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Bosnia-Pakistan Relations: Building on a Strong Foundation

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Oct 20, 2020
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The cooperation between Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina can be traced back to the Bosnian civil war which was responsible for 100,000 casualties. During the war, Pakistan supplied weapons to the Bosnians, despite the UN-imposed arms embargo, and airlifted refugees into its territory.
The author, Adeel Yousaf, notes that since then, the two states have cooperated in the education, defense, and economic sectors. In 2005, when Pakistan was struck with a devastating earthquake, Bosnia and Herzegovina supported Pakistan by assisting in the health and education sector.
The author asserts that given their strong ties, the cooperation between the two states can extend to other sectors as well.

To read the complete article, visit: https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk

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Pakistan can really build on this relationship. Bosnia may also become EU member one day.
I grew up with Bosnians, mainly Bosnian Serbs. Some of my best friends.

From my experience, most of them have absolutely no idea of Pakistans involvement in the war. The ones who do either view or positively (if they are Bosniaks) or negatively (if they are Serbs), which does make sense considering the side we helped. The ones who know are either older or belong to families who’s parents/grandparents may have taken refuge or were directly fighting in the war. Keep in mind only 50% of Bosnia is Bosniaks. The rest are Serbs and Croats who probably wouldn’t be happy to hear of Pakistans involvement in the war.

Still, Pakistan should try and expand its ties with all Eastern European nations, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, they’re all willing to work with Pakistan.
I grew up with Bosnians, mainly Bosnian Serbs. Some of my best friends.

From my experience, most of them have absolutely no idea of Pakistans involvement in the war. The ones who do either view or positively (if they are Bosniaks) or negatively (if they are Serbs), which does make sense considering the side we helped. The ones who know are either older or belong to families who’s parents/grandparents may have taken refuge or were directly fighting in the war. Keep in mind only 50% of Bosnia is Bosniaks. The rest are Serbs and Croats who probably wouldn’t be happy to hear of Pakistans involvement in the war.

Still, Pakistan should try and expand its ties with all Eastern European nations, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, they’re all willing to work with Pakistan.
I dont know why Pakistan bothers. Nobody ever shows gratitude to Pakistans life saving positivity. Example, how Pakistani soliders saved stranded US army personnel from Mogadishu, Somalia.
Pakistans involvement in assisting Bosnians, Pakistans involvement against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistans involvement in the six day war against Israel, Pakistans efforts to release kidnapped Indian sailors from Somalia. Most recent case of Pakistan assisting several nations to evacuate their nationals from Kabul.
The help goes beyond humanitarian assistance, as Pakistans PCB came to England and played several cricket matches against England during strict covid lockdown saving ECB millions.
I dont know why Pakistan bothers. Nobody ever shows gratitude to Pakistans life saving positivity. Example, how Pakistani soliders saved stranded US army personnel from Mogadishu, Somalia.
Pakistans involvement in assisting Bosnians, Pakistans involvement against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistans involvement in the six day war against Israel, Pakistans efforts to release kidnapped Indian sailors from Somalia. Most recent case of Pakistan assisting several nations to evacuate their nationals from Kabul.
The help goes beyond humanitarian assistance, as Pakistans PCB came to England and played several cricket matches against England during strict covid lockdown saving ECB millions.
I would be inclined to agree, Pakistan has spent too long trying to play the worlds hero for absolutely no reason. Especially while trying to help thankless Muslim countries. For once I wish we were selfish, that we only cared about ourselves, so this country would go somewhere.
I would be inclined to agree, Pakistan has spent too long trying to play the worlds hero for absolutely no reason. Especially while trying to help thankless Muslim countries. For once I wish we were selfish, that we only cared about ourselves, so this country would go somewhere.
Agree. Our open heart policy of mehmannawazi has backfired several times.
The world kicks us around because we so dam emotional.
It would be easier to promote international relations, if ONLY career oriented diplomats with vast prior experiences are posted in embassies / High Commsions / Trade missions world wide instead of retired military personnel, who have 20 % reserved quota. Such appointments have no merit and specially when they have ONLY been taught how to fight their whole lives without any prior experiences of diplomacy or qualifications in general.

