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BLF Raped, 10 year old Chakar Baluch, murdered and blamed his death on the FC.

The Army had done its job right, after searchlight the insurgency had been put down and our control extended over the entire province of East Pakistan. India's direct intervention is what flipped the entire conflict over in the Bengali's favour.

Overall, it was Bhutto's failure. He should have let Mujib assume power as was his right but he had to go and act like a douche. His undying thirst for power lead him to dismember the country just so that he could become PM.

Yaraa but the failure to anticipate that - Isn't that a military failure as well ? :what:

I remember talking to a '71 Veteran who told me how they were given, at times, surprisingly strange orders that stretched them thin against a numerically much superior Indian onslaught where they were tasked with protecting, in his words, 'every inch of East Pakistan as opposed to Key Areas or Pressure Points' as he explained it to me; at the same time the Bengalis didn't stop harrying & hounding them day & night taking pot shots at them whenever an opportunity presented itself !
buddy there was debate on the report...look for it ..you will get it..are your parliamentary committee reports posted online???

Only commission on the matter was Hamud-ur-Rahman Commission and that was never publicized.
Yaraa but the failure to anticipate that - Isn't that a military failure as well ? :what:

I remember talking to a '71 Veteran who told me how they were given, at times, surprisingly strange orders that stretched them thin against a numerically much superior Indian onslaught where they were tasked with protecting, in his words, 'every inch of East Pakistan as opposed to Key Areas or Pressure Points' as he explained it to me; at the same time the Bengalis didn't stop harrying & hounding them day & night taking pot shots at them whenever an opportunity presented itself !

The failure of the Army in that situation was due to a combination of factors such as Indian's numerical superiority, Soviet support for them, the hostile attitude of the Bengali populace, dissent and fear of further dissent in Bengali ranks which composed most of the force in East Pakistan.

Even when the Indians reached Dhaka, Pak Army held many important points which could have been used as a springboard back in to Delhi. But the population had no desire to reintegrate back into Pakistan and it was an uphill battle. So the order to surrender was issued, holdouts such as the 57th Brigade continued to fight for three days after the surrender and had still held Indian forces at bay when they were sent surrendered generals to order them to put down their arms.

On the whole it was an ill-fated operation because we had allowed the Mukties too much confidence before searchlight. Had we not allowed them to reach such a stage, it could have been prevented.

The situation had fell out of hand quicker than even Mujib had anticipated and he told the population time and again that they were not looking for independence as late as 24th March 1971 but the people had been overtaken by this matter and they had gone too far to be brought back. This subsequent agitation and quest lead to Mujib being killed and that's why Bangladesh took considerable time to settle.

In my own assessment, it was almost inevitable owing to the geographical challenges but it is a pity that it had to happen so.
Not only BLF,BRA is involved in dumping bodies but also Pro government militias under the patronage of FC/Army are/were involved in these activities. That's why FC gets blamed too often. In early years of insurgency, 07-08, they might be involved in killing and dumping but then this work was outsourced to Baloch Musalla Difa Tanzeem and similar groups, who as per their natures also took care of their tribal rivalries through killings/violence giving the impression they are acting on behalf of military establishment, thus bringing bad name to FC, that every tom dick harry killed blame is being put on them
Ah, @pkuser2k12

This is one of the greatest tragedy that our media sector is twisting facts and scenarios.We are shown only one-sided story.Our LEA/FC/paramilitary/military is blamed,while other side of story is remained untold.
We all are well aware that insurgencies succeed in those areas where insurgents succeed to create confusion in environement by either damaging property/lives of subject and blaming military for this or attacking military to prove their strength.At this point,your media can do a alot to counter these attempts by highlighting all their dirty gameplan and attempts thus helping somehow to clear the confusion,but unluckily in our case,our media is not supporting us well.Media has their own interest or agendas.Thus,their strategy or policy has nothing to do with 'sach ki talash' or 'Jeenay do' but with show ratings and investments,sadly

both sides spread misinformation. One should be very careful in believing what ISPR or separatists say.
Govt forces will call taliban Indian agent or BLA Indian supported to reduce their legitimacy. Same trick used to discredit the mullas that support taliban.
On other hand separatists and taliban type entities would like to discredit govt agencies by showing them as immoral, who consume alcohol, womanizer and who kill people at will.
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