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Block 2 JF-17 makes first flight ahead of Block 3 improvements

Its the same thing

@Dazzler Can Block II fire BVR and if yes than why can't it fire SD-10A ?
Especially that old guy Mirage,it has served us well now needs to stay at museum....

I cant spot an IFR...

IFR probe will not shown until we reach 29th jet on this year.

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has a contract for 50 Block 2 JF-17s but as Air Cdre Ahsan pointed out, "the full AAR system will not appear until the 29th jet, which should fly later this year [at Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) in China]."

@Dazzler Can Block II fire BVR and if yes than why can't it fire SD-10A ?

" Integrating an AESA with the SD-10A beyond-visual-range missile will provide the PAF and any other JF-17 operator with a long-range, all-aspect precision day and night engagement capability."

Read again 50 times from same key points- Block 2 JF-17 makes first flight ahead of Block 3 improvements | Page 2
Alan Warnes, Kamra, Pakistan - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 March 2015

The first Block 2 JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft made its maiden flight from the Pakistan Aeronautical Company (PAC) facility at Kamra on 9 February.

The aircraft (serial number 2P01) made three more successful flights before being taken to the paint shop in mid-February. The test flights came as a boost as PAC continues to look for a first export customer for its platform.

Air Commodore Ahsan Rafiq, Deputy Chief Project Director (Operations) JF-17 and a former commanding officer of the JF-17 Test and Evaluation Unit, described the Block 2 version as "an upgraded Block 1 with an air-to-air refuelling (AAR) probe, enhanced oxygen system [to allow the pilot to stay in the air longer], and improved electronic countermeasures system (ECS)".

Block 2 JF-17 makes first flight ahead of Block 3 improvements - IHS Jane's 360

I hope that Block-III will come with more advances in Avionics, Engine and Composite airframe.

Block 2 JF-17 makes first flight ahead of Block 3 improvements

Publication:Jane's Defence Weekly
Last posted:2015-03-17

The first Block 2 JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft made its maiden flight from the Pakistan Aeronautical Company (PAC) facility at Kamra on 9 February.

The aircraft (serial number 2P01) made three more successful flights before being taken to the paint shop in mid-February. The test flights came as a boost as PAC continues to look for a first export customer for its platform.

Air Commodore Ahsan Rafiq, Deputy Chief Project Director (Operations) JF-17 and a former commanding officer of the JF-17 Test and Evaluation Unit, described the Block 2 version as "an upgraded Block 1 with an air-to-air refuelling (AAR) probe, enhanced oxygen system [to allow the pilot to stay in the air longer], and improved electronic countermeasures system (ECS)".

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has a contract for 50 Block 2 JF-17s but as Air Cdre Ahsan pointed out, "the full AAR system will not appear until the 29th jet, which should fly later this year [at Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) in China]."

In a further development that sends a clear signal that PAC and Chinese marketing partner CATIC intend business in the international arena, the Block 2 JF-17 will also have a two-seater version, which is now being developed at Chengdu according to the PAF's requirements.

"We know potential customers would like to see a two-seater, although it is not such a big deal for the PAF, which started flying several types, [A-5, F-6, F-7P and F-7PG] without a training version," Air Cdre Ahsan said. "This will give us the chance to show potential suitors how the jet can perform in the air."


Air Cdre Ahsan said that while Block 1 and 2 JF-17s will not differ significantly - with Block 1 JF-17's ECS likely to be upgraded when it suits the PAF, it will be a different story with the Block 3 series.

"We are still developing the Block 3 configuration, but it will be a considerably different aircraft compared to the previous two blocks," he said. "A new AESA [active electronically scanned array] radar will be integrated, but this is still in the design stage; however, we are looking at both Western and Eastern options."

Integrating an AESA with the SD-10A beyond-visual-range missile will provide the PAF and any other JF-17 operator with a long-range, all-aspect precision day and night engagement capability.

As the JF-17 continues to evolve, aircraft units will start coming off the PAC Kamra production line more quickly. The facility is also set to reach the 58% transfer of technology agreed with China, which had been previously slowed down to keep it in line with the plant's infrastructure and equipment growth.