The military elite is causing more harm then good if such postings continue, in order to compensate for the services at the cost of the well being and greater good of the country and it's future.
I dont know why Pakistan bothers. Nobody ever shows gratitude to Pakistans life saving positivity. Example, how Pakistani soliders saved stranded US army personnel from Mogadishu, Somalia.
Pakistans involvement in assisting Bosnians, Pakistans involvement against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistans involvement in the six day war against Israel, Pakistans efforts to release kidnapped Indian sailors from Somalia. Most recent case of Pakistan assisting several nations to evacuate their nationals from Kabul.
The help goes beyond humanitarian assistance, as Pakistans PCB came to England and played several cricket matches against England during strict covid lockdown saving ECB millions.

Maybe Pakistan helped because its was the right thing to do. Especially in Bosnia. People sometimes do things because it is right and not so they can have some praise or be repaid later. In any case what can Bosnia (a country of a few million people) do to repay Pakistan for their help? Do we repay in cash? Do we have to put stickers on our cars saying "thank you"? I dont know what we can do. I would love some suggestions.

We do have tens of thousands of Pakistani refugees moving across the country on their way to Europe. Locals help them wherever they can. We have built them housing in camps and they use existing facilities that have hot water food toilets, heating, etc. But they don't stay long and quickly leave for the forests so they can cross into the EU. They are never abused by our police. They are welcome to stay, they will never be deported, but they want to go to EU.

And when they cross into the EU, they are caught by EU police in Croatia they are beaten and tortured and returned to Bosnia. We again give them medical help, food, shelter and freedom to stay forever.

We even caught this abuse and beatings on video with drones, and it's on YouTube. EU always "investigates", but does nothing.
Maybe Pakistan helped because its was the right thing to do. Especially in Bosnia. People sometimes do things because it is right and not so they can have some praise or be repaid later. In any case what can Bosnia (a country of a few million people) do to repay Pakistan for their help? Do we repay in cash? Do we have to put stickers on our cars saying "thank you"? I dont know what we can do. I would love some suggestions.

We do have tens of thousands of Pakistani refugees moving across the country on their way to Europe. Locals help them wherever they can. We have built them housing in camps and they use existing facilities that have hot water food toilets, heating, etc. But they don't stay long and quickly leave for the forests so they can cross into the EU. They are never abused by our police. They are welcome to stay, they will never be deported, but they want to go to EU.

And when they cross into the EU, they are caught by EU police in Croatia they are beaten and tortured and returned to Bosnia. We again give them medical help, food, shelter and freedom to stay forever.

We even caught this abuse and beatings on video with drones, and it's on YouTube. EU always "investigates", but does nothing.
They are not Pakistani refugees but economic migrants wanting to cross into Europe for better opportunities. It is not just Pakistanis but the majority are Afghans, Syrians, Iranians and Kurds. Nonetheless thankyou to your government and people for assisting all migrants and refugees crossing your country.
I am critical regarding how much the new young Bosnian generations know of Pakistans urgent intervention and support givem to the Bosnian resistance. Maybe mention it within your history lessons how allied muslims nations supported your efforts? What would be the purpose of Bosnian government repaying Pakistan? We are not of the former Iraqi leader Sadam Hussains army.....🤭
My entire argument is against Pakistan involving itself in foreign wars. Wars and gestures which we cannot afford to engage in. It is time for Pakistan to look after its own.
Please read my previous comment as Bosnia was only one example. I have mentioned US soldiers stranded in Somalia, Soviet Afghan war, Pakistan involvement in the 6 day war with Israel in support of the Arabs, and even sports related issues.
This is not Just about Bosnia or an attack on your nation or people. I wish your nation the very best and support any trade and tourism ties between Pakistan and Bosnia.
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They are not Pakistani refugees but economic migrants wanting to cross into Europe for better opportunities. It is not just Pakistanis but the majority are Afghans, Syrians, Iranians and Kurds.
I am critical regarding how much the new young Bosnian generations know of Pakistans urgent intervention and support givem to the Bosnian resistance. Maybe mention it within your history lessons how allied muslims nations supported your efforts? What would be the purpose of Bosnian government repaying Pakistan? We are not of the former Iraqi leader Sadam Hussains army.....🤭
My entire argument is against Pakistan involving itself in foreign wars. Wars and gestures which we cannot afford to engage in. It is time for Pakistan to look after its own.
Please read my previous comment as Bosnia was only one example. I have mentioned US soldiers stranded in Somalia, Soviet Afghan war, Pakistan involvement in the 6 day war with Israel in support of the Arabs, and even sports related issues.
This is not Just about Bosnia or an attack on your nation or people. I wish your nation the very best and support any trade and tourism ties between Pakistan and Bosnia.

