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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

Good news.

Blackwater will show Taliban what a real war looks like. They will not abide by Rules of Engagement. Just 600 Blackwater decimated Al Shabbab in Somalia.

The Taliban are not hindus that they are so cowardly

They have taken on superpowers/NATO with armies compromising of 100,000+ troops

First the Afghan government has to be dum enough to let blackwater in

Then resist the Afghan population go bat shit crazy if Blackwater kills someone

This is perfect for the Taliban
Blackwater is a criminal organization. Trump is delegating the power to commit atrocities and terrorism to a private entity because American military has its hands tied due to various laws.
Blackwater will not commit any atrocities on civilians.
They are bound by international law.
northern alliance batter pack up and run out of the country with the looted aid money to Switzerland before Taliban or fellow Northern drug lord takes the money off them and executes them
Good news.
Yes, it is good news. The men who make up the Taliban have faced 40 years of war, Soviets, Spetsnaz, NATO, US, you name it. You must live in bubble if you think Blackwater are going to bring something to scare the Taliban. Indeed Blackwater will operate with less restraint and antagnize the population even more making Taliban even more stronger. Afghanistan is not Somalia.

Reminds me of how 100 Spanish conquistadors
I know. It reminds me how Hindu's lay flat in horzontal position for nearly 1,000 years despite being one of the largest mass of humanity on earth.
How come we didn't see that in Iraq? After all many posters claimed the U.S. retreated in Iraq.
I don't think Iraq is comparable to either Vietnam or Afghanistan. The US was able to work with the majority Shia's in Iraq to put in place a sustainable government, it was Al Qaeda and its offshoots (later ISIS) that became a threat by using sections of the minority Sunni population (angered over its marginalization post Saddam) as a support base. The US definitely made major errors, such as disbanding the Saddam Army (parts of which then joined AQ/ISIS) instead of using it as a building block.

Afghanistan is perhaps more like Vietnam in that there was never a clear cut 'majority' (like the Shia in Iraq) for the US to use as a building block for a new government. The Pashtun are a plurality in Afghanistan and the Taliban themselves are largely Pashtun. The US also made major errors in never engaging very deeply with Pakistan and addressing Pakistan's strategic imperatives vis a vis Afghanistan. The US lack of understanding on how to engage with Pakistan (and leverage Pakistani cooperation in Afghanistan) is perhaps best illustrated with the unilateral NSG waiver given to India without any requirements for nuclear disarmament placed upon her, while demanding Pakistan be measured by a different yardstick.

I mean, seriously, the US comes in, supports an Afghan government unfriendly to Pakistan, encourages deepening military and economic ties between India and Afghanistan, supports India in the NSG while refusing to put in place clear cut conditions for all non-NPT States to become part of the NSG, and then berates Pakistan for 'not supporting the US in Afghanistan'.

I don't know whether to laugh or pull my hair out when I hear, for the umpteenth time, US analysts and politicians ranting about 'Pakistan should support US goals because of all the aid the US gives her'. Pakistan was never going to sell out its long term strategic interests for a few billion in short term US aid.
Good news.

Blackwater will show Taliban what a real war looks like. They will not abide by Rules of Engagement. Just 600 Blackwater decimated Al Shabbab in Somalia.

black water and other mercenaries have been in afghanistan from day one only numbers will increase, their performance in Iraq and Yemen shows they are useless. But I guess pinning hopes on these mofo's is next best thing!
Good news.

Blackwater will show Taliban what a real war looks like. They will not abide by Rules of Engagement. Just 600 Blackwater decimated Al Shabbab in Somalia.

British Thinks they same, Soviets Thinks they will crush them , and US with 35+ Country Alliance also think the same .. and yet all of them failed miserably , these Contractors will only harm Innocent Afghans, but Taliban is a fighting force fuel by Ideology based in Islam , Good luck defeating it .
Spewing so much venom against America, yet trying your best to escape to America :lol:

Spoken like a true Namak Haram just like Afghan refugees you complain about. :disagree:

OH if i remember correctly you are that Same Bangli hahah you came with another fake ID ? what happened to your previous ID ? Got banned poor kid
Citation needed.

A multi-million dollar private company like Blackwater runs on a supply and demand basis. If they were so useless there would be no demand for their services.
The supply and demand was leave iraq or die!! They are nothing more than murderous thugs. If you believe they will change the situation to favour occupying nation then lets wait and see.
Raymond Davis times 8 thousand.

