poor animal, lol, so kindly understand the basics first.

@PakSword @Zibago
Intellectuals here aren't realizing that because of imf loans we have reached here.

For them, the best finance minister is the one who will accept the demands of imf (that could be increasing tax on low income households) and in turn will be accepted by imf.. not the one who is delaying the loans and managing it somehow to bring imf to his terms.

Anyway, it's our general character. A friend of mine was telling me that when his family goes shopping, his wife asks him why is he worried, it's the bank which is paying (he uses credit card). When our nation's character has been changed to this, it will definitely like ishaq or the likes over asads.

I don't indulge with these kind of people for more than a few posts.
Lol my man, no pun intended, lol.

That's fine. But the buck stops with IK and he has made some unforgivable blunders so far (eg approval of Showbaz as head of PAC). The mantra has always been accountability and reducing corruption and money laundering and this 'let's give them a chance' BS is not going to fly anymore. If he and his team can't deliver on the big promises and don't have the know how to fight the mafia then pack up or do exactly as those who know how to. Time for experimenting is or may be has run out, as time for tough policies is right at the start.
It doesn't matters why DAR did, but for a common pakistani, prices of feul, gas and electricity plus the average price of daily use items like milk, sugar, meat was still in reach of the poor and middle class???? A country can't be ran on some immature dreams and a few moral slogans of the PTIans ?
And Thts why we are seeing Mr ASAD UMAR been kicked out now, cause he couldn't brought any thing good to a common pakistani???
While if you think, that this PTI govt isn't going to ask IMFs loan then u got to wake up get dressed and go to school?
No one cares how croupt DAR was, but it is his few success in his ministry tht not only pakistan took IMFs loan programe but also frist time in our history paid back whole of it?
Now, drum ur crouption beat, it looks good on some PTIans lips but it can't solve the problems of a dying poor Pakistani!

I gss, thy know me and they know also the reality tht even though whatever allegations been thrown on DAR, still he is the only single, pakistani finance minster who took the loan from IMF and repaid it back?
This is the reality which no one can denies and in his times middle and poor classes of Pakistanis were still living with far cheaper prices of gas, electricity, and $$$

Who told u tht Asad Umar brought down the massive trade Deficit?
All that been taken care because Arabs and chinese gave the money on the face value of imran khan?
It has nothing to do with, ASAD UMAR s so called geniuses???
Tht stupid can't negotiate a deal with IMF?
Asad Umar is involved in, gambling he did and made a huge money, when he let dollors fly higher then pak rupees? Jst in a day, without even the knowledge of the PM???
WHY, why why???? Not he been taken by NAB untill now???
Or it's the next comming future for him?
Imran khan took a lot of bullets because this stupid, but now it's the question of the survival of Pakistanis, how much infilation, they can absorb by tht Asad Umar type so called economic wizards????
Hafiz pasha won't be a super hero, but he won't kill poor Pakistanis as what Asad Umar has done already, now when, every line of unfilation been stretched to breaking point, all hafiz pasha will do, is to manage it properly and thats it, still it will be far more better then the dam put on hold policy of stupid Asad Umar?
Long Story short
Ishaq dar paid back IMF installment
But to pay that he took another bill from them.
So in simple words To pay installment he took another loan from IMF.
And bro
He is not the ONLY FM who paid back to IMF
Instead roll back to Musharraf
The only gov who never took loan from IMF and the one who return some installments as well.
So rewind that was time of Shaukat Aziz.
No additional loan taken
Still paid IMF
Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz Era

Now Ishaq Dar
To pay the sood qist
He again took sood
What a genius he was waah waah
& I said way earlier Asad Umer is not qualified to make a difference as he goes by the book.
Sounds great in corporate culture where he belonged to. But running country economy there is no such thing as transparent and uniform course of caculus.
He must have ideas outside the Box.
But he failed. No problem atleast he tried.
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That's fine. But the buck stops with IK and he has made some unforgivable blunders so far (eg approval of Showbaz as head of PAC). The mantra has always been accountability and reducing corruption and money laundering and this 'let's give them a chance' BS is not going to fly anymore. If he and his team can't deliver on the big promises and don't have the know how to fight the mafia then pack up or do exactly as those who know how to. Time for experimenting is or may be has run out, as time for tough policies is right at the start.
No arguments here.

When we compare the PM with others, he is in no way a failure compared to nepotism personifications in Sharif's and Zardaris.