The arms supply was against international law and UN Security Council resolutions. It was illegal, and the people that did this are still alive today. So you cant teach that stuff at school. It can't even be proven that Pakistan did this. And noone still knows how it happened. Its one of those things that happened but never really happened.

similar to Pakistani role in Karabakh war. Pakistani flags everywhere, but we dont know why? Is it just a pretty flag or they really helped.

People also help Pakistan. China helps you, Arab oil money used to help you. Pakistan does not only help people because it is a good thing to do but because it has its own interests and obligations. Maybe rulers of Pakistan can see more than you and are able ti identify Pakistani national interests more broadly than you.

Maybe it is in Pakistani interests to help us. Who knows.

We should certainly have more trade between the countries. The only Pakistani product I have seen in Bosnia is rice. And its very good basmati rice. But you should export more stuff. we have very low tariffs.
The arms supply was against international law and UN Security Council resolutions. It was illegal, and the people that did this are still alive today. So you cant teach that stuff at school. It can't even be proven that Pakistan did this. And noone still knows how it happened. Its one of those things that happened but never really happened.

similar to Pakistani role in Karabakh war. Pakistani flags everywhere, but we dont know why? Is it just a pretty flag or they really helped.

People also help Pakistan. China helps you, Arab oil money used to help you. Pakistan does not only help people because it is a good thing to do but because it has its own interests and obligations. Maybe rulers of Pakistan can see more than you and are able ti identify Pakistani national interests more broadly than you.

Maybe it is in Pakistani interests to help us. Who knows.

We should certainly have more trade between the countries. The only Pakistani product I have seen in Bosnia is rice. And its very good basmati rice. But you should export more stuff. we have very low tariffs.
Pakistan supported Azerbaijan diplomatically not military. Unless other members would kindly like to share their opinion.
However I completely disagree why Pakistan does not recognise Armenia in support of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan have diplomatic and trade ties with India , yet both are still close allies of Pakistan.
This is not about assistance rather about involvement in others Internal matters.
Our leaders have made blunders which have cost Pakistan dearly such as the 20 year old war on terror initiated by America.
Every nation receives assistance and many return the favour upon less fortunate nations.
Pakistan assisted Bosnia because of common faith.
I'm surprised Pakistan has not exported its mangos to Bosnia, they are world renowned.
Our leaders have made blunders which have cost Pakistan dearly such as the 20 year old war on terror initiated by America.

You didnt have a choice, America forced you guys.

However I completely disagree why Pakistan does not recognise Armenia in support of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan have diplomatic and trade ties with India , yet both are still close allies of Pakistan.

Well thats a fair point. I am sure if you recognised Armenia and became good friends with them, they would still continue to be a useless country. It would make no difference. Just as Indias relationship with Turkey makes no difference to India.

I'm surprised Pakistan has not exported its mangos to Bosnia, they are world renowned.

It's not something Bosnians usually eat. I dont know where we get that stuff from, probably Spain or wherever the supermarket chains in Europe buy it from. But it's not a first choice when it comes to fruits. People will eat apples, pears and plums, watermelon.
You didnt have a choice, America forced you guys.

Well thats a fair point. I am sure if you recognised Armenia and became good friends with them, they would still continue to be a useless country. It would make no difference. Just as Indias relationship with Turkey makes no difference to India.

It's not something Bosnians usually eat. I dont know where we get that stuff from, probably Spain or wherever the supermarket chains in Europe buy it from. But it's not a first choice when it comes to fruits. People will eat apples, pears and plums, watermelon.
Are you based in the capital?
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