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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

Yes I know Zainal Abedin and Isha Khan personally. Zainal is in New York and Isha Khan is a very private person .... You might also have mentioned Abu Rushd.

I saw reference to the book "Portrait of an Aggressive Intelligence" by Abu Rushd in this article by Isha Khan:

But a web search did not turn up any article by Abu Rushd.

I think Zainal Abedin's entire book is online. You may want to publish the conclusion part of your book online in an article, which might increase interest in this book by local and international audience. Does Isha Khan have a book?

We also need to approach Abu Rushd and Isha Khan to see if their work or at least part of it could be available online.
I saw reference to the book "Portrait of an Aggressive Intelligence" by Abu Rushd in this article by Isha Khan:

But a web search did not turn up any article by Abu Rushd.

I think Zainal Abedin's entire book is online. You may want to publish the conclusion part of your book online in an article, which might increase interest in this book by local and international audience. Does Isha Khan have a book?

We also need to approach Abu Rushd and Isha Khan to see if their work or at least part of it could be available online.

I will discuss with both if they will put their books online. I don't put my book online as it is already plagiarized so heavily.
I will discuss with both if they will put their books online. I don't put my book online as it is already plagiarized so heavily.

I respect your decision on that, it is your book and you know best how to deal with it. I only suggested to put a part of it, like the conclusion part online as a teaser, so people get more interested to buy it.

Regardless of whether they are online or not, I appreciate the work all of you have done. These books are the foundation bases. We need to build on this, disseminate these information in public sphere and make it a part of mass consciousness. Once our public is more aware, they will get involved in their own interest to uncover more of RAW activity in Bangladesh.
Trying to influence neighbors using legitimate means is one thing, but covertly meddling in the affairs of another sovereign state is an act of war.

The feeling I have is on the surface India promotes regional bodies like SAARC, BIMSTEC etc. to increase influence, that is legitimate activity. But behind the scenes, Indian govt. engages in meddling, which is tantamount to waging covert war on another country.

And my assessment on these regional bodies is that they have no future, so they are only used to give false hope to some confused people, while these efforts are used as cover for the covert meddling/war to subvert these neighbors efforts to develop, stand on their own feet, become more powerful and self sufficient.

I wouldn't necessarily say that regional economic integration is a bad thing. The likes of EU, NAFTA are working fine. Though of-course, EU has some problems due to some states that simply weren't ready in the first place.

For successful regional economic integration, all member participating countries must be of similar economic standards. Greece for instance is certainly nowhere near that of Germany, or even France. It's a very, very complicated matter. And becomes more so by introducing a regional currency.

As far as south Asia is concerned, previous assessments have stated that the more economic integration there is in the region, the more Indian bullying will rise. And that was way back in 2006, and has really come true.

Interestingly, another of our neighbor - Myanmar is burning again.

And this time, in the central regions, not in Rakhine. Yes, Muslims vs. Buddhists.
BBC News - Burma: State of emergency imposed in Meiktila
BBC News - Buddhists and Muslims clash in central Burma town

The case of Myanmar is most peculiar I must say, most peculiar....

I fear the worst in the future of our neighborhood.
I wouldn't necessarily say that regional economic integration is a bad thing. The likes of EU, NAFTA are working fine. Though of-course, EU has some problems due to some states that simply weren't ready in the first place.

For successful regional economic integration, all member participating countries must be of similar economic standards. Greece for instance is certainly nowhere near that of Germany, or even France. It's a very, very complicated matter. And becomes more so by introducing a regional currency.

As far as south Asia is concerned, previous assessments have stated that the more economic integration there is in the region, the more Indian bullying will rise. And that was way back in 2006, and has really come true.

Interestingly, another of our neighbor - Myanmar is burning again.

And this time, in the central regions, not in Rakhine. Yes, Muslims vs. Buddhists.
BBC News - Burma: State of emergency imposed in Meiktila
BBC News - Buddhists and Muslims clash in central Burma town

The case of Myanmar is most peculiar I must say, most peculiar....

I fear the worst in the future of our neighborhood.

Yes worrying news in Burma. These Muslims are of Chinese origin I think. China, ASEAN states and Bangladesh need to work together to reduce anti-Muslim feeling among the Burmese.

As for South Asian economic integration, this can become a priority only after India abandons its policy of meddling in neighbors internal domestic affairs. Otherwise, as is the situation now, any economic integration is used as vehicle and enabler of this meddling effort.
Yes worrying news in Burma. These Muslims are of Chinese origin I think. China, ASEAN states and Bangladesh need to work together to reduce anti-Muslim feeling among the Burmese.

Yes, they are Chinese-origin Muslims known as Panthays.

People kept saying that is is an ethnic matter with the Rohingyas.

Though from my experience with Burmese individuals, there aren't too many communal tensions. Some of my best mates were Burmese.

So, this is new to me.
Munshi Bhai ( @MBI Munshi ), I wanted to buy the latest version of your book, but its $98, a little too steep for me.

I read the book "RAW and Bangladesh" by Zainal Abedin and Isha Khan's articles. Looks like the 3 of you are the foremost experts on Indian Intelligence activity in Bangladesh.

I have one very specific question that I am confused about. I see in Mr. Abedin's book that RAW has a goal of Akhanda Bharat and annexing Bangladesh in the future. But during my discussions with Indians in various web forums, I get the impression that Indian popular opinion is exactly the opposite, ie they do not want to annex any Muslim countries like Bangladesh or Pakistan, may be Sri Lanka, Bhutan or Nepal, as they are not Muslim, or Azad Kashmir (or the Gilgit Baltistan part) as this will give them direct land access to Afghanistan and block Chinese land access to Pakistan.

What in your eyes is India's goal, as you described in the book India Doctrine, is it Akhanda Bharat (annexation of neighbor states) or just playing a spoiler role trying to torpedo development of neighbor states so India can maintain control and hegemony in South Asia?

Please discuss the above point without giving away too much details of your book.

One book costs 8000 tk :alcoholic: kamne kinum! @MBI Munshi can present every PDF Bangladeshi here a copy of his book as a goodwill friendly notion ;) . To filter members he can exclude BAL lovers.
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Putting India in its place is a step towards development and progress for Bangladesh.

And i believe you will achieve this by the help of Pakistan.... Strange that not 3 decades ago you were trying to get away from them and only India stood between you and continued slavery when on one side were Pakistan , China and USA.

Let us hypothetically accept that what you are saying about India with regards to Bangladesh is concerned is true.. then please tell why did we reach such a stage. Why do you insist on harbouring people who would side with all those that killed in east pakistan to destroy India. India has not indulged in any activity to harm bangladesh instead it is you who have given shelter to those who would harm us.

Donot blame India for your destructive and narrow minded thinking....
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