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Border Clashes Bring Afghans Into Streets


Dec 5, 2012
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At an anti-Pakistan rally in Kabul on Friday, Afghan protestors had to resort to various tactics before the flag they were trying to burn ignited to their satisfaction. WSJ's Charles Levinson reports via #WorldStream.

KABUL—Thousands of marchers shouted "Death to Pakistan" and burned Pakistani flags in the Afghan capital Friday, a day after the worst border clash in more than a decade left one person dead and five injured.

Demonstrators hoisted Afghan soldiers on their shoulders and urged that territory be taken back from Pakistan, with some calling for war.

The clash began late Wednesday when Afghan security forces—which are trained, funded and advised by the U.S.—apparently tried to seize control of one of several newly erected Pakistani military posts along the disputed border. Pakistan fired artillery shells at Afghan forces, who responded with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

By the time it ended Thursday morning, one Afghan Border Police officer had been killed and three wounded. Pakistan said two of its soldiers had been wounded.

Afghan officials say the posts are in Afghan territory, a claim supported by U.S. military maps but rejected by Pakistan.

Afghanistan doesn't recognize the so-called Durand Line, the British-drawn boundary between the two countries that cuts through ethnic Pashtun lands, as an international frontier with Pakistan.

Tensions between the neighboring countries have steadily mounted in recent months as the U.S. winds down its military presence in Afghanistan and the Afghan and Pakistan militaries grow more assertive.

Many Afghans resent Pakistan's interference in Afghanistan, especially decades of Pakistani intelligence support for the Taliban.

"We are protesting against Pakistan, against its interference in Afghanistan, militarily, politically, its support for the Taliban, and 30 years of proxy war in Afghanistan by Pakistan," said Zaland Faiz, head of a youth movement in Kabul.

He held a sign that declared: "Pakistan is a terrorism sponsoring state."

"They tried to invade our country," said Israr Ahmed Khan, a local politician leading protest chants. "These are historically Afghan lands."

The uneasy border remained calm on Friday.

Both sides blamed the other for provoking the clash, which appeared to begin after Afghan forces seized control of a Pakistan border post.

Afghan officials said the Pakistani soldiers were violating an agreement by building additional fortification onto the outpost. Pakistani officials said they were merely conducting routine repairs.

U.S. military officials said they were working to calm tensions. Any disruption to the flow of goods across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border could hamper U.S. efforts to withdraw its remaining 66,000 troops and their equipment from the country in coming months.

—Habib Khan Totakhil contributed to this article.
Write to Charles Levinson at charles.levinson@wsj.com

Afghans Protest After Clash on Pakistani Border - WSJ.com

the thing that interests me is that why is usa doing anything??even though they agree that the gates are in afghan territory??
@Sher Malang @Armstrong @Secur @Abu Zolfiqar @Pak-one
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@Bang Galore @janon @Hyperion @Srinivas
What do you think about this recent renewal of escalation along Af-Pak boarder ?? Doesn't it's timing coincided with Sino-India confrontation ??

The Sino-India confrontation is over.

Besides, it is too far fetched to concoct any possible links between the two. Afgh-pak border and Sino-Indian border are very far from each other!

A confrontation there does not really help India in its confrontation with China. If nefarious Indian agents were instigating something, they would be doing so in Tibet or near the Indo-china border. They would be taking a very circuitous route in trying to achieve something in their dispute with China by instigating something in afgh. And it would bring dubious benefit in that particular dispute. I mean, nothing that happens between afghans and pakistanis would influence China's actions (intrusion or squatting or withdrawal).

No, this is all between afg and pakistan. These are their conflicts, and none of India's concern.
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@Bang Galore @janon @Hyperion @Srinivas
What do you think about this recent renewal of escalation along Af-Pak boarder ?? Doesn't it's timing coincided with Sino-India confrontation ??

If we look at the larger picture the timing is interesting considering both the incidents are related to border which is not marked correctly.

