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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

This is sad and there is huge disappointment among PTI fans. Now PTI govt has to deliver fast, really fast so that people will move on and look forward. Time is not behind PTI this time and something drastic should happen else PPP and PMLN will topple PTI govt in few months time.
Also Asad was and still is the best man for the job

Just look at Imran Khan and PTI official facebook pages, people are really disappointed. The hope they were looking at after July 25, 2018 is dwindling.
Just look at Imran Khan and PTI official facebook pages, people are really disappointed. The hope they were looking at after July 25, 2018 is dwindling.
Same here my hope is crumbling.... I get Fawad Chaudry was bad but then IK went ahead and made corrupt aunty Firdous Ashiq as info minister. Pathetic decision making.
Asad umer should had been made Foreign Minister while Qureshi as CM of Punjab. Portfolios of his cabinet members are not correct. This is where Imran Khan is doing wrong.

Same here my hope is crumbling.... I get Fawad Chaudry was bad but then IK went ahead and made corrupt aunty Firdous Ashiq as info minister. Pathetic decision making.

Nothing less than a joke if Buzdar appointment was not enough.
Have you seen the guy they replaced him with?

Also Asad was and still is the best man for the job.

One problem of the higher politics is that we the common folks are not fully aware of the facts. A large part of them remains concealed to the few at the top. So due to lack of facts, proper analysis is not possible, even by a very intelligent person. So, under the conditions, it is best to have trust and faith.

Just as an example, you see, how much confusion still prevails regarding facts on the recent Indo-Pak conflict, which is rather a less complex issue.
Actually after such comical appointments, Imran Khan himself paves way for the opposition to malign him and party in general.
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Just look at Imran Khan and PTI official facebook pages, people are really disappointed. The hope they were looking at after July 25, 2018 is dwindling.

May be. But we have nowhere to go. AAZ, NS and their gangs are awaiting.

Same here my hope is crumbling.... I get Fawad Chaudry was bad but then IK went ahead and made corrupt aunty Firdous Ashiq as info minister. Pathetic decision making.

Don't ever call her "aunty". She minds it very much.
Hafeez is to be considered and has been given equal powers entitled by Finance Minister. He is only legally an advisor on Finance and not FM only because he is not member parliament, ( thanx @Farah Sohail )

Anyways, it is well known that Hafeez Sheikh is IMF's man. I'm sure he would have demanded free hand from IK before accepting this job.

Further down the road, I wonder how PPP and PMLN would react when Pak Steel and PIA are put up for privatization as it has been politicised by them in the past along with PTI itself.

I wonder how PTI cadres, leave alone the rest, will react when it dawns on them that Hafeez Sheikh has Indian business partners in his Dubai based concern...Steel Mill Privatization or not will be made a charged issue...not that there is any mala fide per say on his part but many of us Pakistanis, regardless of political affiliation, tend to assume just born status when things go south or the going gets tough and it suits us to blame anyone but ourselves for years and years of economic rot.

As I said in an earlier pos (somewhere), this is most likely the one and only (last) shuffle before the system wrap up. Question is, will IK survive to play another day or he will be retired in the new system. That will depend on his timing of dissolving assemblies.
As I said in an earlier pos (somewhere), this is most likely the one and only (last) shuffle before the system wrap up. Question is, will IK survive to play another day or he will be retired in the new system. That will depend on his timing of dissolving assemblies.

At least, this much I am sure, that dissolving assemblies, on his own, would certainly be the end of political carrier of IK, and perhaps, PTI, as well. This is no solution, on its own.
What a load of!

Ishaq Dar laid butt up in front of IMF and put the sovereignty of the country as collateral.

People like you are only concerned with lining your pockets, the country can burn down it won't matter to you.
It doesn't matters why DAR did, but for a common pakistani, prices of feul, gas and electricity plus the average price of daily use items like milk, sugar, meat was still in reach of the poor and middle class???? A country can't be ran on some immature dreams and a few moral slogans of the PTIans ?
And Thts why we are seeing Mr ASAD UMAR been kicked out now, cause he couldn't brought any thing good to a common pakistani???
While if you think, that this PTI govt isn't going to ask IMFs loan then u got to wake up get dressed and go to school?
No one cares how croupt DAR was, but it is his few success in his ministry tht not only pakistan took IMFs loan programe but also frist time in our history paid back whole of it?
Now, drum ur crouption beat, it looks good on some PTIans lips but it can't solve the problems of a dying poor Pakistani!

I gss, thy know me and they know also the reality tht even though whatever allegations been thrown on DAR, still he is the only single, pakistani finance minster who took the loan from IMF and repaid it back?
This is the reality which no one can denies and in his times middle and poor classes of Pakistanis were still living with far cheaper prices of gas, electricity, and $$$

He may or may not be a complete incompetent but Hafeez Sheikh is definitely not as good or better than Asad if not worst.

The question arises then why was Asad Umar fired (despite some of his mistakes) but when he had already brought down the Current Account Deficit from $15 Billion, a massive crater left by PMLN, down to just about $9Billion ???(fact credit: @PakSword )

The possible answer may be more than what meet the eyes:

... that Asad Umar is a political die hard PTI leader while Hafeez Sheikh is not.

... Asad was thought of as arrogant by IMF where as Hafeez Sheikh looks like IMF blue eyed as he has no such die hard political affiliation to IK.

...Asad tried his best to avoid IMF but Hafeez Sheikh has no such track record of trying to avoid IMF.

...While Asad Omar would have tried his best to find ways to out maneuver IMF and give some relief to the masses as politically elect are afterall answerable to public, Hafeez Sheikh has no such concerns but to follow IMF's lead to the letter.

And lastly, if you were IMF, would you rather deal and work with Asad or someone you have the financial muscle to appoint?
Who told u tht Asad Umar brought down the massive trade Deficit?
All that been taken care because Arabs and chinese gave the money on the face value of imran khan?
It has nothing to do with, ASAD UMAR s so called geniuses???
Tht stupid can't negotiate a deal with IMF?
Asad Umar is involved in, gambling he did and made a huge money, when he let dollors fly higher then pak rupees? Jst in a day, without even the knowledge of the PM???
WHY, why why???? Not he been taken by NAB untill now???
Or it's the next comming future for him?
Imran khan took a lot of bullets because this stupid, but now it's the question of the survival of Pakistanis, how much infilation, they can absorb by tht Asad Umar type so called economic wizards????
Hafiz pasha won't be a super hero, but he won't kill poor Pakistanis as what Asad Umar has done already, now when, every line of unfilation been stretched to breaking point, all hafiz pasha will do, is to manage it properly and thats it, still it will be far more better then the dam put on hold policy of stupid Asad Umar?

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