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Born in India, will die in India

All the Muslims given a chance want India to be turned into Islamic state...Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not compatible with India.. All those people should be converted back to hinduism

True. Very few want India to remain secular these days. Religious belief has become politicized in India. Fear that Hinduism would lose its majority has been exploited by parties in the right. It has reached to a point where all else has become secondary!

One irony though is that all these people who have immigrated to the west would like west to remain secular. But they do not wish the same for the subcontinent :disagree:

Fake Indians spotted.
mass graves have been unearthed in UP Bihar and Assam
Karlo jo karna hai Indian musalmano. Ye silsila e Final Solution ab chal nikla hai. In dramon se koi faida nai hoga. There was a time when muslims stood up for themselves and did G-Had for self defence and honor.

It's end times now(yeah I probably sound like the looney Imran Hossein) open hunting season against muslims.
Ya...I have noticed that...these traitor Muslims always used to support pak..they never had any love for India...now when they perceive that they are going to be aliens in their own country, the realisation of the value of this land dawned on them.

Exactly true...there is no other leader in the entire history of independent India who is as popular as Modi..because he fights for Hindus.. he is not pseudo secular..he doesn't appease Muslims...he is willing to bomb enemy nations if they harm us..why wouldn't we love him? He will be our PM as long as he is alive...

why wouldn't you love him? Uhm...cuz instead of bombing enemy nation, he ended up getting his own sena bombed and that too, in broad daylight & with impunity. :lol:
Are you dumb? Or are you acting like one? Can't you see the happenings around you? Can a daily wager, a poor beggar etc have enough documents to prove that they were born in India?
Is there NRC already in India? You imagine things, then starts protesting on what's going to happen. Basically you are protesting based on your perception of NRC.

thats good cuz then instead of telling Pakistanies that we dream against india.. you sud know what crap they have their against Pakistan and how many Pakistanies are actually there.

There are hardly any Pakistanis on Indian forums.
Is there NRC already in India? You imagine things, then starts protesting on what's going to happen. Basically you are protesting based on your perception of NRC.


NRC as a law already exists. If, when and how the NRC will be implemented is what is being speculated. People are protesting based on their speculation.
NRC as a law already exists. If, when and how the NRC will be implemented is what is being speculated. People are protesting based on their speculation.
NRC as a law exist only in Assam. It's a special law particular to the state just like ILP.
NRC as a law exist only in Assam. It's a special law particular to the state just like ILP.

You are wrong my friend.

The law for nation wide NRC was passed back in 2003 when ABV was the PM.

NPR is scheduled to be completed in 2020 and NRC could technically be started anytime after that, if the government chooses to.

The current demonstrations are to preempt and influence that anticipated NRC process and its guidelines.
You are wrong my friend.

The law for nation wide NRC was passed back in 2003 when ABV was the PM.

NPR is scheduled to be completed in 2020 and NRC could technically be started anytime after that, if the government chooses to.

The current demonstrations are to preempt and influence that anticipated NRC process and its guidelines.
Would, could, might etc... all in the future.

I'm totally right, the ABV govt implemented the amendment specifically for Assam. The conditions set for NRC was specially for Assam.

Nationwide NRC is not declared yet, may be it will be. But the conditions are not known yet.

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