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Boston 'Suspect's' Mother: Allah Hu Akbar - To CNN reporter

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Bereaved mother is in denial expectedly.

Many of these kids who are now fighting in Syria have also left their families and the families are trying to make sense of this in whichever way they can.

These brainwashed fools are only hurting people, their families and even people they don't know. Their brainwashers should be made to sit on those exploding pressure cookers.
Bereaved mother is in denial expectedly.

Many of these kids who are now fighting in Syria have also left their families and the families are trying to make sense of this in whichever way they can.

These brainwashed fools are only hurting people, their families and even people they don't know. Their brainwashers should be made to sit on those exploding pressure cookers.

She is much more than a normal bereaved mother. She is in the terror suspect list as well and as radicalized as her sons. Below is something what I posted in another thread -

WASHINGTON — In March 2011, the Russian security service sent a stark warning to the F.B.I., reporting that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was “a follower of radical Islam” who had “changed drastically since 2010” and was preparing to travel to Russia’s turbulent Caucasus to connect with underground militant groups. Six months later, Russia sent the same warning to the C.I.A.

On April 15, law enforcement officials say, Mr. Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar, set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and maiming many others.

Russia also raised concerns with the F.B.I. and the C.IA. about Zubeida Tsarnaev, the mother of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, in 2011 at the same time it asked the United States about her son Tamerlan, a senior American official said Thursday.

She is much more than a normal bereaved mother. She is in the terror suspect list as well and as radicalized as her sons. Below is something what I posted in another thread -

WASHINGTON — In March 2011, the Russian security service sent a stark warning to the F.B.I., reporting that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was “a follower of radical Islam” who had “changed drastically since 2010” and was preparing to travel to Russia’s turbulent Caucasus to connect with underground militant groups. Six months later, Russia sent the same warning to the C.I.A.

On April 15, law enforcement officials say, Mr. Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar, set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and maiming many others.

Russia also raised concerns with the F.B.I. and the C.IA. about Zubeida Tsarnaev, the mother of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, in 2011 at the same time it asked the United States about her son Tamerlan, a senior American official said Thursday.


WOW, if she is the one responsible for sending her sons out to kill and maim innocent people, I am speechless.

Once I saw a report where a pakistani father was proudly saying how he sent his 14 year old son to kashmir to die and kill. These people are retarded. Zombies drunk of fairy tales and with a ''cause''.
My mom don't knows what i do, in her eye I am innocent baby, while I am racist and terrorists...

Poor Moms, they are most innocent creature...

Stupid Women, If she would have given proper values, there son wouldn't became terrorists. Mother is the first teacher, Every Mother must teach there kids that "Humanity is above all religion, even Islam"
This woman is crazy. She shows no sympathy for the many kids, women, and men who were either killed or severely injured by her pathetic children, and only cares to say her kids are the only victims.

Watch this:BBC News - Mother of Boston suspects regrets bringing sons to US. What does this woman think of herself? She and her children were afforded more safety in the U.S. than they would have even thought of back in Chechnya, and this is what she thinks of the U.S.? What is she saying, 'America took my kids away from me!', this ungrateful cretin.

I'm sure she's a radical herself, and in fact I'm sure she must have been the first person to teach her children of radicalism. If she as a mother has only hatred for America in her heart then obviously the children will learn that.
WOW, if she is the one responsible for sending her sons out to kill and maim innocent people, I am speechless.

Once I saw a report where a pakistani father was proudly saying how he sent his 14 year old son to kashmir to die and kill. These people are retarded. Zombies drunk of fairy tales and with a ''cause''.

Every parent of every dead Indian soldier in Kashmir is a retarded zombie too?
mind your language guys....her mother has nothing to with her son's deed...and as his mother,she will try all her level best to protect him till her last breath..because unluckily she is his mother:hitwall:
mind your language guys....her mother has nothing to with her son's deed...and as his mother,she will try all her level best to protect him till her last breath..because unluckily she is his mother:hitwall:
Allow them to speak\spit their Hatred ,don't expect sanity from them , Every hardcore would naturally defend his\her Opinion and consider miscreant to other . You cannot force them to respect someone or to dis-respect someone , its their own decision . Just let them burn into their own fire.
Allow them to speak\spit their Hatred ,don't expect sanity from them , Every hardcore would naturally defend his\her Opinion and consider miscreant to other . You cannot force them to respect someone or to dis-respect someone , its their own decision . Just let them burn into their own fire.

they will also become parents tomorrow, at least they should remember that!
they will also become parents tomorrow, at least they should remember that!
Who knows Tomorrow , Let them taste the flavor of nature , Let them taste some bitter truths of life , Let them fall again and again , But you will see that they would complain similarly as they are complaining today . It because they never learn , They are biased , Their world revolves around theirselves.
Every parent of every dead Indian soldier in Kashmir is a retarded zombie too?
depends on the perception..if u think indian army is a terrorist organisation....
we feel that they do their duty,and keep the militants at bay...and bad apples are there,but we dont call them terrorists...

and sir,your army record is bad too...but i still wont call them terrorists...
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