This Block 2 JF-17, with its KLJ-7 airborne pulse doppler fire-control radar visible, was one of the few units on the production line at PAC Kamra on 19 February. The Block 3 version, now being developed, will accommodate a new AESA radar. (Alan Warnes)


The second Block 2 JF-17 sits in the flight test station at PAC Kamra, awaiting its first flight. (Alan Warnes)

Everyone should remember this article of many key points, don't repeat same discussion.

So dual seat now! I am sure it can took many orders of AJTs like T-50 and also for future attack aircraft like Scorpion.
Good news indeed :pakistan:.
However I think it is a bit late. Would be pleasing if we see the Block 2 flying at 23rd March.
What is the priority? First develop 50 Block 2 then upgrade Block 1? or vice versa?
China-Pak in MoU to Develop Variant on JF-17 Thunder
China and Pakistan have reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a stealth version of a light-weight fighter aircraft being jointly produced by them to match MiG-21 warplane, a work horse of the Indian Air Force.JF-17 Thunder, also known as FC-1, being jointly built by Kamra-based Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and Chengdu Aerospace Company (CAC) today made its first appearance at an international air show having flown in here after making refueling stops in Saudi Arabia and Turkey.The plane, which has been in development in one form or another since 1991, is a symbol of cooperation between China and Pakistan and the first assembled version brought out by the Kamra plant, delivered in November last year, according to ‘Show News,’ a special issue of defence journal Aviation Week for the Farnborough Air Show.“The two (countries) have also reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a stealth variant of the JF-17 Thunder,” it said.The journal said that Pakistan Air Force (PAK) is expected to acquire around 250 JF-17s, but this may be a split of 100 in the JF-17 configuration, being displayed at the air show here, and 150 of the stealth multi-role combat aircraft (MCRA) between 2015 and 2025.A Russian-built Klimov RD-93 engine — a specialised single-engine fighter variant of the Mig 29’s RS-33 powerplant, powers the plane. The first prototype of the warplane flew in 2003 and the first two Chinese-made versions were handed over to the PAF in March 2007.Show organisers said that the two JF-17 fighter planes would not fly as part of the air show. “The aircraft has not completed its full release to service in Pakistan,” the journal said, quoting a member of the flight control committee.“Although that full release is only month away, the PAF is also today in what is for them new territory. Farnborough is their very
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Pakistan Develop Stealth version of the JF-17 Thunder Block II‏

Although the JF-17 design was frozen after its 6th prototype, there was an informal understanding on further development of the block II stealthy version. Several designs of the stealthy JF-17 have since then been floated, like the one above. Now, there are reports coming of an MoU being officially signed between Pakistan and China to develop the much advanced block II version. The JF-17, despite seeing immense hindrance by India [and may be Russia now] is surprisingly seeing huge acceptance and appreciation from some very good Air forces of the world such as of Turkey and Egypt. In fact, there were also reports of India considering the JF-17 before 26/11.The new JF-17 block II could be an indication of Pakistan’s approval for its next (5th) generation fighter and this comes because India has already agreed to “pay for” the PAK-FA Russian 5th generation fighter, aimed at countering the American F-22 Raptor. India is also on papers wooing an indigenous [?] 5th generation fighter called the MCA (Medium Combat aircraft) but with India’s LCA now entering its 4th decade of prototyping, this seems not likely before 2040, a time when 6th generation fighters would already be flying. The block II of JF-17 could see deployment before 2020. This is reported to be an entirely full-stealth aircraft. Congratulations to the nation.