A professional military is bound by laws and can be held accountable. Not so much private contractors.

These guys are ex-special forces from around the world and have military experience, many working for CIA and possibly MOSSAD.

Looks like some Pakistanis celebrating too soon. These private contractors will supplant the remaining American troops in Afghanistan. Whatever dirty work American military cannot do due to tied hands by laws, private contractors can easily do and get away with it.

US isn't leaving the region anytime soon.

Erik Prince is reviving his controversial proposal to turn over the 17-year-old Afghanistan war to private military contractors.

Prince, founder of the company once known as Blackwater, released a Youtube video on July 12 titled “The Way Forward in Afghanistan.” It emphasizes his strong personal critiques of the Pentagon’s strategy in Afghanistan.

Prince said his plan would “cost a fraction of what the U.S. is squandering now, utilizing about 6,000 contractors embedded with the Afghan military versus the 45,000 foreign personnel currently in the country.”

In the over 6-minute video, Prince appears along with images from the war in Afghanistan and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, saying Afghanistan is a location where terrorist organizations can plan and launch attacks against the United States. Prince says a military presence in Afghanistan is necessary to ensure American safety from foreign aggression.

Prince, a self-described libertarian, once stated: “I’m a very free market guy. I’m not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions.”

Prince said he believes he has a better strategy for Afghanistan that also takes into consideration the cost effectiveness of modern warfare.

In the over 6-minute video, Prince appears along with images from the war in Afghanistan and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, saying Afghanistan is a location where terrorist organizations can plan and launch attacks against the United States. Prince says a military presence in Afghanistan is necessary to ensure American safety from foreign aggression.

Prince, a self-described libertarian, once stated: “I’m a very free market guy. I’m not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions.”

Prince said he believes he has a better strategy for Afghanistan that also takes into consideration the cost effectiveness of modern warfare.

The video draws on the example of the early successes of U.S. military special operations during the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. He said he believes that smaller units, comprised of highly skilled professionals backed by appropriate resources while conducting unconventional tactics, are far more efficient than conventional military tactics.

He highlights the $62 billion U.S. spending in Afghanistan this year and notes the $21 trillion the US still holds in debt.

However, like the skeletal support structure Prince is proposing, he has only offered a skeletal plan accompanied by a, “what President Trump should do” anecdote.

“President Trump should appoint a special presidential envoy and empower them to wage an unconventional war against Taliban and Daesh forces, to hold the corrupt officials accountable and to negotiate with their Afghan counterparts and the Afghan Taliban that are willing to reconcile with Kabul. As the skeletal support of mentors, airpower and governance stand up, the conventional DoD and NATO forces can go home, leaving a much, much smaller footprint,” Prince said in the video.

Prince said that, under his plan, the war in Afghanistan would not be completely privatized, noting that contractors would work in collaboration with U.S. military special operations and the Central Intelligence Agency.

This isn’t the first time Prince has proposed this model for Afghanistan.

Less than one year ago, in August 2017, Prince was meeting with members of the Trump administration in Washington to present a proposal called “A Strategic Economy of Force.” This proposal, essentially the same one outlined in his most recent pitch, was rejected by senior officials of the administration. The proposal had multiple criticisms from members in the Trump administration, as well as legal concerns specifically about Prince’s desire for a private air force in Afghanistan.

However, Prince is likely trying to capitalize on the change of many top administration officials since then.

The most important decision-maker for the Afghanistan war strategywould be Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

Prince stated to Britain’s Independent that “General Mattis agreed with his analysis of the problems in Afghanistan but disagreed with his solution.”

No information has been released by Prince on when or if he has any official new meetings with President Trump or members of his administration regarding the proposal.

@django @war&peace @Starlord @Clutch @maximuswarrior

I remember when they arrived in afghanistan, tv shows were full of praise for the technology possessed by the West. About the same I had a debate with a person about how it will not be as easy. Heck I was gifted this book check it out.

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It shows the military might and 10 years I have had this book that shows the chivalry in animation.

If those guns for hire can do it then lets see it.
Good news.

Blackwater will show Taliban what a real war looks like. They will not abide by Rules of Engagement. Just 600 Blackwater decimated Al Shabbab in Somalia.
Mate, u must be a whimp to think the U s army abides by any rules in warfare. Blackwater will feel the full brunt of what is coming. The guys behind the Taliban( u knw who), the actuall string pullers were reluctant to attack US Army too much. Blackwater will get no such quater. We will own Afghanistan after the US army leaves.
Good news.

