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Blonde mullahs of Europe & the "Israel" connection

their parents did not bring them up accordingly to the values of the host country. Out of various reasons....
We agree there!

So stop calling them (2nd generation), immigrant, at the very least! :D

I think enough chitty chat today :D

One request: Kindly try to keep the thread on track!
Audio and Solomon2

A question:

There was this guy, who, back in the 60's went to the US of A as a young electronics engineer (when US really, really, really needed talent and needed it fast). This guy finished his Ms.Eng from University of California, Berkeley, then invited his doctor wife to join him.

After finishing his Ms, this immigrant joined JPL/NASA, and contributed immensely to the space program back then, while his wife worked as a physician @ local hospital.

The couple had a kid in late 70's and moved back to UAE and later to Pakistan. This kid in their parents footsteps got a good education and a great job working @ American oil major.

Now by Audio's standards of US citizenship, these parents and the kid is supposed to be more American than @Audio? :blink:

The kid is me. :pop:


You purposefully forgot to mention how you married and have a kid or two... Stop pretending you are single ;)
You purposefully forgot to mention how you married and have a kid or two... Stop pretending you are single ;)
No, I was with someone since college, things didn't work out --- have never been alone, ever!.

I am with someone right now, however, I am taking my time (don't want to be burned twice)! :cry:
Wilders is just a product of the failed multicultural society in Holland. If there weren't any problems with (muslim) immigrants and a Islamist threat, a person like Wilders could never risen to such importance. I don't embrace Wilders, but it's good that he is present and vocal; it will force other parties to think about the problems and sentiments that exist in this society, in stead of brushing it under the carpet as usual.
Immigration Policy = Does not differentiate between GROUP A & GROUP B

Group A = Factory workers / blue collar jobs / low education / tormented people / war refugees.
Group B = Graduates / Post graduates / Doctors / Engineers

Now, in the long run, Group A will create problems, and Group B will create jobs.

I note that my parents and their surviving family from WWII would be classed Group A, and the leader of the 9/11 hijackers was in Group B. My parents concentrated on rebuilding their lives; Mohammed Atta on destroying lives. Perhaps another kind of "test" would be preferable.
Wilders is just a product of the failed multicultural society in Holland. If there weren't any problems with (muslim) immigrants and a Islamist threat, a person like Wilders could never risen to such importance. I don't embrace Wilders, but it's good that he is present and vocal; it will force other parties to think about the problems and sentiments that exist in this society, in stead of brushing it under the carpet as usual.
Have a debate. Educate. Talk. Compromise. There's no need for morons such as Wilders to polarize the society any further!

I note that my parents and their surviving family from WWII would be classed Group A, and the leader of the 9/11 hijackers was in Group B. My parents concentrated on rebuilding their lives; Mohammed Atta on destroying lives. Perhaps another kind of "test" would be preferable.
Dude, that's what I am saying. Different times, different policies. Monitor and adjust. Look at Pompano Beach, Florida or Nacogdoches, Texas: What is the constant here?

@Mamba baby, I see you lurking about. What's up? Long time..... :D
How? Many asylum seekers come from places with little or no records of their activity, education, social status. they just want out of the hellhole and in here. And Swedes (for example), being all politically correct rarely turn down anyone who is in such dire need.
Deportation process is a bureaucratic nightmare...and appeals, and appeals on appeals..etc....years go by...

system doesnt fail at anyone dude, system isnt guilty of you being a failure.......each and everyone of us is his own being, responsible for his actions, stop blaming the system. System didnt instruct you to fail at school..................i thought since you seem reasonably well educated and open minded you would understand this.
Most likely the reason for 2nd gen people is that their parents did not bring them up accordingly to the values of the host country. Out of various reasons....

Trust me parents want nothing but the best for their children. It is the culture here nobody is interested in school they rather cut and chill because they do not know what it is like to not have an education.

I will use Mexicans as an example because America has/ use to have a huge problem with their illegal immigration. You think the Mexican Parents who come here and have their kids want their kids to be involved in the same sh*t that goes on in Mexico?? No, they do not but often Mexican kids here grow up and join various gangs especially in LA/NY region and terrorize the public while ditching the freely provided education for the streets?? Who is at fault here then? The parents would not have come here in the first place if they wanted their kids to join gangs, there are plenty of those in Mexico. The real question is why is the education system here so unattractive to kids that it makes them all want to cut even though education is free?

I believe the answer has to do with two things. One, the kids are ungrateful and have grown up in a country that provides their parents with countless benefits just for having their kids on this side of the border (wic/ welfare/ social security) and the second is that the education system here is not given much attention (not enough money is pumped into the system). Horrible teachers are usually kept on longer just because they are veterans and new younger more modern teachers are usually the first to be let go. The textbooks are old as hell, the method of teaching is outdated, and the teachers do not even want to be there as by that point most are just there to collect a paycheck. The younger teachers who actually have a desire/ passion to educate are never really given a chance and things are only going to get worse what with all the additional education cuts.

Have a debate. Educate. Talk. Compromise. There's no need for morons such as Wilders to polarize the society any further!

Dude, that's what I am saying. Different times, different policies. Monitor and adjust. Look at Pompano Beach, Florida or Nacogdoches, Texas: What is the constant here?

@Mamba baby, I see you lurking about. What's up? Long time..... :D

What's up bro, yeah been a long time been busy getting ready for back to college and such so that is why I have been MIA. I was taking some time to think about my response to this well thought out thread and even though Wilders is the topic here I think the second question raised here about immigration is something that should be discussed more in depth.
I think the second question raised here about immigration is something that should be discussed more in depth.
Copy that -- That's exactly what I was thinking, we can have a thorough debate on immigration!
KingMAmba93, Have you seen a movie called Freedom writers.
Freedom Writers (2007) - IMDb

It reminded me of your post...Brilliantly said sir.

Thank You and no I haven't I will watch it this weekend thanks for bringing it to my attention looks interesting.

Yara, can you change your handle? There is this other guy I confuse you with, he is your polar-opposite! :blink:

The resident J I Hadi Zarvan? :D

Site acting stupid. :cheesy:
Huh? My avatar is different...How can you confuse me with that guy.:cheesy:
LOL - Yara, I go and see that there is a "thank" by Zarvin, I'm like why this arsehole is thanking me :rofl:

Ok, make the avatar shocking red. I'm not that good with names :D

BTW, you know, my threads are least trolled! :azn:
Whats your problem with my comment.

Are you crumbled with strabismus and squint eyes.

remain on your side of the ring and barb.

Off topic: Are you from AMC? :)

On topic: Let's stay on topic and keep personal issues to zero!

Cheers! :cheers:
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