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Body formed to probe claims Imran was bribed to ‘protect’ real estate firm

Get it checked by mods. Answer, did Peerni did any magic on Malik Riaz that she got that much of land ? Is not it conflict of interest ? Should not have the money gone to GOP instead of Mr Handsome & Peerni ? Don't be hypocrite, for me entire PDM burn in eternal hell and May Almighty has his wrath on them and their family but why are so shamelessly defying this corruption done by Mr Handsome.
Take it to court proof it, at one point you saying entire PDM burn you don't care because they are corrupt and on the other hand you are believing what they are saying?

You have proof, take Imran khan to court and put him behind bars simple? how hard is that?

PMLN is just using public money to give advertise and subsidies to media, judges so that they can hide their corruptions and get away from cases.

For inflation they blame Imran khan, while all contracts been done by pmln IPPS etc left bankrupt pakistan.

They lived in bubble that they were doing great by importing and taking loans and making roads turned out nothing return $ what they have taken.

after failed miserably in controlling inflation, they are just seeking way out some sort of supports.

Today miftah ismail sent 25 increase in petrol which is denied by shahbaz sharif this means that no IMF loan, if shahbaz sharif increase the price more people will suffer.

All they chanting how they order palm oil from Indonesia like they won something while indonesia lifted ban from export of palm oil.

So pmln has nothing at all.
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Clearly, you're stuck up on IK. Did I not agree with you that IK should have done more? But hang on, it was about national security, why didn't ISI, or the army, which wields all the power did nothing about these traitors and let them escape multiple times? You say the previous establishment was oh so wise, what did they do about these traitors? Nothing. If IK is guilty, then they are even worse.

You talk about decline of terrorism and the so called "capable establishment that truly understood the bigger picture" - no they were not capable and did not understand the bigger picture, if they did, why are we in this mess? The establishment is the biggest failure, bigger than anything IK failed at doing.

As for what do I want? A nation of 220million strong to do more. What that "do more" is not for me to decide, but if this continues, I ask you again, what is the future?

Actually, the IQ bit is not my opinion, if that is what you were talking about:

I dont care about IK. You started this with saying "pakistan is dead nation". The source you mentioned, placed Japan at first position, a nation that is so intelligent that it is literally becoming extinct all by itself, so much for having the highest IQ. Now if you have any valid argument that supports your claims, bring it up otherwise dont say anything stupid.
You want us to do more, for what? If we go by your opinions, pakistanis are stupid and have low IQ, how can we run a country. Who is going to lead us? IK?

I dont understand political fanboys, from all spectrum. first you ask Army to stay out of goverment matters, then when goverment fucks up, you ask the same Army to overreach thier mandate. Why cant other state instituitions do thier job properly? From hosting a cricket match to natural disasters its always the Army that actually do something. Is it Army's fault that now we, a nation of 220 million, have to beg and bend over for 900 millions? You cant blame Army for everything.
Atleast be coherent.
Seems like either the government should file charges to prosecute Imran or Imran should file defamation against PDM
LMAO on PMLN's mental condition
They are not trying to find Imran's corruption, they are 110% sure Imran did corruption because in their family belief system corruption is a must for every human being....they are after the methods Imran used to do corruption that they cannot even find a trace....in their mind he is very good and we must find the ways he did it
It is a crime doing it right before Panama Leaks to cover the tracks of Sharif mafia

But this was an onshore property nor an offshore property, Hassan Nawaz displayed this property for sale on his website, long before Panama Leaks. How this is a crime selling an onshore property?? He bought few other properties renovated them, sold them before sale of this property and after sale of this property, this is his business, how this is a crime??

Cabinet sub committee is not an IMPARTIAL forum.
This matter could had been referred to FIA, but FIA already made to work as rulers' personal agency.

All these matters could be given to existing agencies like FIA, ACU, but we don't have any independent institutions.
Sharif-Zardari corruptocracy has destroyed all institutions to cover up their crimes. Investigation by FIA, ACU, police cannot be trusted even if true.
Is there any impartial body in the country that can investigate these charges?

The only independent impartial anti-crime agency was established by Imran Khan in KP. Please refer this case to KP Ehtesab Commission!!

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Someone who will donate every single penny he owns to charity after he dies what is he going to do with these supposedly millions ….

On the other hand Patwaris who rape their mother every night do need money to keep their leader happy.

اس بات کا عمران خان کو پتا ہے ؟؟
Let the PDM obsession of PTI continue.

The more they are fixated to Imran Khan, the more they have their eyes on affairs of the state of Pakistan.

The results are for all Pakistanis to see.
I believe in fair accountability so that should include everyone who are suspects having been in government.
A couple things to notice here:-

1) are we noticing how all these cases against IK/ PTI just reach the media houses but not the courts? There’s a hullabuloo and then they die in the news cycle and never see the light of day in a court? I wonder why
2) here the headline is what exactly? That a body is formed to probe for something which is alleged? How is that news?
3) why don’t the media houses run the news cycle on actual proven cases of corruption where JIT writes 10+ volumes of material in Panama papers or Omni case? Those have 10+ volumes of JIT material proven- why no media coverage there?
I didn't bothered to look further when I saw claims done by "Rana Sanaullah" . This man is criminal by himself and deserves to be shot at point blank range, along with other goons including Bilawal who can't even pronounce "Tosha Khana" properly and call it ٹو چہ خانہ instead.
In your hatred for IK, you seem to be missing the bigger picture. Is there corruption in Pakistan? Is the country getting worse overall? You should know the answer to these questions. What do you think the future holds if this continue? No one is asking Pakistanis to fight for IK, people need to fight for Pakistan.
the guy is a tooi wal. nugh said
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