Blackwater will show Taliban what a real war looks like. They will not abide by Rules of Engagement. Just 600 Blackwater decimated Al Shabbab in Somalia.
And 600 Afghan taliban would be enough to decimate Indian army in Kashmir.
Raymond Davis times 8 thousand.

A professional military is bound by laws and can be held accountable. Not so much private contractors.

These guys are ex-special forces from around the world and have military experience, many working for CIA and possibly MOSSAD.

Looks like some Pakistanis celebrating too soon. These private contractors will supplant the remaining American troops in Afghanistan. Whatever dirty work American military cannot do due to tied hands by laws, private contractors can easily do and get away with it.

US isn't leaving the region anytime soon.

Erik Prince is reviving his controversial proposal to turn over the 17-year-old Afghanistan war to private military contractors.

Prince, founder of the company once known as Blackwater, released a Youtube video on July 12 titled “The Way Forward in Afghanistan.” It emphasizes his strong personal critiques of the Pentagon’s strategy in Afghanistan.

Prince said his plan would “cost a fraction of what the U.S. is squandering now, utilizing about 6,000 contractors embedded with the Afghan military versus the 45,000 foreign personnel currently in the country.”

In the over 6-minute video, Prince appears along with images from the war in Afghanistan and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, saying Afghanistan is a location where terrorist organizations can plan and launch attacks against the United States. Prince says a military presence in Afghanistan is necessary to ensure American safety from foreign aggression.

Prince, a self-described libertarian, once stated: “I’m a very free market guy. I’m not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions.”

Prince said he believes he has a better strategy for Afghanistan that also takes into consideration the cost effectiveness of modern warfare.

In the over 6-minute video, Prince appears along with images from the war in Afghanistan and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, saying Afghanistan is a location where terrorist organizations can plan and launch attacks against the United States. Prince says a military presence in Afghanistan is necessary to ensure American safety from foreign aggression.

Prince, a self-described libertarian, once stated: “I’m a very free market guy. I’m not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions.”

Prince said he believes he has a better strategy for Afghanistan that also takes into consideration the cost effectiveness of modern warfare.

The video draws on the example of the early successes of U.S. military special operations during the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. He said he believes that smaller units, comprised of highly skilled professionals backed by appropriate resources while conducting unconventional tactics, are far more efficient than conventional military tactics.

He highlights the $62 billion U.S. spending in Afghanistan this year and notes the $21 trillion the US still holds in debt.

However, like the skeletal support structure Prince is proposing, he has only offered a skeletal plan accompanied by a, “what President Trump should do” anecdote.

“President Trump should appoint a special presidential envoy and empower them to wage an unconventional war against Taliban and Daesh forces, to hold the corrupt officials accountable and to negotiate with their Afghan counterparts and the Afghan Taliban that are willing to reconcile with Kabul. As the skeletal support of mentors, airpower and governance stand up, the conventional DoD and NATO forces can go home, leaving a much, much smaller footprint,” Prince said in the video.

Prince said that, under his plan, the war in Afghanistan would not be completely privatized, noting that contractors would work in collaboration with U.S. military special operations and the Central Intelligence Agency.

This isn’t the first time Prince has proposed this model for Afghanistan.

Less than one year ago, in August 2017, Prince was meeting with members of the Trump administration in Washington to present a proposal called “A Strategic Economy of Force.” This proposal, essentially the same one outlined in his most recent pitch, was rejected by senior officials of the administration. The proposal had multiple criticisms from members in the Trump administration, as well as legal concerns specifically about Prince’s desire for a private air force in Afghanistan.

However, Prince is likely trying to capitalize on the change of many top administration officials since then.

The most important decision-maker for the Afghanistan war strategywould be Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

Prince stated to Britain’s Independent that “General Mattis agreed with his analysis of the problems in Afghanistan but disagreed with his solution.”

No information has been released by Prince on when or if he has any official new meetings with President Trump or members of his administration regarding the proposal.

@django @war&peace @Starlord @Clutch @maximuswarrior
More target practice.....name me one army thag has survived afghanistan. Its where they come to die. Alsoit will be easier to cut supply lines ....merc are not reguar troops.

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