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BrahMos Storage Complex Under Construction in Halwara

It seems totally a one sided story...

During the tense situation or premature war time...

India will be deployed other SAM solution around the borders... Also, will deploy long range rockets - 90 km...

Will be monitored military movement and might india will take action and will surprise as same as 1965 war (opened other fronts as it was not expected by PAK military planners)....

So basically like cricket, other bowling unit do planning against the best Batman of opponent but other player can surprise might you.. Here, people talk about S400 but forget about other SAM systems...

SA-3s in IAF bases are not a long range threat. Other shorter range SAMs near the border can be taken out with simple anti-radiation missile strikes.
In all likelihood, India will have forward-deployed those BrahMos missiles in the lead-up to a conflict. They won't wait for the start of hostilities to get things moving. For what you're suggesting to work, Pakistan would have to strike first before there's any sense of conflict happening. In other words, we would have to be the aggressor. This is completely out of what our decision-makers want (i.e. to de-escalate tension and only respond to aggression).

If anything, the focus isn't on neutralizing the BrahMos, but rather, inflicting the same type of damage India is aiming to level on Pakistan.

So, to your point re: Fatah-1, the Army will station those in proximity to its designated targets (such as radar or GBAD assets, fuel stores, hangars, etc). However, I think the bigger point here is for Pakistan to invest in large supersonic (and in the future hypersonic) cruising missile stocks plus expanding the Babur / Harbah inventory. Perhaps even look into developing a GL-SDB-type solution that pairs Fatah-1 to a 113 kg gliding-PGB so that the Army can carry out precision air-strike-type attacks.

Ideally, Pakistan's response mechanism would be disproportionately large relative to its size and that of India's. So, we would aim for a 1:1 match-up in cruise missile stocks of every type, for example. However, we can't bankroll that type of expansion, nor do we have the innate industrial base to support it indigenously. Say "hello" to decades of economic and developmental neglect biting us in the rear.

That's why I always say on this forum, it is pointless to discuss buying of any particular weapon, radar, missile or jet.
All Pakistanis should focus more on the politics of their country. That would cause more damage or security to their nation than a particular weapon system, which may provide a particular and narrow defence mechanism.

For decades, Pakistanis have ignored the defence of their country by electing thieves to the power.
But it is not only the public, it's elites, its defence establishment, its judiciary all are involved in this crimes.

I was shocked to hear the reporting of recent contempt of court case of Justice Shamim's affidavit in IHC.
The CJ of IHC. AttharminAllah was proudly saying that how the name of this court is ruined by PMLN/Sharifs when as a matter of fact they get regular relief from this court.
Nobody picked or lambasted him to give such statement in the court proceeding. He is there to do justice not to provide reliefs to thieves.
No wonder all the relief the corrupt thugs got in Pakistan from IHC and LHC. How this is allowed to happen!!
That included the permission for NS to travel to the UK, out of their own jurisdiction. It has never happened in the judicial history of any country that a convicted criminal is given such facility.
Similarly, Sharif brothers were spared any legal actions against them when the telephone call by SS to Justice Qayyum surfaced. To date, SS or NS have not denied the telephone call.
It is also very clearly that the acts were perverting the course of justice. The action was taken against two judges of LHC including Qayyum, but Sharifs spared, Why!!

If it was a crime for Qayyum , it was crime for Sharifs.

Justice Faiz Issa, time barred money laundering case against Sharifs. IT has never happened in the legal history of any country that a crime had been time barred.

Turn the table now, it is an established fact that Musharaf and Kiyani, designed and implemented NRO to Pakistani politicians. The act had been declared ab initio by SCP. But strangely no action taken against two generals who designed and implemented the NRO. They were in clear breach of their oath. Both of them should have been court martial.

Recently, in a TV interview Zardari said that those who deposited the money in to the fake accounts should be held responsible rather than him to explain how billions ended up in fake bank accounts on the names of poor people he was using for his benefits.

Similarly, Shahbaz Sharif when asked about the sources of his income, said he and his family was surviving on the produce of the 10 buffalo he owned.
Now he cannot provide any justifications of billions appearing in his and family's bank accounts.

The saga is long, but the fact is Pakistanis are the most stupid nation on the face of the earth.
They can still not decide what is good for them, despite knowing all the facts.
If they are not educated , not to self infect wounds, Pakistan cannot progress.

No amount of purchasing or producing weapons systems can stop the destruction of Pakistan. ,
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In May 1998, Senior Pakistani Scientist, Dr. N. M. Butt, stated that "PAEC built a sufficient number of neutron bombs— a battlefield weapon that is essentially a low yield device".

Far more substantial than Indian claims of Brahmos being some super cruise missile. Impact on Indian policy would be far greater than the Brahmos' on Pakistan's.
Yeah sure!

