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Boy is stripped, hung upside-down and beaten to death in front of his parents

put some doggy food on culprit's b@lls and feed it to dogs and let that ba$tard watch it. And at last kill the mofo. I am speechless!! Such a shame.
When will subcontinent get rid of these tribal laws..I am sick of these type of courts set up the village idiots on both sides of the border.
RIP to the innocent child .

A shamefull incident . Highest punishment should be given to the culprits .
I am sure that people of stone age had more humanity than 21st century's people.

Khap Panchayats and Kangaroo courts are the bane of a modern society and are taking the country back to the dark middle ages. These politicians are responsible for this sorry state of affairs and must be taken to task for encouraging law of the jungle for political vote banks.
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