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Bol: Movie Review by Times of India


Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
After tackling the global issue of terrorism in the most impartial, compelling and comprehensive manner in his last masterpiece Khuda Kay Liye , director Shoaib Mansoor shifts focus to discussing domestic concerns of our neighbouring countrymen, their community and, by large, the humankind in Bol .

The entire story unveils in the flashback mode as Zainab (Humaima Malick) narrates her life history to the media, minutes before being sentenced to death. Born in a conservative Muslim family, Zainab is the eldest amongst half a dozen daughters of Hakim saab (Manzar Zehbai). The father's quest for a male successor in his family is thwarted when a son is born but with effeminate traits. As the son Saifee (Amr Kashmiri) grows up amidst sisters, the father almost disregards his presence in the family.

Director Shoaib Mansoor uses this family as a paradigm to address almost every concern correlated with the community. The film primarily objects to the idea of reproducing human beings into this world (blinded by faith and self-centered intentions) without taking complete responsibility of their existence. Concurrently it also highlights the regressive attitude of a male-dominated society that offers no liberty to woman in choosing life-partner, refusing reproduction, gaining education or working independently. And the concerns are very much contemporary with the film set in modern-day Lahore. At the same time, the film never stereotypes the state or its citizens but attempts to represent the intellectual illiteracy of a vast majority who haven't upgraded with times.

Almost all the issues are brought to light by the conformist characterization of the father figure. And with the outlook of the film focused only on domestic issues, the director refrains from giving any political overtones to Hakim's characterization and attributes his extremism to his orthodox upbringing and bigoted beliefs. His fanatic philosophy makes him renounce his earnings from a plebeian pimp even in desperate times. You hate his chauvinistic attitude as much as you pity his penniless state. While he is the only breadwinner of an extended female-dominated family, his ancestral physician profession is losing charm and clientele in an era when medical science has much evolved. So while on one hand you detest the fact that he doesn't allow his daughters to find employment, you also sympathize with him for having to stoop to the panderer's demands.

At several instances, the narrative smartly underscores the irony of life. While we have often witnessed woman getting into the flesh trade for survival, here the male species falls prey of the situation. The fact that all his offspring were only girls, which had always been his biggest weakness, turns Hakim's strength when he gets money to impregnate a courtesan (Iman Ali) with a girl child. So while on one hand his second daughter gets secretly married to the boy-next-door (Atif Aslam), on the other hand the father surreptitiously ties the knot with the courtesan.

Like Khuda Kay Liye , Shoaib Mansoor's take on the subject is comprehensive and despite the long runtime, the narrative never gets tedious. The writing is riveting, and the dialogues in particular, are crisp, clear and caustic. Despite the serious demeanour of the film, the director infuses sporadic moments of unusual humour, like in the scene when the siblings are fighting over an India-Pakistan match and the father believes that the sincerity of their prayers would be solely responsible for their country's victory or defeat. Even when the sissy brother is physically abused, the film never gets into titillation mode and remains refined. There are portions in the narrative that the director never touches beyond a menial mention, like Zainab's failed marriage. But there is so much and more that the film explores that you never bother to learn about the omitted chunks.

A rock-concert number by Atif Aslam seems somewhat out of place in this film. Also the entire media circus and bureaucratic drama surrounding Zainab's death sentence could have been avoided. Nevertheless, while the film could have easily started and ended as Zainab's story, the director intentionally takes it to legislative level to make a strong statement on national level. The film ends with an epilogue, which, despite being a little too optimistic, shows a ray of hope.

Bol is blessed with superlative performances by seasoned actors. Manzar Zehbai, undoubtedly, is the scene-stealer in his fanatic father characterization. He remains in his character of a stern, angry and frustrated personality but never hams. Humaima Malick is absolutely brilliant in her author-backed rebellious character. Amr Kashmiri never goes overboard even for a moment, a common tendency while playing an effeminate and stammering character. Atif Aslam doesn't get much scope but is decent in his part. Mahirah Khan Askari is charming. Iman Ali looks alluring and is graceful in her short role. Shafqat Cheema as the brothel proprietor convincingly alternates from being a friendly person to a menacing foe. Zaib Rehman as the vulnerable mother is compelling.

Shoaib Mansoor voices a strong and progressive viewpoint with Bol . Some good 'word of mouth' for his bold cinema please!

Bol: Movie Review - The Times of India
Do you not have critics who review films in Pakistan ?

