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Bowing down to the dragon

Indian military was battererd and brutalised in 1962, 1967 and 1987. We even made a mockery of India just a few weeks ago when the PLA came and got concessions out of India. We have always treated India as dirt. India is a defeated nation on our eyes.

And you are a FU*Ked up nation in our eye.
mods why so double standard. If an Indian member say something about China/Pakistan/Bangladesh or gave some reply to some rude comments, then you ban them. What about those who are bashing India without any provocation. Look at those bolded parts.
And you are a FU*Ked up nation in our eye.
mods why so double standard. If an Indian member say something about China/Pakistan/Bangladesh or gave some reply to some rude comments, then you ban them. What about those who are basing India without any provocation. Look at those bolded parts.

I was provoked by several Indian members threatening China about destroying China. This is why I replied back. If you don't want to get smacked down, then don't insult us. I have already talked to mods about the insults coming our way and we were given permission to defend ourselves.
I was provoked by several Indian members threatening China about destroying China. This is why I replied back. If you don't want to get smacked down, then don't insult us. I have already talked to mods about the insults coming our way and we were given permission to defend ourselves.
:lol: :lol:
After we got concessions out of India, then we left. We went when we wanted to and on our own terms. We are the boss, you take our orders.
What concessions? :lol:
You said
Indian military was "battererd" and "brutalised" in 1987
right...do you know what happened there? India granted statehood to Arunachal Pradesh. Your PLA took up positions all along the LAC. Not even a single bullet was fired and situation diffused. End result...India gained a state and PLA sat there and watched..and here we've got a clown who thinks we got "battered" and brutalised" :rofl:

Your next venture was sikkim. You infiltrated sikkim, got your as$ whooped, returned back as usual. End result China: 10 killed
9 wounded, India: 4 killed :lol: If that is called "battered" and brutalised", then congrats for "battering" and brutalizing" the Japanese. :lol:
you mean mongols, japanese and then your own chinese communist slavers ? in that order !! :coffee:

China's last emperor Puyi even created homeland for Manchu people called Manchukuo with the help of Japanese and guess Americans came to rescue the Chinese people during Second World War. Now, they hate Americans.
Indian military was battererd and brutalised in 1962, 1967 and 1987. We even made a mockery of India just a few weeks ago when the PLA came and got concessions out of India. We have always treated India as dirt. India is a defeated nation on our eyes.

Yes ,In your eyes. In your hate filled Chinese eyes.

China's last emperor Puyi even created homeland for Manchu people called Manchukuo with the help of Japanese and guess Americans came to rescue the Chinese people during Second World War. Now, they hate Americans.

Really ungrateful slaves.
I was provoked by several Indian members threatening China about destroying China. This is why I replied back. If you don't want to get smacked down, then don't insult us. I have already talked to mods about the insults coming our way and we were given permission to defend ourselves.

What type of permission did you get? To bash India!!!
What type of permission did you get? To bash India!!!

we are just returning the favour , you guys are the one always provoking us and the first one to cry all over the place in this forum ,we don't really give a sh@t about your backward country, most Chinese members will leave the thread alone if the thread is about india can not say the same about you guys.
we are just returning the favour , you guys are the one always provoking us and the first one to cry all over the place in this forum ,we don't really give a sh@t about your backward country, most Chinese members will leave the thread alone if the thread is about india can not say the same about you guys.

I did not ask you. Why did you jump like a monkey at my post. We don't give a sh@t to a forward(self claimed) country.
I did not ask you. Why did you jump like a monkey at my post. We don't give a sh@t to a forward(self claimed) country.

you dont give a sh@t about us? really? typical lying self denial mode indian post
This communists are the ones that slaughtered the living crap out of the Indian military in 1962, 1967, 1987. Now go worship your Italian ruler :coffee:

they slaughtered 50000 0f your uncle , aunts, cousins and such in tianmenn ! so glad atleast somebody is proud of them !:coffee:
Indian military was battererd and brutalised in 1962, 1967 and 1987. We even made a mockery of India just a few weeks ago when the PLA came and got concessions out of India. We have always treated India as dirt. India is a defeated nation on our eyes.

good you think of us as a nation ! but when i think of china i come upon just one word "PRISON CAMP" !

i wish you guys all the best that you can be a nation someday too ! HAIL " DEMOCRATIC CHINA" !:usflag:
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