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Bosnia-Pakistan Relations: Building on a Strong Foundation

I dont know why Pakistan bothers. Nobody ever shows gratitude to Pakistans life saving positivity. Example, how Pakistani soliders saved stranded US army personnel from Mogadishu, Somalia.
Pakistans involvement in assisting Bosnians, Pakistans involvement against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistans involvement in the six day war against Israel, Pakistans efforts to release kidnapped Indian sailors from Somalia. Most recent case of Pakistan assisting several nations to evacuate their nationals from Kabul.
The help goes beyond humanitarian assistance, as Pakistans PCB came to England and played several cricket matches against England during strict covid lockdown saving ECB millions.
I would be inclined to agree, Pakistan has spent too long trying to play the worlds hero for absolutely no reason. Especially while trying to help thankless Muslim countries. For once I wish we were selfish, that we only cared about ourselves, so this country would go somewhere.

Bosnian war was a ummah issue. Sure we didn’t get thanked or any rewards from it but Muslim bosniaks we’re getting genocided how would we answer on the day of judgment to Allah if we didn’t do anything to help our Muslim brothers while having the power to do so?
You didnt have a choice, America forced you guys.

Well thats a fair point. I am sure if you recognised Armenia and became good friends with them, they would still continue to be a useless country. It would make no difference. Just as Indias relationship with Turkey makes no difference to India.

It's not something Bosnians usually eat. I dont know where we get that stuff from, probably Spain or wherever the supermarket chains in Europe buy it from. But it's not a first choice when it comes to fruits. People will eat apples, pears and plums, watermelon.
Bosnians would have blended in well with the native people of northern Pakistan.
Bosnian war was a ummah issue. Sure we didn’t get thanked or any rewards from it but Muslim bosniaks we’re getting genocided how would we answer on the day of judgment to Allah if we didn’t do anything to help our Muslim brothers while having the power to do so?
Cannot pick and choose, Kashmir, Palestine, Rohingya, Uygur are also issues deeply affecting the ummah but are ignored by the wider wealthy Muslim nations.
Sure we didn’t get thanked or any rewards from it but Muslim bosniaks we’re getting genocided how would we answer on the day of judgment to Allah if we didn’t do anything to help our Muslim brothers while having the power to do so?

Thats a very good point.

Cannot pick and choose, Kashmir, Palestine, Rohingya, Uygur are also issues deeply affecting the ummah but are ignored by the wider wealthy Muslim nations.

Of course you can pick and choose who to help. Uygurs cant be helped by Pakistan because Pakistan needs china. But there are a 50 other muslim countries that can try to help them. Kashmir, well those are your Pakistani people. You are best positioned to help them, but it cant be very easy because there are a hell of a lot of Indians in the world. And most of them are right next to Kashmir. Rohingya can be helped by South East Asians and Bangladeshis. I was ready to go to Bangladesh and find some Rohingya woman who lost a husband with as many kids as possible and take them to the EU and marry her and get them all passports. But then I heard its hard to get into those camps and they will just think I am some western sicko trying to exploit them or God knows what. So I didnt do it, Yet. But I'm prepared to if needed. But then again I dont know what a Rogyngya woman with 6 kids and me is going to do in some EU country. I just figure its better than a muddy refugee camp. I don't plan to stay married with them, just enough to get their papers.

Bosnians would have blended in well with the native people of northern Pakistan.

That refugee housing looks pretty good. I have no idea how these people got to Pakistan. All I know is that when Bosnian refugees got to Croatia next door, they would live in old military barracks or abandoned factories. And then busses would pick them up and depending on where the bus was from they would go to that country in the EU. There were some families that had to go to germany and there were so many that the Germans didnt know where to put them, so they put them on a cruise ship for about a year. And the cruise ship would slightly rock and when these kids went to school they wouldn't be able to walk properly and would lose there balance walking on dry land. So you had these young kids falling down and not being able to walk property. then after school, they would go home back to the cruise ship for more rocking. its kind of sad but also funny.

BTW, did any of these refugees stay in Pakistan?
Are you based in the capital?

I'm in Australia, but I'm from northern Bosnia. Not the capital.
Thats a very good point.

