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Breaking : American "Journalist" Michael kugelman confirms existence of letter

when losing, create a scene.
IK is rapidly losing the trust others may have in him.
His actions always defy his own words. How long others may take him seriously?
Regardless of the letter. I an expecting thaw in US-Pak relations moving forward. They are getting rid of IK govt and Army has been 'made' neutral on this that is to stop backing IK. Once elections take place and new govt setup formalized in Islamabad, minus Imran Khan, US will throw carrots to Pak as a gift in the shape of clearance from FATF grey list.

I will even go ahead and I predict that they will offer something to disgruntled Pakistan Army in order to pacify them as many in military ranks are very upset over Imran Khan outsed. They offer can also be F16Vs upgrades etc.
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Regardless of the letter. I an expecting thaw in US-Pak relations moving forward. They are getting rid of IK govt and Army has been 'made' neutral on this that is to stop backing IK. Once elections take place and new govt setup formalized in Islamabad, minus Imran Khan, US will throw carrots to Pak as a gift in the shape of clearance from FATF grey list.

I will even go ahead and I predict that they will offer something to disgruntled Pakistan Army in order to pacify them as many in military ranks are very upset over Imran Khan outsed. The offer can also be F16Vs upgrades etc.

They aren’t gonna give anything substantial
Regardless of the letter. I an expecting thaw in US-Pak relations moving forward. They are getting rid of IK govt and Army has been 'made' neutral on this that is to stop backing IK. Once elections take place and new govt setup formalized in Islamabad, minus Imran Khan, US will throw carrots to Pak as a gift in the shape of clearance from FATF grey list.

I will even go ahead and I predict that they will offer something to disgruntled Pakistan Army in order to pacify them as many in military ranks are very upset over Imran Khan outsed. The offer can also be F16Vs upgrades etc.
so they will bend over for a jet?
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so the will bend over for a jet?
They already have else this no confidence motion would had never been submitted at first place. Things to follow make it so obvious. WTF JKT is doing in UK for all these days ? do we really believe that he is sick just like Nawaz.

They aren’t gonna give anything substantial
Clearance from FATF and IMF going a bit easy on the next Govt for sure.

Secondly, if we further went ahead and offered them atleast an air corridor for launching drones or missiles attack to CIA than yeah even F16 Vs upgrades.
Regardless of the letter. I an expecting thaw in US-Pak relations moving forward. They are getting rid of IK govt and Army has been 'made' neutral on this that is to stop backing IK. Once elections take place and new govt setup formalized in Islamabad, minus Imran Khan, US will throw carrots to Pak as a gift in the shape of clearance from FATF grey list.

I will even go ahead and I predict that they will offer something to disgruntled Pakistan Army in order to pacify them as many in military ranks are very upset over Imran Khan outsed. They offer can also be F16Vs upgrades etc.
and you my friend are an delusional individual.
havent you seen the history how uncle sam treats Pakistan :hitwall:
and you my friend are an delusional individual.
havent you seen the history how uncle sam treats Pakistan :hitwall:
Oh bhai they are getting what they really want ...a pro US-Pakistani govt in the form of Zardari and submissive Nawaz. No more 'Azad foreign policy' from Pakistani govt. You will see Pakistan backing out from the deals IK made in Russia. Just like we backed out from Iran Pakistan gas pipeline 10 years back.
Oh bhai they are getting what they really want ...a pro US, Pakistani govt in the form of Zardari and submissive Nawaz.
Yes i am aware of that but look at the consequences of this Pakistan will get in to much more trouble.
Also have you forgotten the current deficit crisis of Pakistan is cause of Zardari and Nawaz ?
Do you want them to loot Pakistan again ?
Also what benefits Pakistan got whislt sitting in the US camp ? (F-16 which we can only use for defensive purpose not aggressive)
India will again start to act up again as they will know Pakistan will not do anything against them.
I am against most of imran khan policies and i think it was because of imran khan's use of words that situation got worst. This moron needs to learn diplomatic language and learn how to communicate softly.
Having said that, the reality is the americans are threatening Pakistan and they are known to interfere. Imran khan should have taken a true neutral stance on Ukraine, met both putin and zelensky and highlight that Pakistan have good defense ties with ukraine as well. He should have had proper communication with US and told them that we r not in a position to condemn russia.
It is also weird that US subtly blames Pakistan for thaw in bilateral relations, its failure of diplomacy. It should have been made clear to US that it is US that is destroying the bilateral relations. From CSF withholding to FATF grey list to banning of engines to stopping of all aid, its the US that is destroying the bilateral relations to appease india.
I say in this crucial time, the nation should stand with the PM and demonstrate that Pakistan will not be a slave state. We should also be ready for sanctions and should not be afraid. The sanctions only affect the rich and state should infact squeeze the rich to help the poor. We need a strong govt and leadership at this moment. If IK losses VNC then he should come out on streets and campaign even harder and next time get a huge majority.
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