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BloodBath in India Mob Lynch 2 Hindu Saints #IkWariFirModi

Ataturk, Tito are good.

Other 3 not so much, too much coin flip there.

None of the leaders are mentioned were softies they were harsh and the policies were tough medications and in some aspects contributed to their success long term tho I dont think personality cults should exist
Pakistan needs to be a Third Positionist state meaning a mixture of Socialistic and some aspects of market realm but on the society front put down reactionary elements under the cloak of religion tbh the founders of the country were not made from tough steel of balls if we had a founding leader like Ataturk,Stalin,Mao,Tito,Nasser to a extent we could have been something else instead we got Anglo Baboons who were lawyers and land owners later on
Trust me count your lucky stars we had these Anglo-baboons. If it was not for what the Britrish left behind, army, civil service, legal infra full of Anglo-baboons Pakistan would be somewhere above Mali and just below Afghanistan. The country would be ran by Desi-baboons like Khadim Hussain Rizvi of TLP etc

Other 3 not so much
Stalin, Mao would be just what the doctor ordered for Pakistan. This country required a total cultural, social intellectual revolution and purging of the old order like Mao did in China.
Trust me count your lucky stars we had these Anglo-baboons. If it was not for what the Britrish left behind, army, civil service, legal infra full of Anglo-baboons Pakistan would be somewhere above Mali and just below Afghanistan. The country would be ran by Desi-baboons like Khadim Hussain Rizvi of TLP etc

That's understandable but it has its downsides those same Anglo baboons made deals with reactionary folks like Maudadudi who opposed Pakistan as an nation and let's not forget the 1949 resolutions pseudo liberals blame Zia for it but he is the symptom of those same elite making backroom deals
Stalin, Mao would be just what the doctor ordered for Pakistan. This country required a total cultural, social intellectual revolution and purging of the old order like Mao did in China.[/QUOTE]

Pakistanis are huge Turkophiles but dont understand the potion of success that Ataturk gave to the Turkish people Erdogan tho trying his best to change that has failed on the societal front as Turks are bought up from a system inherited by the Kemalists
Yes, they come in gangs, and you don't even know that they have called others through channels outside of this forum.

Yes brother you are correct. I am sure they are using Discord and other social media to target Pakistanis on this forum.

Notice how friendly they become to any ravenous, venomous troll who shows up here targetting Pakistanis or other Muslims.
None of the leaders are mentioned were softies they were harsh and the policies were tough medications and in some aspects contributed to their success long term tho I dont think personality cults should exist

Yah but Ataturk and Tito were very measured on violence part of it. They were strict and harsh on their national vision....but they didnt unleash the truly nasty stuff that erodes (long term given ppl memories) what they were trying to accomplish.

So they get lot higher marks from me, because they were able to do net positive on it rather than have a "de-name-ification" afterwards and counter purges afterwards etc etc because of the hurt done by say Mao, Stalin.

Nasser I honestly dont know much about to comment there though. I don't think he was super significant to the way Egypt has moulded itself today. That is also important, what is the actual practical relevance long term to what the noted upstream directioneer did....because good intents are just intents in the end without real permeation and real grounded inertia etc...
Yes brother you are correct. I am sure they are using Discord and other social media to target Pakistanis on this forum.

Notice how friendly they become to any ravenous, venomous troll who shows up here targetting Pakistanis or other Muslims.

the fault lines aren't exactly some rocket science or an ancient lost script encoding

let them earn some good remittances
Pakistanis are huge Turkophiles
Like they are Sinophiles. This is called 'long distance love'. If the your typical mullah in Pakistan went to Istanbul and saw semi-naked ladies walking about, bars full of alcohol intoxicated people, gay parade, man love touted on the streets their eyes would open up. Then it would bev "gora, gora **expletives". Same applies if they get to know Chinese up close and personal.

On the Turkish social/political scale I would be regarded as a conservative Muslim. In Pakistan I would be ragarded as a westoxified, zionist loving bastard liberal. That tells you how differant stages of political maturity Pakistan and Turkey are. So distant that most of our masses can't even understand.
Stalin, Mao would be just what the doctor ordered for Pakistan. This country required a total cultural, social intellectual revolution and purging of the old order like Mao did in China.

Well that stuff is ok...but im talking about full package of devastation on civilian populations. Its coin flip....hard to open the tap just for X and stop Y.

But I suppose its hypothetical modelling anyway, I get general gist of what you guys are saying.
Thank you. I really appreciate that. No idea if I am your brother or chacha as @OsmanAli98 calls me. Today is my 57th birthday.

Salgirah mubarak baad. That is a lovely age, I wish you the best.

Although today I did 50 press ups in one go. Apparently that would pass USMC training requirements. So felt rather good I must say.

That is great ma sha Allah, I have been a martial artist and bodybuilder for much of my life as well.

Strongly suggest you build thicker skin. This is internet. Real life can be 100 times worse. I would worry about you if few remarks on PDF mess your day. You just keep tight and keep slogging on.

I am plenty tough, I have lived in and worked in some of the toughest areas of the US.

If it was only about me I would not care. Notice how I never respond directly to any personal abuse on this forum.

We have Mods for a reason, to keep the trolls at bay from swarming the forum.

Anyway I did not tag you to get involved in this issue, but to share my story how I joined the forum.

We have only one forum online for Pakistanis, there isn't any other. If this also becomes a refuse like Quora, Wikipedia, and other places, where do Pakistanis have to share ideas with each other?

This forum needs to be a safe place for Pakistanis to nurture the next generation. You sir are part and parcel of that great effort. Thank you, sincerely.
But I suppose its hypothetical modelling anyway, I get general gist of what you guys are saying.
Man what do you do in a country where while the global pandemic has turned New York, London into ghost towns costing trillions but in Pakistan mullahs have insisted in mosques remaining opened. And the government for understandable reason has backed of because it knows that masses would follow the mullahs.

The lockdown in UK is about 95% succesful. Not because of fear of police or fear government but because most people saw the logic of why government orderd the lockdown. Every shade of political opinion supported the government. All influencers in society, media, churches etc have followed on and supported the lockdown.

In Pakistan the mullahs and their mass followers have gone against the obvious. How do you cure the sickness behind this? It can't be neogiated. It can't be reasoned with. Only solution is you let Stalin or Mao loose. Turkey, Russia, China are where they are largely or significantly because of those leaders. They were men of their times. We did not have men like that. That is why generation after generation in Pakistan will suffer and will continue to suffer. This is death of thousand lashings !
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