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Bomb Scare in New Jersey Plane: Musharraf Stopped (Potential Assassination attempt)



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Oct 18, 2009
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Bomb scare in NJ plane: Musharraf stopped

Updated at: 1045 PST, Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NEW JERSEY: Former President Gen (rtd) Pervez Musharraf was shifted to a local hotel, after a London-bound flight of Virgin Atlantic was stopped at New Jersey airport on reports of bomb in the airliner, Geo News reported Wednesday.

Pervez Musharraf was among the passengers, who were got down from the plane after security alert on presence of a suspected man there. However, later on, the plane was declared clear and all the passengers were given go-ahead to be on board plane again.

However, Musharraf was stopped and given stay at a local hotel.

A passenger reportedly belonging to Middle East region, bought one way ticket of the flight on cash payment. The man has been arrested. The US security sources fear the man might pose threat to the flight.

The airline management decline to unfold the reason behind the emergency landing, saying, ‘We cannot tell whether the plane was stopped owing to Musharraf or else.’

I was shocked to hear this news. It could be a potential assassination attempt on Musharraf. Share your views on this. May Allah Almighty protect our great leader Musharraf from all evil :pakistan:
hahahaha... one thing i cant understand if the plane was given a 'green signal' why wasnt lil mushy allowed on it??? perhaps they thought he would start another 'hijack propaganda' and over throw obama's govt :rofl:
hahahaha... one thing i cant understand if the plane was given a 'green signal' why wasnt lil mushy allowed on it??? perhaps they thought he would start another 'hijack propaganda' and over throw obama's govt :rofl:

or they want to increase the popularity of mush in Pakistan so that when he returns to Pakistan he will get a welcome like benezir bhutto and become president/ prime minister.
Looks like they didn't allow mushy back because they found the bomb and saved the plane
Mushy saved the plane. Using his covert military tactics he was able to over power the terroist then, the pilot thus entering into negiotiations with the US about their release. Now he will be made President for releasing the plane:P

From wiki...

Khan is often dismissed as a political lightweight[41] and a celebrity outsider in Pakistan,[16] where national newspapers also refer to him as a "spoiler politician".[50] Muttahida Qaumi Movement, a political party, has asserted that Khan is "a sick person who has been a total failure in politics and is alive just because of the media coverage".[51] The Political observers say the crowds he draws are attracted by his cricketing celebrity, and the public has been reported to view him as a figure of entertainment rather than a serious political authority.[36] His failure to gain political power or build a national support base is ascribed, by commentators and observers, to Khan's lack of political maturity and naivete.[24] Newspaper columnist Ayaz Amir told the American Washington Post: "[Khan] doesn't have that political thing which sets bellies on fire."
The Guardian newspaper in England described Khan as a "miserable politician," observing that, "Khan's ideas and affiliations since entering politics in 1996 have swerved and skidded like a rickshaw in a rainshower... He preaches democracy one day but gives a vote to reactionary mullahs the next."[35] The charge constantly raised against Khan is that of hypocrisy and opportunism, including what has been called his life's "playboy to puritan U-turn."[16] One of Pakistan's most respected political commentators, Najam Sethi, stated that, "A lot of the Imran Khan story is about backtracking on a lot of things he said earlier, which is why this doesn’t inspire people."[16] Khan's political flip-flops consist of his vocal criticism of President Musharraf after having supported his military takeover in 1999. Similarly, Khan was a critic of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif when Sharif was in power, having said at the time: "Our current prime minister has a fascist mind-set, and members of parliament cannot go against the ruling party. We think that every day he stays in power, the country is sinking more into anarchy."[52] Yet, he joined forces with Sharif in 2008 against Musharraf. In a column entitled "Will the Real Imran Please Stand Up," Pakistani columnist Amir Zia quoted one of PTI's Karachi-based leaders as saying, "Even we are finding it difficult to figure out the real Imran. [53]

Not the type of character Pakistan needs at this crucial time.

From wiki...

Not the type of character Pakistan needs at this crucial time.
he is definitely the kind of character pakistan needs at this time, not some 'american-feet-licker'!!!!

plus he didnt got elected from an urban area but a rural one, while having no 'bradari' to back him up, he was a one man army n people did vote for him, and you can go n see how much development he has done, which couldnt be done in the last 3 decades even!!!!
he is definitely the kind of character pakistan needs at this time, not some 'american-feet-licker'!!!!

plus he didnt got elected from an urban area but a rural one, while having no 'bradari' to back him up, he was a one man army n people did vote for him, and you can go n see how much development he has done, which couldnt be done in the last 3 decades even!!!!

He is not an American 'feet licker', because he inst in power yet.

Also, he appears to be a weak, indecisive politician, continually changing stances and shifting his support. How long do you think he will last while the US tries to 'persuade' him to do their bidding.

I cant go and see how much 'development' he has done in the last 3 decades bro, you should show me.:pakistan:
He is not an American 'feet licker', because he inst in power yet.

Also, he appears to be a weak, indecisive politician, continually changing stances and shifting his support. How long do you think he will last while the US tries to 'persuade' him to do their bidding.

I cant go and see how much 'development' he has done in the last 3 decades bro, you should show me.:pakistan:
well for a person its easy to comment who aint on the grass root level, rather then going out n researching :)

yeah he aint in power, and til he is rest are all assumptions!!! he doesnt change his stances but do what the masses ask him and whatever is required at that time

e.g. masses like CJ he supported him
masses were confused about taliban so he was against the operation but then when the operation was started he said now it should come to an end as leaving it in the mid wont fetch any good results
and thats called politics :)

and his party is the only party that has never been accused of violence, even a small party like sunni tehreek has given giants like MQM a hard time!!! but not PTI!!!

as per the development, roads, gas n electricity connection plus a high standard college whose equal cant be found in 400 kms radius, etc... for a really underdeveloped area thats more then enough

btw i wont be replying to you as its my last dayon this forum, bye :)
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