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Border Clash Between Afghanistan & Pakistan: Afghanistan Protecting TTP

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What sort of post is this? I shall be reporting such abusive posts that bring no value to discussion.

Seriously? Are you really from Pakistan or are you an Indian agent, spewing venom for it to be displayed as proof of Pakistanis' callousness? Chill man.
He is saying it right.. I share the same sentiments as him.
Afghans are enemies and must be treated as such.

I am glad the young population of Pakistan are opening up their eyes and seeing the Afghan. Afghans have brought nothing but misery and destruction. Destruction of Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interest.

PM Khan has no idea what a powerful Afghanistan will do to Pakistan. Even Indians with all their military might aren't this braindead as these Afghans.
I can't believe we are having this discussion AFTER Pakistan rounded up everyone to do a fundraiser for them :lol:

Whoever said they have a tribal honor code? I don't see any honor. I see opportunists who want to make sure the border remains porous so their men can sneak across to bed Pakistani women and radicalize your kids.

Fellow Pakistanis are so high on ummah chumma that they would happily allow their women to get raped by these savages and then get blown up to pieces.

This is why I am starting to admire Americans ... They are ruthless when it comes to protecting their people and national interests. Even arabs(UAE) has started to wise up and act only in their interest.
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He is saying it right.. I share the same sentiments as him.
Afghans are enemies and must be treated as such.

I am glad the young population of Pakistan are opening up their eyes and seeing the Afghan filth. Afghans have brought nothing but misery and destruction. Destruction of Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interest.

PM Khan has no idea what a powerful Afghanistan will do to Pakistan. Even Indians with all their military might aren't this braindead as these Afghans.

Fellow Pakistanis are so high on ummah chumma that they would happily allow their women to get raped by these savages and then get blown up to pieces.

This is why I am starting to admire Americans ... They are ruthless when it comes to protecting their people and national interests. Even arabs(UAE) has started to wise up and act only in their interest.

speaking of rape which I find to be extremely far-fatched to even bring into this topic.. Won't mind forcing you at gun point and hand you to them and record it.. for sadistic amusement:D

You will be turbo charged and Talibanized in a special way.. I approve this
Fellow Pakistanis are so high on ummah chumma that they would happily allow their women to get raped by these savages and then get blown up to pieces.

This is why I am starting to admire Americans ... They are ruthless when it comes to protecting their people and national interests. Even arabs(UAE) has started to wise up and act only in their interest.

Americans gave them 3 strikes, and on the 3rd strike they imprinted a mark so deep on them it will be remembered in their history. I will guarantee you the Taliban will never say a bad word against the West again.

Pakistan however, fair game it seems.
Americans gave them 3 strikes, and on the 3rd strike they imprinted a mark so deep on them it will be remembered in their history. I will guarantee you the Taliban will never say a bad word against the West again.

Pakistan however, fair game it seems.

It is the other way around they never said anything bad they came and took lesson with them while leaving.. They won't come back ever again.. Look what happened to the soviet union.. Graveyard of empires it could have been the end of the US as we know had it kept spending hence one of the reasons why they have withdrown it was due to cash Afghanistan is a black hole
These savages only understand the language of guns and violence.....Americans knew how to teach them a lesson.

I will always regret them not nuking Kabul.

As expected...Rape and barbarism is hallmark of Afghan culture. Pathetic low class sub human filth to be born on this earth.... I know you belong to their kind as well...

Now let me watch some sweet american drone strikes videos on your cousins in FATA and Afghanistan. Watch Afghans and their cousins blowing into smithereens is a delight to watch....

Long live American drones.

I am Punjabi.. I exposed a 5ft column false flager.. Keep going :D You are fishing in the wrong waters where fish doesn't exist waste of time.. Your hair will turn grey here..

You should be talibanized in that fablous way.. I would have personally hand you over.. Thinking you are on my side making huge miscalculation along the way
I am not Afghan but Punjabi.. I exposed a 5ft column false flager.. Keep going :D You are fishing in the wrong waters where fish doesn't exist waste of time.. Your hair will turn grey here..

You should be talibanized in that fablous way.. I would have personally hand you over.. Thinking you are on my side making huge miscalculation along the way

So you're a bit like these lot? :lol: :lol:

I am not Afghan but Punjabi.. I exposed a 5ft column false flager.. Keep going :D You are fishing in the wrong waters where fish doesn't exist waste of time.. Your hair will turn grey here..

You should be talibanized in that fablous way.. I will personally hand you over.. Thinking you are on my side making huge miscalculation along the way

Ah you are lying now.

Watching some sweet drone strikes on your cousins now :yay:
So you're a bit like these lot? :lol: :lol:

I don't believe he is punjabi ... Might as well be an Afghan or Pashtun from FATA/PTM type.

In case , he is punjabi then he must be those self hating types...Afghans/Pashtuns have flooded Punjab and have been treating your people as shit . They call you names like Heera mandi ki pedawar and Daalkhor .... He reminds me of the muslim version of Nida Kirmani that has a hard on for terrorists like PTM/BLA.
Absolutely not true. Only the Northern Alliance have not been pro-Pakistani.

Read a history book dumbo.

Non-Pashtuns and northern alliance were ready to accept durand line. Its majorly the pashtun population that has been a problem for Pakistan.
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It was said by an APS mom in video after SC session. I saw the video myself either that mum was lying or it's true. Maryam brigade had nothing to do with it. I will try to find a link to that video.
if true as alleged by the mother then I pray with my whole heart that this guy meets a death of a dog.
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