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BLF Rejects Imran Khan's Offer for Dialogue

There you go. Terrorists deserve bullets. Not talks

Yep there you go, they couldn’t give a $hit about any Pakistan. They want to sow chaos and destroy the state.
So we’ve tried “talking” to them as some suggested.
After abusing the terrirtories resources, Now You want dialogue, Haha no chance

At least we offer dialogue you lot just kick Kashmiri women in the head.
Our territory. Our rules

You go lynch a muslim or something

They have multiple insurgencies yet he laughs at our one, that to which is being overseen by a paramilitary force. Kashmir is overrun with their regular army.
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Perhaps, Khan's propound for dialogue was intended for a reason. Since, confab was proposed, so called peacemakers won't object any sortie in Baluchistan if carried out by Pakistan.
Military ops is inevitable. I guess few concentration camps will be needed to educate those who revolt.
I have been calling for an OP in Quetta for over 5 years now, how long does this need to be dragged out? Launch the op and comb Baluchistan. Put some troops on the border first and apply the squeeeeze.
After abusing the terrirtories resources, Now You want dialogue, Haha no chance
Oh, what're you their unofficial spokesman?

& its NOT their territories - its Pakistan's territory. They don't own d!ck...

Either they play by the book OR yeah, the F-16's will be dropping a few GBU-12's over their strongholds.
Now, kill them wherever they're found....

Use all means at your disposal.....
Airstrikes don't really work in guerilla war. Unless your enemy is incompatent
MALE tactical drones, like Bayraktar TB2, have decimated the PKK/YPG/YPD terrorists, located in the inhospitable mountainous and vegetated regions in the Northern Irak, to a level of being dysfunctional and ineffective! By the by they're abundantly supported by the USA/EU/KSA/GCC etc. with all sorts of weapons, logistics, intelligence, planning etc....
It was not BLA Allah Nazar is the head of BLF.BLF denied gov's offer of negotiations this AIBOARDPSF is full of fake news.
he is a good fellow...i know him....very patriotic and enthusiastic....saw his tweet but didn't counter it....he may have made a mistake here....but koi nhn hota hai :)
"BLA Khuzdar distances itself from BLA Chandigarh" after agencies do to BLA what they did to MQM. Divide and rule :tup:
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