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BNP to annihilate AL if it fails to win next polls: Nasim

I am not going to fall into your trap by talking about the list. Only item No. 5 deserves investigation to see if the behind the scene real conspirators are Taposh and Nanak. They or any one involved in conspiracy should be properly dealt with.

Many items in your list include criminals from both the parties. Others are usual bla, bla, bla.

But, how come you have called me an Awami Leaguer? I deny it and I also state that I do not believe in any party in BD. Have you really seen me supporting any bad acts by the AL govt?

Regarding no. 5 I can tell you in few words-the evidences are well documented and secured by some....that's all (sorry can't go more).

If you criticize BNP, according to idune you're an Awamileaguer even if you equally criticize BAL. Why...because idune thinks one such guy is a wolf (BAL guy) in sheep's clothing. Yes, you can be credible to him if and only if you criticize and abuse BAL.
You are expecting too much from the USA. CTG or not, it is the internal issue of the country. USA cannot do anything if Jatiyo Party and other minor parties contest in an election without a CTG and more than 50% voters participate in that election.

Issue is, if the population of BD will accept the election or not. People are annoyed not only with AL, but also with BNP. BNP is a big thief, it stole many billions of dollars worth of money which BKZ took away to Saudi Arabia in the suitcases.

People supported BNP because of the clean image of its founding Chairman Ziaur Rahman. But, BKZ and her two sons are corrupt from the core. If both the parties are corrupt, then people may not choose BNP over AL.

The five City election results have weakened AL. But, in average it received about 40% of the cast votes. It has surprised me because I thought AL popularity is below 20%.

In the national election if this voting pattern continues, AL may not be fully washed away even in a CTG-held election.

Note, there will be contests between AL in one side and candidates from many parties on the other side. In a three or four way contest, AL will win in quite a few seats.

AL has a larger voter base than BNP.....But if BNP does not participate in the election their base will go haywire.....BNP won't win a landslide like AL did last time....But remember one thing that contributed to BNP's loss was the game it played to get a Chief Adviser.....If AL messes with CTG it may also contribute to their loss.....And you never know what the army may do....they are pretty pissed off at AL because of Pilkhana incident!!
I personally would like moderate Islamic BD, but if the majority choose Awami type extreme secularism in democratic way, I have no problem. Like, whether Bismillah will be in constituent or not will be decided by referendum, though seems impractical

'Moderate Islamic BD' is BNP....problem is the package also has Jamaat....a not so moderate party!If majority chooses AL in a democratic way it does not mean they agree with everything AL has to say...Political groups(the voters),religious groups(the common people) are not monoliths....each and every single person think differently and the prioritize different issues when voting.....If 80% of the country voted for AL that does not make them ultra-secular(remember each parties voter base has a large poor village based population who has almost nil institutional education i.e they don't know what secular means).People ultimately vote on what issues the local leaders address and what promises they make not on party ideology.There is a 10-15% hardcore voter base for each party who will vote for their party no matter what(marka deikha vote deoa public).
If AL wins again in a fair election, I will be happy, because I will know what BD people want actually, since today people are divided into two by their of ideologies, if AL wins, we will know what majority wants actually, Awami type secular or moderate Islamic BD as like as before

this one time BNP and one time BAL is sick, and we never could know what the majority wants

Did awami maggots won 2009 election fairly? Even in 96 they managed to secure only 150 some seats . So Bangladeshis never gave these loons a clear majority. Also don't forget the islamic card played by AL in all elections. Hasina never fails to mention that she prays 5 times a day.

AL has a larger voter base than BNP.....

Can't agree. AL's core vote bank is 10-15 % minorities and another 10% city elites. Commies have never been a factor in BD, they are simply riding on AL and farting hot air this time. BNP anyhow have 30 % min vote bank. Even in the heavily rigged 2009 election they secured
30% + votes. This time it would be a miracle if awami maggots get 60 seats like in 2001 under CT gov. They have always been a party of 50 seats.
AL has a larger voter base than BNP.....But if BNP does not participate in the election their base will go haywire.....BNP won't win a landslide like AL did last time....But remember one thing that contributed to BNP's loss was the game it played to get a Chief Adviser.....If AL messes with CTG it may also contribute to their loss.....And you never know what the army may do....they are pretty pissed off at AL because of Pilkhana incident!!

Army seems to be a BAL pet now :) ...I don't wanna comment like this about our army but alas!
Army seems to be a BAL pet now :) ...I don't wanna comment like this about our army but alas!

I don't think so.....they're just hush hush now because they don't want to tarnish their image by going after a democratically elected government......they have a reputation for working on upholding democracy in our country....I think they'll take action when BAL derails!
our army has no use rather than being UN watch man
I don't think so.....they're just hush hush now because they don't want to tarnish their image by going after a democratically elected government......they have a reputation for working on upholding democracy in our country....I think they'll take action when BAL derails!

I understand what you mean, I actually meant a bit different you know the blood of brothers.
Okay there are some good ppl in bnp. But dont say me tareq zia is your favourite person.
If bnp can ever get rid of zia family and jammat, people will really get help from this party.

I see what you are trying to do, but i'd suggest try to be even more creative

i don't know what Tariq Rahman did, but the last things people would trust is RAW-BAL joint info releases.

let me rephrase what you wrote - "i don't want BNP to exist anymore because it has too formidable a base for BAL to have eternal power in BD and continue the abductions and bloodletting in the streets in the name of secular militant bengalism." "i also don't want a BNP-JEI alliance to continue as it only makes it harder for BAL and its secular/atheist friends to remain inside BD"
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