China tested Neutron bomb last, in late 1980s. Only when it had mastered hydrogen bomb. ERW or enhanced radiation weapon require mastery of generation of neutrons using fusion. Instead of using it enhance fission it is let escape and cause havoc.

Pakistan never tested even a primitive hydrogen bomb. It only tested a fission based bomb.

So does not matter what a "Butt" says. Pakistan has never tested any ERW design. An untested design is no design.

Unlike Brahmos which has been tested so many times, this is a total bullshit to suggest that Pakistan has neutron bomb just because some random Pakistani "scientist" says that.
SA-3s in IAF bases are not a long range threat. Other shorter range SAMs near the border can be taken out with simple anti-radiation missile strikes.
And why do you think there will be no retaliation from India? What if they start hitting your bases with lots of short range ballistic missiles, for which you have no defence?
Author: Zaki Khalid

The BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from the land, air or sea. Variants of this missile have been developed through a joint venture between state-owned Indian and Russian defence establishments. Although India has gradually increased indigenous production of several components, its ramjet propulsion systems and seeker technology are still manufactured by Russia.

Since the inaugural test launch of the BrahMos in 2001, India has made concerted efforts to modify its original designs that are best suited to its operational interests. While some locations of its active deployments are known, examination of open source satellite imagery shared by observers at PAK-IMINT reveals that a new and dedicated storage complex for BrahMos missiles is being developed in the vicinity of Air Force Station (AFS) Halwara in Indian Punjab; the site is not more than 200 kilometres from the International Border with Pakistan.

A historical examination of available images suggests the new site was non-existent in 2020 and was likely constructed around mid 2021. The under-construction storage complex comprises of 3 linear magazines of 25 storage bays each, totalling 75 bays; at the bare minimum, the complex can store no less than 75 missiles.


A closer inspection of additional facilities situated 200 metres north of the storage area further suggest that a weapons assembly and missile checkout facility is also in the works.


BrahMos missiles are reported to have a standoff advantage with ranges of upto 300 kilometres. Thus, while being stationed at Halwara, they can cover an area of 75,000 square kilometres across the International Border.

In case of war, missiles can easily target prominent cities in Pakistan’s Punjab province including Lahore, Faisalabad, Okara, Sahiwal and Jhelum, to name a few. It can also easily take out targets in Sargodha (home to Pakistan Air Force’s Central Air Command) and Mangla, home to the Tarbela Dam.

Each BrahMos regiment comprises of 72 missiles. Therefore, the visible presence of 75 bays points to the fact that at least one regiment will be raised. This construction activity will warrant interest from Pakistan’s national security leaders.

AFS Halwara rose to prominence during the 2019 military escalation with Pakistan. Aircraft from five different bases in IAF’s Western and Central Air Commands participated in the alleged ‘cross-border strike’; these included two Su-30MKI squadrons taking off as decoys, one from Halwara.

The following year (October 2020), another noteworthy incident occurred when a BrahMos ACLM fitted on a Su-30MKI struck a target in the Bay of Bengal; the aircraft had taken off from AFS Halwara, located more than 3,000 kilometres away.

An examination of BrahMos missile tests conducted during the previous five years (2017-2021) reveals that an overwhelming majority of the tests were conducted in and around the Bay of Bengal region.

*based on open source data held by the author
It was only last month that the BrahMos ACLM received the Indian government’s nod for mass production. However, several more tests will need to take place. The July 2021 flight test was a reported failure. In view of similarities between the under-construction storage complex and similar infrastructure in Gujarat and Assam, observers at PAK-IMINT proffer that this new complex will most likely store the LACM (Land-Attack Cruise Missile).

From a military operations perspective also, it would be imprudent to construct a regiment-sized storage complex for ACLMs. As discussed earlier, a few missiles fired by Su-30MKIs based out of AFS Halwara would be sufficient to take out high-value installations across the border. Therefore, the initial assessment is that LACMs will eventually be brought for storage in this complex.

It needs to be emphasised, however, that the construction of this new storage complex in the vicinity of AFS Halwara does not, in and of itself, indicate that the IAF would be its users. There are several locations where the Indian Army deployed air defence batteries right outside IAF bases; examples include Tezpur and Missamari in Assam, where BrahMos sites of both services are located in close proximity to each other. Another example is AFS Leh, which does not reportedly have its own air defence cover and relies on an army-operated Akash battery adjacent to the base walls.

From a Pakistani standpoint, the presence of BrahMos missiles (LACM or ACLM) matters more than speculation as to which armed service will actually be the owner of the new storage complex.

