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Breaking: 35 new border posts on China border


Sep 3, 2012
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35 new border posts, more ITBP men on China border - The Economic Times

NEW DELHI: 35 new border posts will be created and additional ITBP personnel deployed in a phased manner to bolster security on Sino-India frontier, which has seen a spate of incursions from the Chinese recently.

Outgoing Director General of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) force Ajay Chadha said while 98 border posts along the frontier, many of them in high altitudes, will see an increase in troop numbers, 35 new posts will be created.

"This is a comprehensive plan and we will be completing this task in a phased manner by the year 2017," Chadha said.

The new border posts will require additional personnel which will be done by drawing manpower from new recruitments.

At present, India has over 150 border posts along this icy frontier and the paramilitary personenl guard 3,488 kms of the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The DG said the force is also enhancing the communication and other operational requirements of the personnel at these posts, a number of which face heavy snow and blizzard conditions year long.

The ITBP chief, however, refrained from commenting on the current border scenario as a number of incursion attempts and instances by the Chinese military have been reported recently.

"We are diligently carrying out our task on the border," Chadha said on the recent reports of incursion.

In order to provide the troops succour from cold weather at these high-altitude posts, a new variety of 'Bukhaaris' (stoves) are being provided.

Chadha, a 1977-batch IPS officer of AGMU cadre, will retire tomorrow after serving as its chif for close to nine months.
This is kind of redundant. The more you erect, more you have to dismantle later on.

These are just a small percentage of military measures that have been made public. There are more developments going on but are classified. There will be action inside Tibet very soon. Just wait and see.
In order to provide the troops succour from cold weather at these high-altitude posts, a new variety of 'Bukhaaris' (stoves) are being provided.
A typical 'bukhari' used by the Army as a heater in high altitude areas. You can even make tea etc on it. The pipe goes up and out from the side wall. This is most effective and no electricity is used - just wood and coal. One filling may last up to 8 hours.

I wonder what could be better than this contraption?


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