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Brahmos missiles to Egypt

Until and Unless India is ready to piss of Israel. You are not getting that missile.

LOL! I think you got it the wrong way, my friend. India is Israel's largest BUYER of its crap, and it's the largest weapons importer in the world. So Israel doesn't have any saying in the matter unless it's ready to give up it's bread and butter over a missile sold to Egypt!?!?! lool, come on, man! What the hell is wrong with you people and your fright of Israel!!!!???? Sheeesh.
LOL! I think you got it the wrong way, my friend. India is Israel's largest BUYER of its crap, and it's the largest weapons importer in the world. So Israel doesn't have any saying in the matter unless it's ready to give up it's bread and butter over a missile sold to Egypt!?!?! lool, come on, man! What the hell is wrong with you people and your fright of Israel!!!!???? Sheeesh.
Trust me India is not going to sell you anything if Israel raises objections. And I am pretty sure Israel would raise the objection. In near future biggest chunk of India's weapons are going to come from Israel. From small arms to Artillery to radars to lots of other stuff.
Egypt please buy them from India and give a few to Pakistan through back channels

we would really appreciate it and would be willing to pay full buck for them

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