What is the need to start a thread on an Indian newspaper's review ?
Why seek sych approval from Indian critics ?:azn:

Anyways good for the film . I will watch it sometime maybe to understand the Pakistani society better .
lol u 2 geniuses need to know hw media works, we want to attract the indian audience which will make us somethin called money $$$$ lol no one rlly cares wt indians think in pakistan and same wth indians, bt if an indian critic reviews the movie, indians will care so thats a +1 for pk, w0ot wo0t anyways, gud job, the movie was amazing:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Freinds this is my first reply to any of the thread in the forum.....

I thought to start by replying to this topic.

watched the movie today guys movie is awesome !!!!!!!

Honestly guys it was hard to beleive that this kind of film can be made in Pakistan.

Story, acting, Plot all is perfect.On Technical part movie was lacking something like background music,Editing and somewhat in Direction.

This movie will attract peoples in Multiplex more.

Again I would say Great job done Shoaib mansoor.:tup:
Do you not have critics who review films in Pakistan ?

What is the need to start a thread on an Indian newspaper's review ?
Why seek sych approval from Indian critics ?:azn:

Anyways good for the film . I will watch it sometime maybe to understand the Pakistani society better .

Don't you guys put up articles from the TOI & other Indian sources about Pakistan, on all kinds of issues?
seems like a nice movie.its good that these kind of movies with a strong message to the society are being made,and not just melodramas.
Have not seen this movie right now, you may call be paindoo!!!

But Economy and Development sub forum rings a bell???
this movie actually misrepresenting molvis, they are well respected in our religion.

---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 AM ----------

anybody going to watch Bhai log? i heard that is a good movie.
Ashdoc's review---

If the director wanted to make a statement against the population explosion in Pakistan , then he makes it in a brutal and convoluted manner.....

......Or so it seems.....

......Or more probably , its the reality of Pakistan--a country going to the dogs anyway......

In a country which abounds in religious fanatics , its a story of one of them....

Not a jehadi , but a commonplace religious fanatic.....

He is a guy who produces seven daughters in the hope of getting a son ; a person who beats up his daughters and wife ; refuses to send his daughters to school beyond fifth grade ; does not even watch films ; and has a murderous bent about him , especially in matters of religion.....

......And the amazing thing is that , he is considered an ultra-respectable gent ; a pillar of the community in his area !! A person to be trusted with the safekeeping of the community funds !! More proof of Pakistan going to the dogs ??

His reputation is built on his religiosity , and the fact that subcontinental peoples have a remarkable respect for doctors--even the native variety ; and this fellow is a hakeem......

Misfortune falls upon the hakeem as one of his children turns out to be a eunuch....

Though his sisters lavish love and affection on their...err...' brother ' , he cannot go against nature , and falls in love with his sister's boyfriend.....

.....Prompting her to send him to a place outside home--Big mistake !! He is raped by men who prey on such unfortunates.....

This sends his hakeem father in a murderous rage in which he kills his eunuch ' son '.

The story takes incredible convolutions after this--To bribe the police in order not to go to jail for the murder, hakeem sahib has to steal from the community funds that he has for safekeeping , and to give them back to the community, he has to go to a pimp.....

The pimp makes an unbelievable deal with the hakeem--he says ( and would you believe it !! ) '' you sleep one night with my most beautiful prostitute , Meena--for you have a reputation for producing daughters ; and daughters are needed to keep us in business in future generations !! '' In return for this ' favour ', he is ready to give the money.....

But the conscience of the hakeem forces him to cajole Meena into sending the newborn daughter to him to prevent her from being a prostitute . But the pimps hoodlums come to his house to take the girl back--prompting the godfearing hakeem to try to kill the daughter ; this , in turn forces his rebellious older daughter to kill him.....

Phew !!.....

As if this was not enough , she does not say anything in her own defence in court , but asks that she be allowed to tell her story on TV just before she is hanged--and then she vomits out the whole story.....
What was the need for the director to resort to this final melodrama ?? Why could she not vomit out the story in courtroom itself ?? God knows.....

Oh , I forgot--all this is to prove that producing too many children is wrong.....Now WTF !!

The movie is dark ,depressing , and full-to-dimaag-ko-tension...

Verdict--if you have a perversion for perverted movies ( I do !! ) , then this might work for you....
next shoaib mansur will make a movie how her sister and entire female ancestors got raped by some men? because thats what he gets fun from right? rape stories
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