Remember if it doesn’t look right or if it doesn’t sound or smell right, report it! When observing your surroundings, use the look, scent, listen method.
Start from head and go to toes, clothing information such as shirts, pants, shoes, accessories, and then consider the physical characteristics of the individual such as:
1. Body shape
2. Skin colour/ Eye Colour
3. Hair [colour and length]
4. Height
5. Gender
6. Age
7. Distinguishing features including voice, accent, strange smells such as “Charred hands, or smelling like oil or chemicals etc.”
8. Finally record the direction of travel: Which way were they going.
Plz educate us...... how to neutralize a suicide bomber....... without killing him or your self.....???
Any hints guys......???
No such technology exists, yes there are stand off tools but discussing those on an open forum would expose existing countermeasures to members of the public that should not be privy to such information