If the economy was not in such dire condition then all of this government's mistakes would not be highlighted as much simply because the bunch in power is still far far better than people who have looted us for decades.

Don't get me wrong but even in times of gloom there is always a light, a thread to grab on to - to follow and get to the root cause of reasons for failure.

Every man has his faults as does IK and his is lack of economic know how and being at best, a dodgy judge of character of people around him.

Such leaders require sincere advisors who complement those shortcomings with extra ordinary abilities of their own.

Sadly we see that while IK is a great statesman but the areas he lacks expertise are exposed as being advised by completely incompetent people in his inner circle of advisors.

Somehow, IK has tried but largely failed to find people out of the available lot, who are up to the mark, to the dismay of the rest of us.

Sad to see that the old nazaryati guard of PTI was not considered worthy to be prepared for Government positions and we see the likes of Party hoppers and Azam Swati being rewarded and even Firdous Ashiq as Info Minister. No such excuse like hung parliament to appoint CM KPK but still the same result means something is wrong.

The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel - the thread that leads to the core of the problem - Whoever from IK's close confidants have advised IK to pick the likes of Azam Swati, Fidous Aashiq and Usman Buzdar are the people who are the real problem and should be parted ways with by IK from his circle of advisors. Period.

Still, like you stated, the buck stops at IK and he is the final authority to make decisions. He is ultimately responsible for who he appoints but we all know the dirty party politics means that the good honest guys are usually the first to be sidelined...people like Azam Swati are a testament to that.

No matter what the reason but I think one thing is without a doubt, crystal; IK will have to change the way he picks and appoints people. Period.
I know Firdose Awan abit closer and her husband is next to Devil. The guy who never walks or talks without boose.
Buzdar remind people of Punjab with hope of becoming CM.
If he can be CM anyone else can dream to be CM.
Long Story short
Ishaq dar paid back IMF installment
But to pay that he took another bill from them.
So in simple words To pay installment he took another loan from IMF.
And bro
He is not the ONLY FM who paid back to IMF
Instead roll back to Musharraf
The only gov who never took loan from IMF and the one who return some installments as well.
So rewind that was time of Shaukat Aziz.
No additional loan taken
Still paid IMF
Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz Era

Now Ishaq Dar
To pay the sood qist
He again took sood
What a genius he was waah waah
Long story very short, so by your POV still DAR was not only able to get, the loan from IMF but also repaid them, which made his good will, and get more from IMF?
WHTS WRONG WITH THAT, specially when Asad Umar kept asking and negotiating months after months, what he got????
Nothing, zip, zero
It's a simple comparison, in which DAR stands a clear winner despite his croupt activities, he was far more able. Negotiator, and has far more bigger credibility then of ASAD UMAR

The key mistakes made by Asad Umar have been identified with logic and reason by myself in earlier posts, unlike the baseless accusations you have jotted down and without froth spraying mannerism or kiddish verve:

Not that your contradictory post requires an explanation, but more for the sake of an exposition...kindly ponder on the flip flops within a single post:

The stupid already had completed negotiations with IMF...so much so that IMF got irked by him and forced GOP to appoint someone else or no deal.

So IMF has the best intentions for poor Pakistanis, lol, If you don't even know that Hafeez Pasha is not PTI but IMF's "preference" then whatever I post would be like trying to force-feed some wholesome grass but at the wrong end of the poor animal, lol, so kindly understand the basics first.

@PakSword @Zibago
If you think, IMF has no good intentions for pakistan then why your great but stupid genius economist keep going and begging them months after months???
He tried to trick them , and look where the country reach?
Actully some dream PTI fan boys LIKE U, are the very reason, why PTI s govt can't get the stability required by the country? Cause reality is different then of righteous dreams?
Long story very short, so by your POV still DAR was not only able to get, the loan from IMF but also repaid them, which made his good will, and get more from IMF?
Dar lover Alert!

Ishaq Dar? The man who laundered money for Sharifs, the man responsible for drowning Pakistan in the biggest unprecedented foreign loan in the history of the nation. Wow - just wow!

Indeed @PakSword you were right about this one :
I don't indulge with these kind of people for more than a few posts.

Moving further down your post...
If you think, IMF has no good intentions for pakistan then why your great but stupid genius economist keep going and begging them months after months???
Looks like you have been using the wrong end of your body to understand the economy and my post dear, lol.

Not only are you a complete ignoramus nincompoop but you kiddishly keep drawing idiotic conclusions that are not even worth my time.

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