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Blinken has Blinked!

China can overwhelm US Air Defences.

US Naval vessels will have limited fire power being at sea while China will have unlimited firepower as they would be firing the missiles from land.

China can fight well and inflict losses on any side in theory but it comes down to the scenario as well. Pacific ocean is a massive environment and US has considerable maritime operational history, exposure, and experience. This is an operations domain where China is a new entrant while US is an experienced side and has done well historically. There are so many variables to consider.

Unlimited firepower? No such thing as unlimited firepower. China has a total of 200 ASBM launchers. Some will be deployed, others will be kept in reserve.

Just one Ohio-class SSGN is equipped with a total of 154 Tomahawk Block 4 cruise missiles. US Navy has a total of 4 Ohio-class SSGN = 616 Tomahawk Block 4 cruise missiles.

Just one Nimitz-class CVW is equipped with a force of 44 strike fighters, 5 electronic attack aircraft, and 5 AEW&C aircraft. Each strike fighter can be equipped with up to 4 JASSM-ER cruise missiles. Even if a mixed load out of 2 JASSM-ER cruise missiles, 2 fuel tanks, 4 AIM-120D3 and 4 AIM-9X is assumed for each strike fighter, a total of 88 JASSM-ER cruise missiles can be launched from the strike package in a small span of time. US Navy can commit up to 6 Nimitz-class CVW for the military operation at any point in time = 528 JASSM-ER cruise missiles.

You see where this is going? There is a lot more to consider.
China can fight well and inflict losses on any side in theory but it comes down to the scenario as well. Pacific ocean is a massive environment and US has considerable maritime operational history, exposure, and experience. This is an operations domain where China is a new entrant while US is an experienced side and has done well historically. There are so many variables to consider.

Unlimited firepower? No such thing as unlimited firepower. China has a total of 200 ASBM launchers. Some will be deployed, others will be kept in reserve.

Just one Ohio-class SSGN is equipped with a total of 154 Tomahawk Block 4 cruise missiles. US Navy has a total of 4 Ohio-class SSGN = 616 Tomahawk Block 4 cruise missiles.

Just one Nimitz-class CVW is equipped with a force of 44 strike fighters, 5 electronic attack aircraft, and 5 AEW&C aircraft. Each strike fighter can be equipped with up to 4 JASSM-ER cruise missiles. Even if a mixed load out of 2 JASSM-ER cruise missiles, 2 fuel tanks, 4 AIM-120D3 and 4 AIM-9X is assumed for each strike fighter, a total of 88 JASSM-ER cruise missiles can be launched from the strike package. US Navy can commit up to 6 Nimitz-class CVW for the war = 528 JASSM-ER cruise missiles.

You see where this is going?

At this point, I kiss my American passport.
China can fight well and inflict losses on any side in theory but it comes down to the scenario as well. Pacific ocean is a massive environment and US has considerable maritime operational history, exposure, and experience. This is an operations domain where China is a new entrant while US is an experienced side and has done well historically. There are so many variables to consider.

Unlimited firepower? No such thing as unlimited firepower. China has a total of 200 ASBM launchers. Some will be deployed, others will be kept in reserve.

Just one Ohio-class SSGN is equipped with a total of 154 Tomahawk Block 4 cruise missiles. US Navy has a total of 4 Ohio-class SSGN = 616 Tomahawk Block 4 cruise missiles.

Just one Nimitz-class CVW is equipped with a force of 44 strike fighters, 5 electronic attack aircraft, and 5 AEW&C aircraft. Each strike fighter can be equipped with up to 4 JASSM-ER cruise missiles. Even if a mixed load out of 2 JASSM-ER cruise missiles, 2 fuel tanks, 4 AIM-120D3 and 4 AIM-9X is assumed for each strike fighter, a total of 88 JASSM-ER cruise missiles can be launched from the strike package in a small span of time. US Navy can commit up to 6 Nimitz-class CVW for the military operation at any point in time = 528 JASSM-ER cruise missiles.

You see where this is going? There is a lot more to consider.

The United States has no chance of winning a conventional war. If it is a nuclear war, no one knows how many nuclear warheads China has.

What the United States wants to maintain is global hegemony. As long as there is a war, more places will escape the control of the United States.

This has not considered the internal problems of the United States, as long as there is a war, all problems will erupt.
Blinken confirmed that US will never support the independence of Taiwan

Begs China not to decouple the economies and disrupt the supply chains to NATO countries.

Requests Chinese students to study in the US universities.

Pleads China to not take any milirary action against US Navy in SCS and Pacific.

What do you mean?
This was policy all along
It's called one China policy

USA ambiguity comes in where it says it wants peace and will not support for e over taking of Taiwan by China
If ordinary Americans still haven't seen reality clearly, the statements of several American politicians are meaningless.

If the USA does not make concessions in geopolitics, why should we reconcile with them in the economic and trade fields?

Although I am not for USA, I see nothing wrong in Chinese studying in USA or Canada just for higher education.

BUT THEN...Chinese students must return home permanently to build China.

His royal highness sits in Canada while Pakistan burns

He advises Chinese students on what they should do :D :D :D :D :(
His royal highness sits in Canada while Pakistan burns

He advises Chinese students on what they should do :D :D :D :D :(
Pakistan is doing fine.
Secondly ever heard of freedom of speech?

I am entitled to my opinion you moron.
Pakistan is doing fine.
Secondly ever heard of freedom of speech?

I am entitled to my opinion you moron.
you are entitled to your opinion. No one is taking you seriously
Do as I say just do not do what I do :D
wht else did you expect? US will go to war with China? Listen to nut jobs assuming we will not be hit by a nukes?
wht else did you expect? US will go to war with China? Listen to nut jobs assuming we will not be hit by a nukes?

US and China will never war with each other unless circumstances are so dire they're forced into it. What we could see is a Ukr-Russian Style conflict between different actors.
The real war will still continue on the economic front, US will not let it's foot off trying to isolated China and deny it critical tech and market access.

China will have to cultivate an alternate market for it's goods outside of West as well as a tech eco system that will not only survive but thrive without synergy with the western world.
Blinken confirmed that US will never support the independence of Taiwan

Begs China not to decouple the economies and disrupt the supply chains to NATO countries.

Requests Chinese students to study in the US universities.

Pleads China to not take any milirary action against US Navy in SCS and Pacific.

Independent Taiwan was never US stand. US has always advocated one nation two systems of think it is called (some Chinese expert May pls confirm the name).
The issue is about China getting ready to absorb Taiwan into its own system. It’s been talked of as the success and failure of Xi Jingping depending upon who you ask.
We will never know if Xi blinks
They're trying to block that off too with QUAD, trying to get India to go along with it. India being the opportunist that it is might just try.

I definitely think India will try to start something near the Tibetan border in case a conflict occurs in Taiwan. Modi wants his Akhand Bharat dream realized.
🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 at that organge sh*t color map. They’re deliberately churning out these maps left and right trying to soften up whatever they’re attempting to do.
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