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Brahmos, Akash and Nirbhay: India rolls out its missiles to counter Chinese threat

It's surprising. But it's from India Today with Shiv being incharge of defence Dept and he is not known for his mistakes.

I thought Nirbhay.program was closed. But it seems limited production has been done and it is now deployed. Strategic platform manufacturing and its deployments are not accounted publicly and they are probably funded through black budget through PMO and not through parliament. It seems to be the only rational explanation.
Brahmos air to air?
meanwhile brahmos to Russia:
images (21).jpeg
... The PLA Air Force fighter activity in occupied Aksai Chin continues albeit at a reduced level. However, there is concern over PLA air activity across the Daulet Beg Oldi sector near Karakoram pass. ...
Well, well, well.
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Yeah we know that bcz you will get your arse handed to you on silver platter either way by Chinese.
This is what the world especially west wants..... war (which is impossible to happen and I'm saying this from the day one) between India and China two Asian giants...... this war will make both sides to suffer heavy losses in human lives and materials.... divide and rule is western world policy..... India and China both will bleed each other and end of the day winner will be WEST..... we both should stop this madness respect each other and progress...... India China war will only bring destruction, bloodbath, Monterey losses in this region and nothing else..... after war capturing each other's mountains will only satisfy our egos but will never bring back prosperity and our dead soldiers back....better let's hold each other's hands (Pakistan-India-China) and stand like a mountain to protect Asia......
Your master is a paper dragon like you guys are a paper tiger.

paper dragon annexed 1000 km of indian territory
paper tiger took back half the kashmir!

what does that make you cheap slut of s Asia?
More bluster by the Indians.

Nirbhay program was a failure and was scrapped.

Akash is yet to be produced.

Only Brahmos is operational but they were produced in small numbers due to high price.
Thanks for your support but your support or oppose don't make any difference.
Are u sure about that? Kindly tell this to your ministry of foreign affairs and your media as they think exactly the opposite...
This is what the world especially west wants..... war (which is impossible to happen and I'm saying this from the day one) between India and China two Asian giants...... this war will make both sides to suffer heavy losses in human lives and materials.... divide and rule is western world policy..... India and China both will bleed each other and end of the day winner will be WEST..... we both should stop this madness respect each other and progress...... India China war will only bring destruction, bloodbath, Monterey losses in this region and nothing else..... after war capturing each other's mountains will only satisfy our egos but will never bring back prosperity and our dead soldiers back....better let's hold each other's hands (Pakistan-India-China) and stand like a mountain to protect Asia......
The only sane and partially realistic post from indian. I agree that west want india and china to fight to destroy each other as projected world no 1 and world no 2/3 econcomy will destroy each other than US will remain at the top.

However consider from China's point of view. They have no threat from India as they are projected to be number 1. It is india who is making anti china alliance with australia japan and usa to encircle china. Here india is trying to do dirty work of uncle sam to get some benefits without looking at the bigger repcussions.

In short war is a real possibility as India is having aggressive policies towards china ... 1962 war started on building the roads in disputed region and this time it again the same issue.

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