China-Pak in MoU to Develop Variant on JF-17 Thunder
China and Pakistan have reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a stealth version of a light-weight fighter aircraft being jointly produced by them to match MiG-21 warplane, a work horse of the Indian Air Force.JF-17 Thunder, also known as FC-1, being jointly built by Kamra-based Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and Chengdu Aerospace Company (CAC) today made its first appearance at an international air show having flown in here after making refueling stops in Saudi Arabia and Turkey.The plane, which has been in development in one form or another since 1991, is a symbol of cooperation between China and Pakistan and the first assembled version brought out by the Kamra plant, delivered in November last year, according to ‘Show News,’ a special issue of defence journal Aviation Week for the Farnborough Air Show.“The two (countries) have also reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a stealth variant of the JF-17 Thunder,” it said.The journal said that Pakistan Air Force (PAK) is expected to acquire around 250 JF-17s, but this may be a split of 100 in the JF-17 configuration, being displayed at the air show here, and 150 of the stealth multi-role combat aircraft (MCRA) between 2015 and 2025.A Russian-built Klimov RD-93 engine — a specialised single-engine fighter variant of the Mig 29’s RS-33 powerplant, powers the plane. The first prototype of the warplane flew in 2003 and the first two Chinese-made versions were handed over to the PAF in March 2007.Show organisers said that the two JF-17 fighter planes would not fly as part of the air show. “The aircraft has not completed its full release to service in Pakistan,” the journal said, quoting a member of the flight control committee.“Although that full release is only month away, the PAF is also today in what is for them new territory. Farnborough is their very
Fake, what a joke of an article. Even if you didn't know a single thing about fights, the mere allegation that India would somehow be interested in an aircraft that its enemies developed should tell you that this article is batshit crazy.

Also post source for these articles next time.

[edit]: I know I sound like an asshole, so I apologize, but seriously, please read the article before posting. A stealth jf-17 is improbable, and dumb. India wanting to buy the jf-17? That is the height of lunacy. Try not to post articles from clearly poor sources, and actually post your sources as well.
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Fake, what a joke of an article. Even if you didn't know a single thing about fights, the mere allegation that India would somehow be interested in an aircraft that its enemies developed should tell you that this article is batshit crazy.

Also post source for these articles next time.

[edit]: I know I sound like an asshole, so I apologize, but seriously, please read the article before posting. A stealth jf-17 is improbable, and dumb. India wanting to buy the jf-17? That is the height of lunacy. Try not to post articles from clearly poor sources, and actually post your sources as well.
China, Pak in MoU to develop stealth variant on JF-17 Thunder
China-Pak in MoU to Develop Stealth Variant of JF-17 Thunder | ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS
China-Pak in MoU to develop stealth variant of JF-17 Thunder | Page 3

I am not expert in jets and flights sir ........ i only wanted views of experts here i was thinking that may be stealth technology is in pips or they are thinking about it nothing else ?? and you seem to be expert in all of this @That Guy if you want i would delete my post sir ??
M new and came here to learn from you people .........:-):-)
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Alan Warnes, Kamra, Pakistan - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 March 2015

The first Block 2 JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft made its maiden flight from the Pakistan Aeronautical Company (PAC) facility at Kamra on 9 February.

The aircraft (serial number 2P01) made three more successful flights before being taken to the paint shop in mid-February. The test flights came as a boost as PAC continues to look for a first export customer for its platform.

Air Commodore Ahsan Rafiq, Deputy Chief Project Director (Operations) JF-17 and a former commanding officer of the JF-17 Test and Evaluation Unit, described the Block 2 version as "an upgraded Block 1 with an air-to-air refuelling (AAR) probe, enhanced oxygen system [to allow the pilot to stay in the air longer], and improved electronic countermeasures system (ECS)".

Block 2 JF-17 makes first flight ahead of Block 3 improvements - IHS Jane's 360

Good work, another milestone of PK industry, congrats!
Let's continue and further boost this momentum!

@boke, Please try to provide translation in English if source is any other language. This time let me help :)


This is a good news , it is Pakistan that they can fully produce master fighter , improved avionics system through continuous upgrades , radar , engine, flight control software , my ideal is expected to be Xiaolong able to use their own for aircraft production of the species of air weapons can also be very good compatibility Russia various combat weapons. Xiaolong fighter personally would not put too much Western doping equipment , European countries have bought something through the digestion and absorption of technology , really put an end to the back door , to grasp the true sense , in order to ease of use.


  • upload_2015-3-18_20-31-25.png
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where is refueling pod there are not visible

They will start putting them on from 29th aircraft. Probably they're still performing tests with it.
Plumbing is all there, they just have to stick the probe on the outside.
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