But if we look closely into both incidents.

sino-India confrontation is the result of chinese suspicion about Indian fortifications on its own side of border, which is not needed since that issue can be resolved through talks. Good thing is it resolved peacefully with out any bloodshed.

Where as Durand line clashes are the result of NATO giving some check posts to Pakistan which Afghanistan considers as theirs. The clashes came right after the talks between Pakistan-Afghanistan mediated by USA:-)lol:). Looks like Afghanistan is reiterating its stance on Durand line.

If they are innocent they willl cross over through legall gates with border forces on both sides NOT through porous mountains

How many militants cross the border and look at the common people and militant ratio, There are traders who do business both in Kabul and Khy.

If they are innocent they willl cross over through legall gates with border forces on both sides NOT through porous mountains

How many militants cross the border and look at the common people and militant ratio, There are traders who do business both in Kabul and Khyber.
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The Sino-India confrontation is over.

Besides, it is too far fetched to concoct any possible links between the two. Afgh-pak border and Sino-Indian border are very far from each other!

A confrontation there does not really help India in its confrontation with China. If nefarious Indian agents were instigating something, they would be doing so in Tibet or near the Indo-china border. They would be taking a very circuitous route in trying to achieve something in their dispute with China by instigating something in afgh. And it would bring dubious benefit in that particular dispute. I mean, nothing that happens between afghans and pakistanis would influence China's actions (intrusion or squatting or withdrawal).

No, this is all between afg and pakistan. These are their conflicts, and none of India's concern.

Buddy but if you remember this Af Pak conflagration had started only when we were in the midst of square off with China.Our gov had issued some statements regarding our nuclear doctrine also.

Did our government or US wanted to keep Pakistan busy on another front while we were busy on LaC ??
How many militants cross the border and look at the common people and militant ratio, There are traders who do business both in Kabul and Khy.

How many militants cross the border and look at the common people and militant ratio, There are traders who do business both in Kabul and Khyber.

whatever to end the blame game viz a viz militants. mine the border once for all

Buddy but if you remember this Af Pak conflagration had started only when we were in the midst of square off with China.Our gov had issued some statements regarding our nuclear doctrine also.

Did our government or US wanted to keep Pakistan busy on another front while we were busy on LaC ??

well Could be. depend on how much influence India has over US. Karzai is in deep water hence i expect him to act on Indian behest
Buddy but if you remember this Af Pak conflagration had started only when we were in the midst of square off with China.Our gov had issued some statements regarding our nuclear doctrine also.

Did our government or US wanted to keep Pakistan busy on another front while we were busy on LoC ??

We have no data to speculate upon. So everybody will draw conclusions based on their own preconceived notions. Other than the timing, there is nothing to link the two events.

Any speculation will remain in the realm of speculation.

The declarations of nuclear deterrance capability may have been deliberate, IMO. To send the message loud and clear that we are prepared for any eventuality. Again, we can only speculate upon the intentions, and my opinion is just that - my opinion.
whatever to end the blame game viz a viz militants. mine the border once for all
I wished your government was ready to bear the cost incurred in mining the whole boarder.
Yes it would be fine for you as well as Afghanistan as it would prevent the cross over of both good and bad Taliban.
I wished your government was ready to bear the cost incurred in mining the whole boarder.
Yes it would be fine for you as well as Afghanistan as it would prevent the cross over of both good and bad Taliban.

surely we will.
better to seal it using mines
well Could be. depend on how much influence India has over US. Karzai is in deep water hence i expect him to act on Indian behest

I want to go with my speculations since at that time we had trilateral meet with US and Japan but one may argue that this meet was pre-scheduled.
whatever to end the blame game viz a viz militants. mine the border once for all

Mining the Duarnd line or the passes which connect Khyber and Afghanistan is not that easy. This is a mountaineos region.

well Could be. depend on how much influence India has over US. Karzai is in deep water hence i expect him to act on Indian behest

The clashes between pakistan and Afghanistan are a ploy NATO not India, India do not have direct influence on USA or Karzai.
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