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BrahMos eyes 20% of global Missile market share

So u think the missile will be given with out launchers?
I didn't meant that but launcher is not a big issue in a cruise missile, its the missile which is the beauty.

We sell them and we ll have a spy on them definetly. Ateast russia will take care of that.
Brahmos Inc. thinks they can sell around 1000 missiles and you think we will send one spy with each one ? Be realistic....and what if a gulf state tries to sell it to Pakistan and China ? What is that spy suppose to do ? Tell us ?/ and what we will do after knowing this ?/ Man...they can simply say they used it in testing....

Just by studying we cant make such a cruise missile which involves hyper technology guidance. How can China and Pakistan know the software embedded in it?
You are right but that has never stopped China before.....Just missile won't solve the whole problem but still the countries like China and Pakistan which has already experience in building cruise missiles need some new information to further develop their project.

Pakistan couldnt have modified US cruise missiles with out its permission. If china and pakistan can extend its range , why not russia and india extend atleast illegally?
Fist of all US-Pakistan relation is different. US gives Pakistan alot of aid and thats why Pakistan cannot afford to make Uncle Sam angry. Secondly, Russia has all it needs and India is the only country which always believes in following the rules (being the good boy). I mean just because India doesn't build a long range version that doesn't mean other countries won't try.

Also i don't think we are so obedient either. There were reports of a long range Supersonic cruise missile of range 1000km and speed 3.2 mach. I think India is taking one step at a time. We build a supersonic crusie missile with Russians. Next will come a long range cruise missile but subsonic (Nirbhay-2012) followed by long range supersonic cruise...
Are you serious ...??/ Don't kid yourself.....forget about China, Pakistan can very easily make a cruise missile by studying it and the range extension is also not that difficult. Its just India that always follows a moral ground rule but no one else follows such crap.

Oh my god.....first of all if it fell into wrong hands and we even found out which country sold it, just tell me what will Indian government do ??/ Also F16 is altogether a different thing, you cannot steal a f16 but a cruise missile can be hidden in a truck (might even be transported as parts) and sold to anyone or can be stolen.

We have not even invested more than 500 million $ and Brahmos has sold billions of $ worth of missiles to Indian armed forces and funny thing is there's more to come. Our requirement itself is too much...

Finally an Indian poster with some common sense. China and Pakistan work hand in hand to get tech from any source. We are fools to think otherwise. Are we stupid to think they can't open and larn our tech manwhile they are copying Western tech with no problem? Come on wake up Indians...
So u think the missile will be given with out launchers? We sell them and we ll have a spy on them definetly. Ateast russia will take care of that.
Just by studying we cant make such a cruise missile which involves hyper technology guidance. How can China and Pakistan know the software embedded in it?
Pakistan couldnt have modified US cruise missiles with out its permission. If china and pakistan can extend its range , why not russia and india extend atleast illegally?

Like Demon said India is playing the high moral ground which is bullshit in global politics and security. China is not playing by the rules. The Hatf missile is a tomahawk missile. The Pakistani;s cpied it with Chinese help. Corruption is ingrained in our forces, I won't be surprised if the Chinese/pakistani;s get their hand on our tech before our military
Finally an Indian poster with some common sense. China and Pakistan work hand in hand to get tech from any source. We are fools to think otherwise.
Its not just them everybody does this, there is no moral ground here except us who always want to do right thing.....
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