Source: Click Here
The most tragic part is our forces are still a reactionary force. They wait for India to come up with something and then react, and it would eventually hurt us in really bad way. For example India is inducting heavy Frigates and Destroyers which have VLS to fire long range cruise missiles. Also eventually submarines. They are also working on 1000 KM range Nirbhay and eventually they have a plan to have Brahmos with 1000 KM at least, and in fact way more. In fact the way things are going in the world soon cruise missiles will come which would have same range as ICBMs. The way new fuels are being invented that would happen soon. What I am saying is Indian Navy is preparing to carry out another operation python. Only this time they won't enter our waters. Their heavy Frigates and Destroyers will remain in their own waters and fire cruise missiles in salvo on Karachi and eventually Mumbai and other areas of Pakistan in south. And our Navy no offense lacks such capability. And yes we can cover most India with Shaheen III. But all your forces need to cover entire India for both purpose of nuclear and conventional strikes.

But all your forces need to cover entire India for both purpose of nuclear and conventional strikes.
If you NEED to fight a nuclear war with no missile shield, well you already lost. You just want to go out with a bang then.
If you NEED to fight a nuclear war with no missile shield, well you already lost. You just want to go out with a bang then.
Dude when we would fight a nuclear war it won't be one missile. It would be all out where nothing survives in South Asia. Secondly we have a missile shield. S 400 is not the only missile shied in the world.
Dude when we would fight a nuclear war it won't be one missile. It would be all out where nothing survives in South Asia. Secondly we have a missile shield. S 400 is not the only missile shied in the world.
You do not have a ABM. And S-400 is NOT a missile shield at ALL. It can perhaps intercept scud but thats its limit. S-400 is excellent air defense system but its NOT a ABM.

Lastly, if you want to go "all out", why do you think your opponent cannot start a war with "all out" nuclear option as well. Remember, you do not have a SSBN. At best a SSGN. If they go all out for decapitation, its all over for you.

Nuclear war will be end of Pakistan and devastation but still continuation of India.
The most tragic part is our forces are still a reactionary force. They wait for India to come up with something and then react, and it would eventually hurt us in really bad way. For example India is inducting heavy Frigates and Destroyers which have VLS to fire long range cruise missiles. Also eventually submarines. They are also working on 1000 KM range Nirbhay and eventually they have a plan to have Brahmos with 1000 KM at least, and in fact way more. In fact the way things are going in the world soon cruise missiles will come which would have same range as ICBMs. The way new fuels are being invented that would happen soon. What I am saying is Indian Navy is preparing to carry out another operation python. Only this time they won't enter our waters. Their heavy Frigates and Destroyers will remain in their own waters and fire cruise missiles in salvo on Karachi and eventually Mumbai and other areas of Pakistan in south. And our Navy no offense lacks such capability. And yes we can cover most India with Shaheen III. But all your forces need to cover entire India for both purpose of nuclear and conventional strikes.

Seriously I am not trolling bhai ye sach main serious reply hai

Nuclear war will be end of Pakistan and devastation but still continuation of India.

And what exactly would India continue after that?

It still ranks lower in hunger index than most of South Asian countries

With most of its main cities nuked what exactly it would be continuing? I am really interested in knowing that
And what exactly would India continue after that?

It still ranks lower in hunger index than most of South Asian countries

With most of its main cities nuked what exactly it would be continuing? I am really interested in knowing that
It will still have about a billion people to continue. More than enough.
It will still have about a billion people to continue. More than enough.

Millions of those billion would die instantly in nuclear war

The rest would die in weeks and months to come because of radiation and hunger

I am still interested how India would continue after a nuclear war
Millions of those billion would die instantly in nuclear war

The rest would die in weeks and months to come because of radiation and hunger

I am still interested how India would continue after a nuclear war
Don't you see 'Mera Bharat Mahaan'. Anyways, the delusions of these closet Hindutvas always provide top notch comedy.
You do not have a ABM. And S-400 is NOT a missile shield at ALL. It can perhaps intercept scud but thats its limit. S-400 is excellent air defense system but its NOT a ABM.

Lastly, if you want to go "all out", why do you think your opponent cannot start a war with "all out" nuclear option as well. Remember, you do not have a SSBN. At best a SSGN. If they go all out for decapitation, its all over for you.

Nuclear war will be end of Pakistan and devastation but still continuation of India.

So Indians just want to destroy Pakistan even at the cost pf hundreds of millions of Indian lives?

Then why was it afraid to use Brahmos after 40 Indians were liquidated at Pulwama? Why risk an air attack? The subsonic Tomahawk was used ountless times against land targets. Where was the Indian super missile (imported from Russia)?

Such bravado on the internet. lol.

That exchange in February 2019 was a complete disaster for India with 40 unavenged Indian deaths in Pulwama, then the IAF taken prisoner in front of the world and finally six more Indians killed by panicky friendly fire in a Mi-17. All that shame and derison could have been avoided by using the Brahmos like people using Tomahawks for ages.

Either the Brahmos was not very good or Indians were afraid of a response.
Make no sense why make a very high explosive depot near the border or within the range of the intermediate conventional weapon. Even S400 stationed in Ambala ???? ... India moving standoff weapon near Pak border....ready for something ????
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