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BrahMos Mini planned for Navy, Air Force

If I was HAL, I would be very curious as to how the Brahmos design could be used for a further development of the Astra. The Brahmos-M for e.g. has excellent potential to be a competitor to the Novator 100. A smaller missile, but designed around the same ramjet principle would make for a fairly long ranged AAM.

I guess you mean DRDO, since HAL is not developing weapons. Sure, they will be interested in it for future developments, but propulsions of missiles is actually one of the few strong points of DRDO. Astra, Nag, Barak 8, Maitri, all meant to have DRDO propulsions and even Brahmos M, which needs a newly developed propulsion should have a considerable part of DRDO know how.
Double the weight between the two. Novator-100 = AWAC killer is half the weight of BrahMos-M

Depends on whether a massive warhead on the Brahmos-M is replaced with extra fuel or reduced weight.
They draw the line on center of gravity.
You can have 3 (one belly and two in the wings) or 2 on wing....But you cant have one in the center belly and the 2nd on other wing...

Actually you can, you just have to balance the weight on the other side. Other fighters often use fuel tanks on one wing to balance the weight of a weapon on the other. However, my point was just, that the weight limit of each hardpoint is different and that decides what weapons can be carried, not the payload of a fighter.
Depends on whether a massive warhead on the Brahmos-M is replaced with extra fuel or reduced weight.

BrahMos - M does not come in many versions.
Missiles are not built quickly, contingent upon this or that factor. Everything has to be provisioned for, before hand.
It takes time from one design to another. BrahMos does not have modules that can be interchanged as per the need of the hour.

So in fact you are looking for other missile but not this BrahMos-M

Actually you can, you just have to balance the weight on the other side. Other fighters often use fuel tanks on one wing to balance the weight of a weapon on the other. However, my point was just, that the weight limit of each hardpoint is different and that decides what weapons can be carried, not the payload of a fighter.

Center of the gravity is the main issue to be maintained all along. The fighter is required to be "Balanced" that is..
BrahMos - M does not come in many versions.
Missiles are not built quickly, contingent upon this or that factor. Everything has to be provisioned for, before hand.
It takes time from one design to another. BrahMos does not have modules that can be interchanged as per the need of the hour.

So in fact you are looking for other missile but not this BrahMos-M

Center of the gravity is the main issue to be maintained all along. The fight is required to be "Balanced" that is..

Nothing to state new there. The idea being, that the propulsion platform has a lot of potential beyond a land attack missile.
Center of the gravity is the main issue to be maintained all along. The fighter is required to be "Balanced" that is..
They draw the line on center of gravity.
You can have 3 (one belly and two in the wings) or 2 on wing....But you cant have one in the center belly and the 2nd on other wing...
Also the take off weight/load sustenance is considered before any fixed configuration assigned to any fighter on this issue..
Have you ever saw a modern day fighter plane carrying 2+ ton drop tank on wing tips?
CG is a factor must be considered but the wt bearing capacity for each hard point is limited by airframe structure/ design. So it's not CG but design which limits the wt. carring capacity for each hardpoint.
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BrahMos - M does not come in many versions.

It has the same "versions" as the current Brahmos will have, land based, naval, sub launched (Torpedo tube and VLS) as well as air launched.

Have you ever saw a modern day fighter plane carrying 2+ ton drop tank on wing tips?

Of course not, but with asymmetric payloads on each wings as I said:

So one can balance the weight of the wing on the other side, but that has nothing to do with the MKI and Brahmos, if balancing the weight would be the only issue, you could either carry 2 Brahmos 1 on each wing or 1 with a balance weight, but you can't simply because the missile is too heavy for the weight limits of the wingstations. That's why MKI is limited to a single Brahmos 1, but can carry more Brahmos M.

P.S. Just realized that you don't intended to quote me but narcon.
The target as t be locked up home bramos at them . Hopefully to shatter the invading fighter group in the mid air or on fighter itself. So for this you need radar . When we have missile to fire 250 km aways we also need a Active Radar with the range of at least 400 /450 km . That's what am asked him... now know the super sukoi radar might be close to 400 km .. its pretty good I say

BrahMos isn't an A2A missile, its a LACM/AShCM. And the objective of having an ALCM version is to increase the standoff range, with targets and paths preset before launch. What you are talking about is a A2A missle which requires active radar guiding and only A2A missile that I know of which has a range of over 200km is the Novator.
If I was HAL, I would be very curious as to how the Brahmos design could be used for a further development of the Astra. The Brahmos-M for e.g. has excellent potential to be a competitor to the Novator 100. A smaller missile, but designed around the same ramjet principle would make for a fairly long ranged AAM.

Source: BrahMos Mini planned for Navy, Air Force | Page 2
I suspected this as well, The N-100 doesn't have high agility, and doesn't need it as its purpose is suppose to take out high end aircraft ie, AWACs and the Brahmos can do this with the seeker it has. Could be dual purpose, or they may opt for different missile design and much higher speeds to do this. The Brahmos despite being fast is only Mach 2.5. May need different rocket to do this. However, I think the success of N-100 is awaiting Astra, the Russians AFAIK have frozen the project in light of mmissile development for Pak-fa.
The article says the following:

For the Air Force a mini version means a Beyond Visual
Range (BVR) missile compatible with future platforms namely, the Medium
Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) and Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft

And the above term (BVR) is exclusive to Air to Air Missiles, unless this article itself is not clear upon itself.

I suspected this as well, The N-100 doesn't have high agility, and doesn't need it as its purpose is suppose to take out high end aircraft ie, AWACs and the Brahmos can do this with the seeker it has. Could be dual purpose, or they may opt for different missile design and much higher speeds to do this. The Brahmos despite being fast is only Mach 2.5. May need different rocket to do this. However, I think the success of N-100 is awaiting Astra,.

Both Missile are different and range wise Novator is akin to a father to his son Astra.

India needs a standoff advantage that N-100 can provide.
The brahmos has key technologies for long range missile, and can easily with modification, internally and externally turn in a very long range AAM. If you can't see that, meh. But hey even i'm not a rocket sciencetest.
The brahmos has key technologies for long range missile, and can easily with modification, internally and externally turn in a very long range AAM. If you can't see that, meh. But hey even i'm not a rocket sciencetest.

Russians have all these BrahMos "Key" technologies, but have yet to produce "Very" long range AAM...
What say you..
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