Of course you can pick and choose who to help. Uygurs cant be helped by Pakistan because Pakistan needs china. But there are a 50 other muslim countries that can try to help them. Kashmir, well those are your Pakistani people. You are best positioned to help them, but it cant be very easy because there are a hell of a lot of Indians in the world. And most of them are right next to Kashmir. Rohingya can be helped by South East Asians and Bangladeshis. I was ready to go to Bangladesh and find some Rohingya woman who lost a husband with as many kids as possible and take them to the EU and marry her and get them all passports. But then I heard its hard to get into those camps and they will just think I am some western sicko trying to exploit them or God knows what. So I didnt do it, Yet. But I'm prepared to if needed. But then again I dont know what a Rogyngya woman with 6 kids and me is going to do in some EU country. I just figure its better than a muddy refugee camp. I don't plan to stay married with them, just enough to get their papers.

That refugee housing looks pretty good. I have no idea how these people got to Pakistan. All I know is that when Bosnian refugees got to Croatia next door, they would live in old military barracks or abandoned factories. And then busses would pick them up and depending on where the bus was from they would go to that country in the EU. There were some families that had to go to germany and there were so many that the Germans didnt know where to put them, so they put them on a cruise ship for about a year. And the cruise ship would slightly rock and when these kids went to school they wouldn't be able to walk properly and would lose there balance walking on dry land. So you had these young kids falling down and not being able to walk property. then after school, they would go home back to the cruise ship for more rocking. its kind of sad but also funny.

BTW, did any of these refugees stay in Pakistan?

I'm in Australia, but I'm from northern Bosnia. Not the capital.
All of them returned back to their country. The Bosnian resistance leaders made it very clear Bosnians should return back to their homeland to rebuild it and retain their own identity. Some Pakistani families offered to adopt Bosnian children.
If I'm not mistaken this was a housing complex built in northern Pakistan, similar climate and geographical appearance to Bosnias landscape.
Well nice to interact with a Bosnian Aussie.
Cannot pick and choose, Kashmir, Palestine, Rohingya, Uygur are also issues deeply affecting the ummah but are ignored by the wider wealthy Muslim nations.

Whoever ignores their Muslim brothers in sisters in need will have to answer to Allah
If we can than help any Muslim under oppression as much as you can. Pakistan had the capability to help Bosnia. It did. Alhumdulliah
Whoever ignores their Muslim brothers in sisters in need will have to answer to Allah
If we can than help any Muslim under oppression as much as you can. Pakistan had the capability to help Bosnia. It did. Alhumdulliah
I'm not against the concept of the ummah. However i am concerned that Pakistan should not be hired as a gun to fight wars. Indeed some situations Pakistan has been bullied into it and other times has jumped on the bandwagon. The country is facing too many internal problems.
The Ummah should be a united front by all Muslim nations. However there is no unity amongst the leaders.
Whoever ignores their Muslim brothers in sisters in need will have to answer to Allah
If we can than help any Muslim under oppression as much as you can. Pakistan had the capability to help Bosnia. It did. Alhumdulliah

Absolutely. Everyone has a duty to help to the best of their abilities. I am haunted by the plight of the Rohingya. its shocking. Are these people willing to leave the refugee camps and go to Europe if given the opportunity?
Absolutely. Everyone has a duty to help to the best of their abilities. I am haunted by the plight of the Rohingya. its shocking. Are these people willing to leave the refugee camps and go to Europe if given the opportunity?
No the ones coming to Europe are Afghans, Iraqis/Kurds Syrians, Iranians and smaller number of Pakistanis.
Rohingya are either going to Bangladesh Thailand and Malaysia.
General Javed Nasir, man who helped turn the tide after the Srebrenica genocide of Bosnian Muslims by Serbs.

General Javed Nasir was former head of ISI and had reputation to be a practicing Muslim who would not compromise on the interests of Islam and Pakistan. In 1992–93, Nasir defied the UN arms embargo placed on Bosnia and Herzegovina when he successfully airlifted the Pakistan's sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles (Baktar Shikan/HJ-8 Red Arrow), which helped them turn the tide in favor of Bosnian Muslims.

As Bosnian Muslim forces took the fight to the Serbs, it forced the the Europeans to push for a settlement. Whereas previously they had allowed daily slaughter of Muslims, now they feared Muslims might actually turn the tide.

While airlifting sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles to Bosnian Muslims, he pushed the Government of Pakistan to allow the Bosnian to immigration Pakistan.

Typically instead of awarding him accolades as a war hero. In 2011, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia demanded the custody of the former ISI director for his alleged support of the Inter-Services Intelligence activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to Muslim fighters of Bosnia against the Serbian army in the 1990s, the Government of Pakistan has refused to hand Nasir to the UN tribunal.
No the ones coming to Europe are Afghans, Iraqis/Kurds Syrians, Iranians and smaller number of Pakistanis.
Rohingya are either going to Bangladesh Thailand and Malaysia.

Why dont the Rohingya come to Europe? Everyone else is.
General Javed Nasir, man who helped turn the tide after the Srebrenica genocide of Bosnian Muslims by Serbs.

Technically, he turned the tide long before (3 years before) the Srebrenica genocide. When the genocide happened the Serbs were on the brink of total defeat. And were indeed defeated soon after. So Genocide in July 1995. And by October they had received a few weeks of NATO bombing to soften them up and then a joint Bosnian and Croatian offensive saw preparations for the evacuation of the entire population to Serbia.

America saw that they were on the brink of defeat and didnt want to see 1 million serbs becoming refugees in one week and stopped the war with their own peace treaty.
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Why dont the Rohingya come to Europe? Everyone else is.
Rohingya are on the other side of the world. They are in refugee camps in a tiny corner of Bangladesh close to the Burmese border. Even if they made the long difficult journey into india (bearing in mind the Indian Border Secirity Force will not hesitate to shoot them as they have been responsible in killing dozens of innocent Bangladeshi farmers who crossed the border) The Rohingya would never be allowed to cross into Pakistan illegally.
Many have already settled in Pakistans largest city Karachi.
Crossing into Europe means a journey of hell through Pakistans rough rugged province of Balochestan into Iran leading onto Turkey. Then the journey through the Balkans to the EU.
Only recently a boat sank killing 24 people trying to get to the UK from France.
Bosnian war was a ummah issue. Sure we didn’t get thanked or any rewards from it but Muslim bosniaks we’re getting genocided how would we answer on the day of judgment to Allah if we didn’t do anything to help our Muslim brothers while having the power to do so?
I say this while trying to be as unoffesnive as possible, but Pakistan is the last country With any authority to try and help “ummah” given the state of its own people. It’s not about thanks or rewards, it’s about the simple fact that we picked fights in several places under the banner of “helping the ummah”, which I totally support but got us absolutely nothing but misery in return, while people at home died of poverty and from the consequences that came directly from Pakistan participating in those wars. Allah isn’t going to ask if we helped foreign countries first, he’s going to ask wether the people living in our own home were fed, clothed and taken care of first, and as usual, we do a lot to improve our external image, but forget what’s going on at home.

I am all for helping Muslims when they are oppressed, but truth be told half the population of Pakistan is oppressed. If we help those people first and make Pakistan economically stronger, we would be a lot more capable of helping oppressed Muslims elsewhere like Palestine, Kashmir and China, because as it stands, apart from words, we cannot do anything, because we don’t have influence.
Whoever ignores their Muslim brothers in sisters in need will have to answer to Allah
If we can than help any Muslim under oppression as much as you can. Pakistan had the capability to help Bosnia. It did. Alhumdulliah
We say that while ignoring half the population of our own country. Allah will ask about those first you know. Pakistan loves to play ummah, an ummah that unfortunately doesn’t exist, most of Bosnia doesn’t know or care about what Pakistan did for them, the same stands for many other countries like Indonesia and Kuwait. All those countries have far surpassed Pakistan economically as well because unlike us they focused on their own people first when they got the opportunity.
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The cooperation between Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina can be traced back to the Bosnian civil war which was responsible for 100,000 casualties. During the war, Pakistan supplied weapons to the Bosnians, despite the UN-imposed arms embargo, and airlifted refugees into its territory.
The author, Adeel Yousaf, notes that since then, the two states have cooperated in the education, defense, and economic sectors. In 2005, when Pakistan was struck with a devastating earthquake, Bosnia and Herzegovina supported Pakistan by assisting in the health and education sector.
The author asserts that given their strong ties, the cooperation between the two states can extend to other sectors as well.

To read the complete article, visit: https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk

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It was Pakistan army who knocked out the Serb artillery bombing civilians from the hilltops and pushed the Serbs back. A few Pakistani UN soldiers died in those operations. The Bosnian are forever grateful for the bravery and sacrifices of PA.
Allah isn’t going to ask if we helped foreign countries first, he’s going to ask wether the people living in our own home were fed, clothed and taken care of first, and as usual, we do a lot to improve our external image, but forget what’s going on at home.

Are we gonna feed baktar shikan to people In Pakistan?
We had atgms that were already produced but not being used which we sent to our Bosnian brothers.
Allah will ask what we did for our people and for other Muslims in the ummah. Doing something is better than nothing. We did the best we could keeping our capabilities in mind. And a Muslim Bosnian is no different than a Muslim Pakistani
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